domingo, diciembre 09, 2012

What does he do with a ball?; and you?

Are you playing or are yo work? It would be dangerous that you don't know the correct action?
Did you think about these circumstances when you were training together in the track?
- Did you know anybody, there, that were different with your ideas?
- Did you train with them although you knew that those differences could be deeper in the futur?
- When you pass the exam and he failed it, did you take conscience about your position between the ball that  , perhaps, you should shot and his position against unjust situations.

- Would you develop your ideas although its were hurtful against your friend's life?
- Would it be better reveal him before this time?

- Di you buy an apartment after your success?

- Isn't it very expensive or you need an extra money to pay it?

- If you don't need this money you would take actions about theses kind of events?

- If you made a bad shot and someone is injured, you could lose your apartment?
Do you think that the life offer you the only two positions?

Then you'd think that the old friend's actions, arguing against an unjust situation, could destroy the nice World where we live?

- Did you have an idealistic vision about this society where you'd be helping it, with the common training with your friend?

- Showing a reality in a demonstration,  your friend is breaking the bank actions?

The bank action has helped developing our society or their actions have broken the coexistence rules?

- How long we can protect business people, whose we know their richness?

- Did an irresponsible salesman be less harmful for us than your old friend that is showing this sad situations?

We're walking with fake rules that they impose against their compromise, can a police Trade Union boss defend that beats people is more just than lying a society, without  having before confront with their ideas?

The ball, sometimes, isn't to play, it's dangerous against a PERSON who think.

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