viernes, abril 26, 2013

In the Public Education. If you loved me

You’d hear my voice as you were a few years ago.

You’d ask what it’s the truth of your gifts.

You’d travel around your life, forgetting heavens to be paid

You’d see your couple who learned to respect when you’re young.

You’d feel flavors of the differences.

You’d smell the lands of tilled sweat that aromatize our classrooms

Don’t forget that we should take control of our conscience

Don’t dream the made heavens

Don’t run on the easy roads, when you’re walk in sunny days

Don’t jump on the plants, if you can crash the seeds.

Don’t close your window to see typeset scenarios

Don’t scale when the sky is between the others

Loving the Public school, when they’re human beings

Seeing their feelings, their doubts when they grow

Studying to become citizens who know and respect

Being above the competition that selects and destroys coexistence

Creating, seeing the other who grows whit you

Signing a contract with the society to know it


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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y