jueves, agosto 01, 2013

Is it today?, yes, today, it's my funny day

You can think that this day would be hard and dark, but not too bad, as said an old teacher before be tired by my poor English, it won't be too bad, because:

- Behind me, a woman asks her nefew about ten esential points where they are disagree. Her nephew answer her, in a good way that she understand but she has also her answer: She will always be with our main character of today. Why she's agree with him. Not answer, only believe.

- On the other hand, he will never walk alone; he knows that the money looks at him. The last years, from the darkness; the next years, they will find other ways; but nobody can think that they will help poor people or also foreigners.

- Two, three, four years ago. Has you seen: demonstrations, blasts. Why?, - stupid freedom (we only said freedom, those days), because we only defended our freedom to choose our students. How many demonstrations. A lot offs; opposite of us?, they were silents (this word, we can also say for these angry people. Our supporters were with us. They and their children can say that they obtain best marks with our help. 
                      Love for everybody, justice,....? We begin with ourselves.

- He also knows that some special people ask for the life, but they only ask for the life that they can control. When people need their house, their taxes, their money, they play with the fools, quite well. They will go out to the street for the first lives. They will close their caves with the other lives.

. And he's also protected by justice, both divine and human.

Then, not today is not a bad day.   Is a mountain stage, but with these drugs, I can cycling without problems. 

--Je, je, what athlete, I'm!

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y