domingo, diciembre 22, 2013

Are you going to buy the next Javier Marias' book?

Certainly, I'll buy it although I've problems now to read its.


If you ask me about why I've problems to read perhaps I should drink more relaxing caffee cup to stop my head.

If you ask me about why I'll buy these different books, it's because an author helps me to understand my world in the best way that I couldn't do it.

I'm reading the Marias's report in "El País" this Sunday, I understand very well and I also need him to translate my internal reality of the middle of the places, as today, Manuel Vicent, other author brilliantly writes us about our inaction in our country. Could someone think that it's only because behind a rotten party are economic, religious and judicial powers, that this uncontrolled capitalist situation can be supported?  Of course, losing rights and freedom; and as David Grossman also says today, the fear destroys and paralyses a society although these forces showed us a stupid paradise with their speculative verbiage.

Authors, singers, dancers don't forget us


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Siameses y mercader
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