lunes, abril 22, 2013

When old people don't like to worry ys

Amour" of Michel Hanecke; an old Anne's student arrives. He's strongly happy about her help. Now, he perceives, on the one hand, that his life pass very fast and the other hand, this couple is clossed in their own decadence. They accept this moment in their life and, as doctor told me some years ago, their winter life.

It's a time for excelence, but without humanisme; this wonderful word, excelence, drives us towards worlds of winner and losers.

Who enjoys this insincere magic wand: stallholders and owners of linked dreams of grandiloquence, but this report is not for them.

 Fighting to be a human being, not a servant of this criminal system. Today, I saw a man who needed two  walking stick but he's helped me to comunicate in an easy way.

This couple would be so important for us, if we'll see the sky to look for our own ways

Here, they showed us their love, now, we love them more, I don't know if too late

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y