viernes, abril 19, 2013

We've been alone in the square

La política como actividad secreta, video blog de Iñaki Gabilondo

I've said: Ok, today, our dream has finished; someone of us, runner, can run and speak about the social topics, that we're listening in every moment in the news, our words will be lost in the middle of our sweat

Another people, these hot days, drink a biere in a nice park with modern terrace and everyone, in these group, knows some joke about the king, or our late President or the last lost President, but I'd dreamt about arguing with different ideology or social action group, in my main square but not; yesterday, guider by my discouragement. I asked myself if I should argue with traditional parties where their bosses would ask your vote, not your opinion.

We analyze our Trade Unions or Political party from our remoteness, from our differences.

If I can obtain some power, I would take it to lay people who are interested about our society around a table.

On the one hand, some group critizise and analyze all differencies between them. On the other hand, we would speak about the known data and we would work together to look for common points.

We strongly need find out us. Can we see as the vultures spread the wounded, drealing their eargeness?

We've left the decision of money servers because we would be the bigger freedom people but finallly, we've paid their big mistakes, then would it be better if we take care about our life and money? 

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Siameses y mercader
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