viernes, enero 03, 2014

Viéndolo llegar

She turned back her head and she decided to go out; Why?

There, Brendan was seeing that country where his grandfather had fought 80 years ago. And she was nervously waiting a new report about the stupid actions where young people exposed their wonderful lives about meeting with each other; of course, they were always, at same time, earning money. This was the life that had fulled this woman after her surrender.

Brendan had tried to explain her something about his old life perhaps it wasn't time now, when the politicians had given us our own way: It was easier they would create waste works to help us about our crummy life and they will calm down with a god that would be compassionate and understanding with our hereditary weakness (some of them only were supervening scams).

Why should everyone think about their own way? Didn't we understand that this situation had been creating disturbs across the century?

She thought for a moment as she has developed her life some years ago. Oh! I was closing my circle and they're driving my eyes!.

Brendan had been a support then; the last times, she had gone away herself from him, and now, she needed his big hug; he also needed it!; they recognized the eternal power of small things that were held by busissmen.

Could they, some time, walk without nice and prodigious stars?

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y