lunes, abril 30, 2012


She decided to go out after she'd listened to that nice song. Two years later, the songwriter had described that huge and interminable night which had begun so sad; the lyric described feelings, kiss, skins and hours.

That day, her mother had told all her family without knowing the last news about her broken relationship; and she, nervously, had needed to run without stopping (run or walk, it's the true).

Why don't you stop a moment instead of running so fast?, has asked that reporter.

She had answered very angry to that sibylline reporter: Thanks very much for inviting me the last day to speak about my father's activities, but you should ask its directly to him. Why are you interested about languages that he's at learning?. Some days, you looks like as a CIA agents and not a reporter about our regional habits.

She loved him, and had asked: how about meeting for lunch tomorrow?. He, the only time that was sincere, told her that that night he went out to other city, but there is still three hours to go under the bridge, where their cave had known their crazy passion. She, in spite of feeling ill and without energie, run another time.

She walked away of the city, when that amazing group stop her to ask about her, now, precious little village. When she looked at around them and she saw the songwriter, she knew that before going out of her place, she showed him all passion of her young life there.

She had just forgotten the stupid dark love with that reporter.

How many Encounter are impressed for inviting to know it reality?. Are we interested in working for us? or always we'll need to recognize it with the help of the dark societies that drive us to it wonderful World. That had finished

Now, the songwriter known the passion of these grounds, maybe, for a night but it would remember for years

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y