domingo, marzo 14, 2021

Created by Medias

 New voices grow around the past. Nothing happen when the polítical parties hide reality in front of its citizens. The challenge must break the beds where our dreams rest in front of the enemies, created by our gods. Banks and other speculators build castles with it's towers are occupies by common soldiers, paid to be fanatic civil servants and  blind served bricklayers who showed their muscles without brain which were killed when only received superb display

In my scolaire box , I don't like to delete my inscription: freedom without privileges. These days, new apostles speak about this Totem Word. Why people are postrated un front of this Myth?

Do you know it real meaning when the Media are feed by nice vulture funds which work to obtain money to its quite investors which read excited lives of saints?

A new juggler of garbage feeder. He knocks at the door with knuckles occupied everyone by the letter of F R E E D and this moment they understand that  the last two letters O M don't fit outside the hands and when this man is going to write its inside the hands, he has seen the metaphor: at the end, the freedom is taken by its Proclaimers, isn' It, Frank of Chances?

Don't hide your T-ship to glorify this DREAM, this wake up me

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y