domingo, abril 21, 2013

My car has stopped

I'm seeing around me, after two minutes, other cars haven't passed. I look in the rearview, no car arrive. Close to me, the lush lady is in her powerful car try to phone someone.

A lonely runner is advancing through our stillness; she angrily throws her phone. Nobody gets out of the car, no one wants to communicate.

A hour later, a purple cloud covers the sky. A lot of cars are full of these bills, which were leaving our country because our politicians had decided to be honest: the 500 euro should immediately disappear.

The money had taken the soul of some man and these human beings thought that they should take money out of Spain because their relationship was deeper than ever; but the cars had stopped. The bills lived happily, free but in the dark; then, unscrupulous,  had left its servers. All these tickets, now, flew together looking for other countries to their cynical freedom.

Under this endless swarm, I begin  to feel purple drops on my body. Cars, highway, trees, castle, houses are dyed with this color. These bills didn't know that men were the only way to get out and the sun was their worst enemy.

Oh, the 500 euro are following the runner, then this nice woman and me, full of greed, began running, the bills followed us, we were happier than that runner who, now, walked; after 30 minutes, we need stop, not walk, then we are buried under the amorphous mass of old bills, I don't know how many time, we'll live.

Money will always be with whoever moves. I don't know if the runner will come back to his house o perhaps he'll live in the caves

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y