domingo, diciembre 29, 2013

I am free in your box. Troika Watch, boletin informativo

Troika watch, Error 404, democracy not found

Merry Christmas

She showed me her nice clothes. I had read for three hours a new report about that mendacious and criminal man who spread his shits.

What are a man losing when his actions are supporting an unjust society?

Someone are trying to understand me because I haven't understood his democracy. They're watching my life when I'm showing my knowledges although, the last time, they're thinking about other person who writes my reports; not because I have a good level, it's only because they have visited me in a jail, in a cavern where I'm living after 2 years.

There, they haven't been able to see some electronic tool. I'm sharing my room with a bears, they never couldn't think that this animal translate my ideas across the grass. There, these thoughts will rest for decades and later, they will be unearthed in metals that will use to kill people.

Can I say that I have some criminal idea?. Have the thinkings DNA to identify me?

If Mandela, during 45 years, was included in the list of suspects. Should the authorities, now, to respect free thinkers and only in the last moment, because they discover that his influence was bad, change. Or is it easier their current maneuvers: kicking, beatens people? At least, they could say that they're also controlling the beast, wild side of life. Now, we can see them with open bar

What I must understand in every moment

20 years later, someone can analyze the Mandela act but around us, even myself we've to make our own work, although every day I discover that our freedom is supported by buyers of nice trademarks. And we will only walk small rows of freedom

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y