domingo, abril 14, 2013

Enfrentándose a su ser para crecer

I'm watching: "La Educación Prohibida",

I should write something, but not, I need learn more, see every children (250 students every years aren't an excuse), help them to be themselves.

 It won't be an easy way when the religious, economic, politic power want to get winners who try to endeavor to keep these roles in a circular society; Why a family should see their son as a competitive being without emotional intelligence?

A girl answers:. "I'm already" when her father and the headmaster orde her to study to be something in life

 Loving to help them be themselves.

Am I taking care of this child's will to live  or not?

"Perhaps, you haven't job and your environment is not top notch but if you know how to handle your emotions, surely you'll feel more comfortable, right?". My tribute to Salamanquesa's young people who prepare an educational weekend to understand their reality and they also helped me

The documentary is very long, but very necessary. There isn't only a way

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Siameses y mercader
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