viernes, julio 31, 2015

¿Por qué violaste la balanza?

¿Empezó tu amor a la justicia en un putrefacto lar donde los cristales rotos, violaban sueños?. ¿Es justicia tus pasos sobre alfombras mecánicas impulsadas por la impudicía?.

Ves el campo que recorres o las montañas que asaltas; el frágil equilibrio te arroba en los momentos que percibes que aún en la debilidad del tiempo, puedes saborear el aroma que entra para exhalar vida. Y, ¿no te produce asco ser el sobrepeso que destruye la equidad de la balanza?

Tristeza infinita si en un tiempo te encerraste para comprender la justicia y liberado del ahora, instante atrapado en paredes de 10 horas, se esfuma en tus codicias, creando ciénagas en las que se ahoga una bella niña que exhibe orgullosa su balanza, porque siendo cáduco, perennizas el martillo del poderoso. 

Triste tu sino, vivir por encima de la justicia, machorro enfermizo

jueves, julio 30, 2015

I don't know the best words to describe you

They speak about a great Man, who says nice and clear words,

What is the problem then?

He's marking the planets but I only love the Moon.

when great, suggestive and immeasurable planets drive us

I stop my mind near the dark Satellite without love.

Stupid ideas about clean other people, in the middle of his junks

lunes, julio 27, 2015

Owen Jones and "The Establishment"

How can our society fight against the right think thanks; “The Establishment” is my second book read of Owen Jones, The Guardian's report.

My first contacts with this book are very illuminating. It is because I enjoy obtain social information every day that it is not a surprise, but as a good reporter Owen places me in the origin of these outriders who have opened the doors of different powers. These mythical people hadn’t any shame to use the queue of unemployment workers as our Spanish government when the right parties are the worst plague which attacks this social class.

These outriders, servants and part of “the Establishment” are supported by Medias, banks ( publishes an article as the main banks of Europe which we are helped with its debts, have their moneys in tax havens) and, of course, politicians whom our society are supporting as a groggy boxer, because it would be impossible that one of them could defend that European countries were more scared of party which analyse society problems than corrupt parties which haven’t any part of its body, clean

Miguel Urban, a clever politician writes about the real meaning of the actions against Greek. Troika must destroy people interventions against, at least, their inconclusive decisions

It is easier destroy the reputation of common people than analyse the real problems of our society

It is incredible that our country can improve the use of negative and expansive energies that discovers alternative energies less harmful. Occidental countries have taken the way of alternative renewables energies. What can it happen here?

domingo, julio 19, 2015

What is more possible than other things?

This morning appears more English books than other days. Every topic offers me it body to show me love and stability. An European country shows me it body. I know it price that I don't like to pay it; why I have to respect the criminal people who accept these robberies and later they are protected by the laws of insinuating corrupt Europa?

I had big holes that this woman knew; why, now, she asks me money. She knew my weakness and her ambition

Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y