martes, diciembre 04, 2012

Cuando volvieron

The year 34, the right extreme party, CEDA, took control of Spanish government. His speech was about the Italian and German government, Hitler and Mussolini. Some people didn't accept this kind of situation but the riots were paralyzed and for two years this party tried to return to the old regime, before the Republic. Two years later, when the left party of the Republic system won, the dark forces that support this extremist Party couldn’t hide the loss of control of the company.
This party had obtained the control as the Italian and German satraps, cheating and hiding their true intentions.
Do you believe that it’s the same in this time? What forces are benefiting?
Some of his stupid supporters scoff from the throne of votes captures. We’re only our knowledge and awareness of walking together; perhaps we’ll have to prove who are each of those who want to plunder us.
Yesterday, we began to know one. The old president of entrepreneurs, from time to time, liked to show us the true path to progress. These days, he’s having a new experience.
On the other hand, the German bankers have borrowed money. When they did these actions; didn’t they know our weaknesses?
They made us believe in their dream of crazy growth that they had 70 years ago; they know that common people will always pay

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