Guardiola is José Luis Poves Alcalá, my friend that died 31 years ago. He was the football, the poetry, the fight, the fellowships when we had problems and he helped us to looking for the solutions to our fears.
We cannot stop the life, and maybe I'll dance another time, today
We cannot look at that morning, but I'll write hard words to fell it
We cannot walk together around his town, but I'll visit his compromise
We cannot play their wonderful rhythm, but I'll learn his easy language
There's a long history about the football, but "little village" only one
There's a lot of players whose learn, but Eva Cassidy, kiss your mind
There's special circumstances, but "True Colors", is one of the keys
There's nice stadiums to listen to hymns, but "Democracy" open ways
If a day, I saw you, I'll dance "little village" in that magician beach
If a day, the sun painted your forest, Eva would send us "songbirds"
If a day, our steps stopped tired, it would walk to see all Colors.
If a day, they played with "Democracy", I'd look for wise lyrics
We have spent our time with warm winter mornings, dear kisses
We have faired rainbows horizons, sincerity shinning on the darkness
We have to have swin in the middle of drought, source of knowledge
We have told about small successes, our triumph will be, know you.
Our life will haven't been obvious, in those small compromises
that will wear later, with songs, loves, Messi and big smart silences
Thank you Guardiola and these wonderful friendly happy players.
On the noisy triumphs, you made us feel sincerity human beings
lunes, abril 30, 2012
She decided to go out after she'd listened to that nice song. Two years later, the songwriter had described that huge and interminable night which had begun so sad; the lyric described feelings, kiss, skins and hours.
That day, her mother had told all her family without knowing the last news about her broken relationship; and she, nervously, had needed to run without stopping (run or walk, it's the true).
Why don't you stop a moment instead of running so fast?, has asked that reporter.
She had answered very angry to that sibylline reporter: Thanks very much for inviting me the last day to speak about my father's activities, but you should ask its directly to him. Why are you interested about languages that he's at learning?. Some days, you looks like as a CIA agents and not a reporter about our regional habits.
She loved him, and had asked: how about meeting for lunch tomorrow?. He, the only time that was sincere, told her that that night he went out to other city, but there is still three hours to go under the bridge, where their cave had known their crazy passion. She, in spite of feeling ill and without energie, run another time.
She walked away of the city, when that amazing group stop her to ask about her, now, precious little village. When she looked at around them and she saw the songwriter, she knew that before going out of her place, she showed him all passion of her young life there.
She had just forgotten the stupid dark love with that reporter.
How many Encounter are impressed for inviting to know it reality?. Are we interested in working for us? or always we'll need to recognize it with the help of the dark societies that drive us to it wonderful World. That had finished
Now, the songwriter known the passion of these grounds, maybe, for a night but it would remember for years
That day, her mother had told all her family without knowing the last news about her broken relationship; and she, nervously, had needed to run without stopping (run or walk, it's the true).
Why don't you stop a moment instead of running so fast?, has asked that reporter.
She had answered very angry to that sibylline reporter: Thanks very much for inviting me the last day to speak about my father's activities, but you should ask its directly to him. Why are you interested about languages that he's at learning?. Some days, you looks like as a CIA agents and not a reporter about our regional habits.
She loved him, and had asked: how about meeting for lunch tomorrow?. He, the only time that was sincere, told her that that night he went out to other city, but there is still three hours to go under the bridge, where their cave had known their crazy passion. She, in spite of feeling ill and without energie, run another time.
She walked away of the city, when that amazing group stop her to ask about her, now, precious little village. When she looked at around them and she saw the songwriter, she knew that before going out of her place, she showed him all passion of her young life there.
She had just forgotten the stupid dark love with that reporter.
How many Encounter are impressed for inviting to know it reality?. Are we interested in working for us? or always we'll need to recognize it with the help of the dark societies that drive us to it wonderful World. That had finished
Now, the songwriter known the passion of these grounds, maybe, for a night but it would remember for years
domingo, abril 29, 2012
Raúl, impresionante reconocimiento.
I've had a mistake about him. I didn't like his last years in Real Madrid and also in the National team. I took this decision when I saw his celebration in the World Cup in Deustchland, six years ago, when he only embraced his friends with one of his goal. I saw and inmediately I didn't like because I always think about the most important action in a team, the group. He was and he's a winner but the Spanish Team needed, in that time, a new direction and he couldn't and didn't like to recognize it. Some months later when Luis took the decision to leave him go out of the team, I though and I think, it was the best decision.
When, this morning, I was seeing a video about him and his family, yesterday, after finish the match. I'm impressed; fourty, thousands, at least, Shalkers 04 supporters were thanking him, his two years between them. The Germans supported appreciated this time where his honesty in his workplace and in the delivery had been the engine for a stunning football results.
A society needs this men whose over his skills, his work is so hard that implicate all of the team footballers, that they can superate their own limitations.
Maybe, I don't know, if in other of other way, this person also need to recognize the others, their own ways, their own skills because the foreigners people have their own rhythm that also drive them to obtain their targets.
Everyone could dream with a similar reconnaissance but only someone can obtain it from a foreign country, because people love a worker footboller then I must beg him sorry and I hope the best for his family and him.
And now, I try to superate a mediocre man that should forgot his limitation and when he contemplate the Raul and Guardiola's football lives: someone can say, before and after them, there's life, but they have showed us some of the most beautiful moments in our life
When, this morning, I was seeing a video about him and his family, yesterday, after finish the match. I'm impressed; fourty, thousands, at least, Shalkers 04 supporters were thanking him, his two years between them. The Germans supported appreciated this time where his honesty in his workplace and in the delivery had been the engine for a stunning football results.
A society needs this men whose over his skills, his work is so hard that implicate all of the team footballers, that they can superate their own limitations.
Maybe, I don't know, if in other of other way, this person also need to recognize the others, their own ways, their own skills because the foreigners people have their own rhythm that also drive them to obtain their targets.
Everyone could dream with a similar reconnaissance but only someone can obtain it from a foreign country, because people love a worker footboller then I must beg him sorry and I hope the best for his family and him.
And now, I try to superate a mediocre man that should forgot his limitation and when he contemplate the Raul and Guardiola's football lives: someone can say, before and after them, there's life, but they have showed us some of the most beautiful moments in our life
Occupy Medias, ocuppy minds
and you will be powerful men,
and you will drive chained lives
as easy laugh as easy your ways
but now I pay your savings banks
tomorrow, I'll pay your privat hospitals?
They like living in the happiness town
They like cleaning other houses
They like paying the old supporters
I like to know them, and to say it
Would I mind reading their free news?
Would you mind thinking about their lies?
Would you mind knowing their reality?
Later, you'd like to go away about their scent
Would I prefer to hear their insults or their lies?
Would you prefer to live their freedom or you knowledge?
Would she prefer to listening to herself in an empty room?
I like walking the space with my own circumstances
Would you rather not go out if your solutions, it would bemy mistakes?
If you kept in line with your words. you'd rather go out, before being paid puppets
Would we prefer to believe them when they take ideological solutions, don't it?
Whom you're chained?. Whose you're slaves?. Live without dignity?
and you will drive chained lives
as easy laugh as easy your ways
but now I pay your savings banks
tomorrow, I'll pay your privat hospitals?
They like living in the happiness town
They like cleaning other houses
They like paying the old supporters
I like to know them, and to say it
Would I mind reading their free news?
Would you mind thinking about their lies?
Would you mind knowing their reality?
Later, you'd like to go away about their scent
Would I prefer to hear their insults or their lies?
Would you prefer to live their freedom or you knowledge?
Would she prefer to listening to herself in an empty room?
I like walking the space with my own circumstances
Would you rather not go out if your solutions, it would bemy mistakes?
If you kept in line with your words. you'd rather go out, before being paid puppets
Would we prefer to believe them when they take ideological solutions, don't it?
Whom you're chained?. Whose you're slaves?. Live without dignity?
sábado, abril 28, 2012
un sin dios or two
It's clear after the Juan José Millas article:
What we pretend to explain the next time?
I'd decide to cut flowers for all my life because its are so beautiful that I shouldn't have any doubts about its.
A day, when you're slept badly and your head is closed and not away, you can see that the flowers are near us. You've just understood that this dark ground in winter days, sometimes, where it is difficult to discover some hope about those gloomy spaces; after these times, the water and spring arrive and then, the flower fill our mind and we stop our sadness,
Will be the flowers our target? Altough we would receive so many that we were happier in the World.
The life is not just beauty; a man, some years ago, told us that we must looking for it, but it would be important to travel this way, because it's where we form our personality; we see far away to imagine it but, each step before arrive, is so difficult and necessary give it!
They aren't flowers without our own knowledge!
What we pretend to explain the next time?
I'd decide to cut flowers for all my life because its are so beautiful that I shouldn't have any doubts about its.
A day, when you're slept badly and your head is closed and not away, you can see that the flowers are near us. You've just understood that this dark ground in winter days, sometimes, where it is difficult to discover some hope about those gloomy spaces; after these times, the water and spring arrive and then, the flower fill our mind and we stop our sadness,
Will be the flowers our target? Altough we would receive so many that we were happier in the World.
The life is not just beauty; a man, some years ago, told us that we must looking for it, but it would be important to travel this way, because it's where we form our personality; we see far away to imagine it but, each step before arrive, is so difficult and necessary give it!
They aren't flowers without our own knowledge!
viernes, abril 27, 2012
Zalamero, que eres un zalamero
Como cada viernes, necesito leer y paladear la columna de Juan José Millas; hoy una vez más, narra de una forma extraordinaria, lo que muchos percibimos y más bien, aguantamos en las explicaciones de estos señores que nos gobiernan. Ese huida hacía adelante con palabras de esencias siempre iguales, pero de envarados trajes, y al hacer uso de los mismos circunloquios que utilizo yo para escribir mis reflexiones; me digo estos señores, no llegarán a mucho, aunque ahora se sientan reyes marionetas y hayan sentado sus posaderas sobre su ansiado poder.
Luego si además veo que lo utilizan para explicar cosas tan serias como finalmente subir los impuestos, o directamente elevar las tasas en los estudios, o hacer pagar las medicinas a los enfermos con pocos recursos; pueden que sus fieles (que enorme y clarificante palabra) les sigan y les haga gracia tan bonitos floripondios pero cuando al final les haga sacar su dinero de su bolsillo, probablemente, por lo menos yo diría, proclamen a los cuatro vientos: "déjate de hostias" y vale ya de hacerme pagar dos veces las cosas.
Y si aún así, les siguen gustando esas zalamerías, pues nada, que se pongan enfrente, votados y votantes y en una danza tribal disfruten de esos pasos encadenados, que les llevan a sentirse únicos, en su verdad de mil caretas adaptadas.
¡Ay que zalameros que sois!, oiré que os gritan; yo diré: ¡qué cara hay que tener para aprovechar una crisis para destruir todo lo que ha funcionado y que no tiene que ver para nada con lo que la ha producido. Y así, sin buscar raíces de males; estén aprovechando para pagar servicios prestados de formal tan incondicional como rastrera y de esa manera, indemnizar a sus élites, que por eso están ahí, por élites, aunque en algunas de las facetas en las que son élite, siempre será mejor que no expliquen como han llegado hasta ahí, por dos cosas, no poder esa bella falsa aura y sobre todo, por si les entrará alguna vez vergüenza a su desvergüenza!
Lo dicho una vez más, zalameros a vuestras zalamerías, ¡pero dejarnos en paz!
Luego si además veo que lo utilizan para explicar cosas tan serias como finalmente subir los impuestos, o directamente elevar las tasas en los estudios, o hacer pagar las medicinas a los enfermos con pocos recursos; pueden que sus fieles (que enorme y clarificante palabra) les sigan y les haga gracia tan bonitos floripondios pero cuando al final les haga sacar su dinero de su bolsillo, probablemente, por lo menos yo diría, proclamen a los cuatro vientos: "déjate de hostias" y vale ya de hacerme pagar dos veces las cosas.
Y si aún así, les siguen gustando esas zalamerías, pues nada, que se pongan enfrente, votados y votantes y en una danza tribal disfruten de esos pasos encadenados, que les llevan a sentirse únicos, en su verdad de mil caretas adaptadas.
¡Ay que zalameros que sois!, oiré que os gritan; yo diré: ¡qué cara hay que tener para aprovechar una crisis para destruir todo lo que ha funcionado y que no tiene que ver para nada con lo que la ha producido. Y así, sin buscar raíces de males; estén aprovechando para pagar servicios prestados de formal tan incondicional como rastrera y de esa manera, indemnizar a sus élites, que por eso están ahí, por élites, aunque en algunas de las facetas en las que son élite, siempre será mejor que no expliquen como han llegado hasta ahí, por dos cosas, no poder esa bella falsa aura y sobre todo, por si les entrará alguna vez vergüenza a su desvergüenza!
Lo dicho una vez más, zalameros a vuestras zalamerías, ¡pero dejarnos en paz!
jueves, abril 26, 2012
lo realmente importante
Un bello día que no se acaba, 25 de Abril (un vícunlo a una bella y eterna canción)
Sentir impotencia, por caminar en sendas paralelas para no encontrarnos nunca. Asistir a encuentros donde se fijan en viajeros con maletas al mismo destino pero donde se obvia el contenido del interior de la maleta de esos otros, destructores de los valores sociales; en los primeros, siempre encontraremos deteriorados y malolientes bagajes que, a muchos, no nos gustan ni tan siquiera un poco.
¿Cuántos días y momentos puedo encontrar a lo largo de un año para poner en evidencia esas enormes "o pequeñas" diferencias. Siempre me preguntaré, el porque de esos paralelismos hacia los fines, que nunca serán confluentes?. ¿Es sólo riqueza el saber analizar nuestros fallos y buscar nuestras actuación ideal?
Siempre mirando a esos "imposibles" malos lados, para nunca encontrar, ni poner en evidencia quienes se libran de pagar ibis, reciben subvenciones cubiertas y encubiertas (¿Qué son el apoyo a los colegios concertados e incluso privados?) y que tanto nos cuesta nombrar como es esa Iglesia Católica, antes tan militante políticamente y ahora entregada a una silenciosa recepción de prebendas; además de ser muy simpática al poder leerse estos últimos días, que manda un mensaje ahora de caridad hacia el otro, cuando el mensaje debiera ser de justicia, recibiendo lo que se debe.
No, lo siento, pero probablemente no; no asistiré a esa fiesta, para escuchar reproches a las pequeñas o grandes imperfecciones del otro, que por mucho que tropiece, también camina.
Sé que será malo que meta la cabeza bajo el ala, de ríos para deliciosos masajes interiores, de carreras para ahuyentar la impotencia
They've won the last time and their idea about democracy would be that people don't think during four years, although this men are changing their first message.
CHAINED for them, this physical actions wouldn't be a problem because they're just chained our will
OFF in a society that they didn't explain.
SMALL STEPS, in spite of being trapped
LOOK FOR common points of vue, to walk together. If everyone has the best idea, others have the idea, take control over the society.
I will never understand the absolutely purity
CHAINED for them, this physical actions wouldn't be a problem because they're just chained our will
OFF in a society that they didn't explain.
SMALL STEPS, in spite of being trapped
LOOK FOR common points of vue, to walk together. If everyone has the best idea, others have the idea, take control over the society.
I will never understand the absolutely purity
martes, abril 24, 2012
Me dicen que..
Se ha estado utilizando un truco en nuestra sociedad, España. Alguien utilizaba una llave para guardar sus cosas, me imagino que su casa; y por otro lado, había unos pillastres que hacían una copia de esa llave o no sé si he entendido bien, de las condiciones con las que podían entrar a ocupar a aquel espacio y entonces, y esto es lo grave, como diría aquel, entre españoles, pues estos últimos se apropian de tu espacio, vamos a llamarlo casa y encima creo que si pueden te obligan a pagar, si al final del robo, te ha dado por pegarle una patada a ese sitio.
Y digo yo, no deberíamos ser decentes y respetar al otro, si es que tanto nos amamos los españoles. Y si el primero ha confiado en una entidad, vamos a llamarla Caja o Banco y esta te va a guardar ese espacio, asumiendo, (¿no debiera ser a partes iguales?) la salvaguarda de ese lugar compartido. ¿Por qué este segundo ser, entidad o lo que sea hace dejación de sus responsabilidades y le pasa la culpa de la pérdida al primero?. ¿no queda feo entre nosotros, grandes españoles?
Perdón, me quieren aclara el mensaje, un grupo de extranjeros, (aunque los generalizan en el pueblo entero), hacen copia de llaves en los supermercados para robar lo que han dejado los clientes en las cajas de seguridad.
Ah!, ¿pero no es inmensamente más grave lo primero?.
¿Por qué quieren que miren a un grupo de ciudadanos como enemigos, si las personas que conozco de esa procedencia tienen un respeto inconmensurable hacía mí y la sociedad en la que viven en general?
Levantemos la vista de las dianas que nos ponen y veamos las cosas que nos hacen verdaderamente mal. Busquemos destruir las antojeras que nos quieren poner
Dedicado a los admirados-as militantes de la PAH (Stop desahucios) de Guadalajara
Y digo yo, no deberíamos ser decentes y respetar al otro, si es que tanto nos amamos los españoles. Y si el primero ha confiado en una entidad, vamos a llamarla Caja o Banco y esta te va a guardar ese espacio, asumiendo, (¿no debiera ser a partes iguales?) la salvaguarda de ese lugar compartido. ¿Por qué este segundo ser, entidad o lo que sea hace dejación de sus responsabilidades y le pasa la culpa de la pérdida al primero?. ¿no queda feo entre nosotros, grandes españoles?
Perdón, me quieren aclara el mensaje, un grupo de extranjeros, (aunque los generalizan en el pueblo entero), hacen copia de llaves en los supermercados para robar lo que han dejado los clientes en las cajas de seguridad.
Ah!, ¿pero no es inmensamente más grave lo primero?.
¿Por qué quieren que miren a un grupo de ciudadanos como enemigos, si las personas que conozco de esa procedencia tienen un respeto inconmensurable hacía mí y la sociedad en la que viven en general?
Levantemos la vista de las dianas que nos ponen y veamos las cosas que nos hacen verdaderamente mal. Busquemos destruir las antojeras que nos quieren poner
Dedicado a los admirados-as militantes de la PAH (Stop desahucios) de Guadalajara
It's our opportunity. You'll never walk alone
Today, I've received another e-mail about inmigrants: this letter criminalizes them; it explains to me a new trick in the supermarket; maybe this letter try to generalize about a group of them but, now it is my time.
- Can I generalize about Spanish hunters?; Should I talk about a Spanish region who spent money about black economy?. If I earn less money, I will indicate people whom I should point out the quiet spaces where they choices their clients?.
Now, from the goverment would like to indicate their right way, but not, from our personality, we must look for our identity, and the most important, we need laugh and work
We cannot think about the actions of the others. It would be very difficult to take actions, we must lose some of our free time; maybe we have to say some hard words and also listen to another hard words; but it would be our responsability.
A room. People are listening to a woman. Some of them, maybe it would be better to say that they're spying; on the other hand, a sad scent is spread over all. They have conscience about their jobs, their love it and they need a lot of time to develop it; then, what they can do?, what is the way?
They know that the big actions are impossible and the small actions?, maybe the powerful people will laugh at those actions.
Despite this stillness, we're alive and our children need us.
- Can I generalize about Spanish hunters?; Should I talk about a Spanish region who spent money about black economy?. If I earn less money, I will indicate people whom I should point out the quiet spaces where they choices their clients?.
Now, from the goverment would like to indicate their right way, but not, from our personality, we must look for our identity, and the most important, we need laugh and work
We cannot think about the actions of the others. It would be very difficult to take actions, we must lose some of our free time; maybe we have to say some hard words and also listen to another hard words; but it would be our responsability.
A room. People are listening to a woman. Some of them, maybe it would be better to say that they're spying; on the other hand, a sad scent is spread over all. They have conscience about their jobs, their love it and they need a lot of time to develop it; then, what they can do?, what is the way?
They know that the big actions are impossible and the small actions?, maybe the powerful people will laugh at those actions.
Despite this stillness, we're alive and our children need us.
domingo, abril 22, 2012
¿Por qué no oírla si tanto me acompaña?.
If you're listening to this songs. maybe your feet will be on the floor but your spirit will be traveling towards that bridge over Ara's river; there, friendly colleagues help us to discover other physical corners but it was more important to learn us to overcome our limitations. The days could begin with bad, dangerour of smart weather, but the group are together when there weren't problems, when we needed laugh after the danger point had passed.
And now, taking a beautiful own memory, listen to "True Colors", after you should develop your life but it was necessary this special time
If you're listening to this songs. maybe your feet will be on the floor but your spirit will be traveling towards that bridge over Ara's river; there, friendly colleagues help us to discover other physical corners but it was more important to learn us to overcome our limitations. The days could begin with bad, dangerour of smart weather, but the group are together when there weren't problems, when we needed laugh after the danger point had passed.
And now, taking a beautiful own memory, listen to "True Colors", after you should develop your life but it was necessary this special time
A journey with a Soloist
They're preparing their travelling around the World; they had developed their language which was full of nuances. and the movements which opened the mountains, skys and every human relationship between some different lives. The Soloist could be Ozil, who changes a match because he knows the essential rhythm, the essential energy that he must use in every moment over this small room which is a small World.
A day, he stopped not for a minute, maybe not for five minutes, the sky had the same cloud for hours; he didn't know how long his body had been standing, but inside he had felt the hell and the heavens of small thing misunderstood, the dance dreamed with that nice girl, this crazy project that never finds out the reality. He hasn't been able to start with a bit movement; every thing needed a door which was closed for the moment. The floor had all of geometric figures to be traversed. it was so difficult to see all horizons, but she arrived and, at less, he knew the way which he would walk that time
A day, he stopped not for a minute, maybe not for five minutes, the sky had the same cloud for hours; he didn't know how long his body had been standing, but inside he had felt the hell and the heavens of small thing misunderstood, the dance dreamed with that nice girl, this crazy project that never finds out the reality. He hasn't been able to start with a bit movement; every thing needed a door which was closed for the moment. The floor had all of geometric figures to be traversed. it was so difficult to see all horizons, but she arrived and, at less, he knew the way which he would walk that time
sábado, abril 21, 2012
I believe that today, I couldn't listen to your voice
A cloudy afternoon I would like to prepare my homework
in the middle of bad things and bad people, who destroy us
waiting uncertain matches, that give me an stupid anxiety
I thought that your voice would be hidden, Eva Cassidy.
You're here to relax the hard steps and embrace my weakness
only with you, I can take the lid off my feelings, my dream corners
when they take weapons and destruction, I dance your rhythm
when they hurl crazy and bloody words, Your song kiss my mind
"True Colors" will join to open closed lands
"The Water is wide" caresses past happy days
Your "Yesterday", is a new row to the future
"Dark Eyed Molly", is my eternal love who lives
in the middle of bad things and bad people, who destroy us
waiting uncertain matches, that give me an stupid anxiety
I thought that your voice would be hidden, Eva Cassidy.
You're here to relax the hard steps and embrace my weakness
only with you, I can take the lid off my feelings, my dream corners
when they take weapons and destruction, I dance your rhythm
when they hurl crazy and bloody words, Your song kiss my mind
"True Colors" will join to open closed lands
"The Water is wide" caresses past happy days
Your "Yesterday", is a new row to the future
"Dark Eyed Molly", is my eternal love who lives
Impresionante, cada día sucede en la Escuela Pública
Ustedes no lo podrán creer pero cada día en la Escuela Pública, niños y niñas juntos, desarrollan sus propias capacidades, siendo aceptados tal y como son en su procedencia social, sexo o en sus ideas.
Si señores, pasen y disfruten de un bien social con el que en la ESCUELA PÚBLICA no se negocia; ni en razón de fantasiosas teorías, en estos espacios, se segrega; y donde maestros y profesores han pasado un proceso de selección, siempre mejorable, pero a poder haber sido superados por todos.
En la ESCUELA PÚBLICA, encontrará la realidad, tal como se vive en la calle, de búsqueda del respeto al otro desde nuestras imperfecciones. No somos escuelas burbujas.
Pasen y disfruten están en LA ESCUELA PÚBLICA, podemos salir orgullosos a manifestarnos por la Educación, porque buscamos ayudar a dar instrumentos para que el alumno pueda desarrollar su propia personalidad.
PASAD por favor, y disfrutad:
Si señores, pasen y disfruten de un bien social con el que en la ESCUELA PÚBLICA no se negocia; ni en razón de fantasiosas teorías, en estos espacios, se segrega; y donde maestros y profesores han pasado un proceso de selección, siempre mejorable, pero a poder haber sido superados por todos.
En la ESCUELA PÚBLICA, encontrará la realidad, tal como se vive en la calle, de búsqueda del respeto al otro desde nuestras imperfecciones. No somos escuelas burbujas.
Pasen y disfruten están en LA ESCUELA PÚBLICA, podemos salir orgullosos a manifestarnos por la Educación, porque buscamos ayudar a dar instrumentos para que el alumno pueda desarrollar su propia personalidad.
PASAD por favor, y disfrutad:
23 al 29 de abril: Campaña Mundial por la Educación 2012
La Campaña Mundial por la Educación CME trabaja por
el acceso universal a una educación de calidad como medio para erradicar la
pobreza en todo el mundo.
Hablamos todavía de 67 millones de niños y niñas sin
escolarizar y 759 millones de personas sin alfabetizar.
Campaña Mundial por la Educación organiza acciones de sensibilización,
educación para el desarrollo e iniciativas de incidencia ante los gobernantes
para que se responsabilicen del destino de aquellas personas excluidas del
derecho a la educación. La principal de estas actividades es la Semana de Acción
Mundial por la Educación, SAME.
La SAME 2012 se pone en marcha bajo el lema "Con
derechos desde el principio. Por una educación temprana de calidad",
que este año se celebrará en la semana del 23 al 29 de abril.
Millones de personas en todo el mundo nos movilizaremos para recordar a los
líderes políticos la importancia de garantizar la atención y la
educación de la primera infancia (AEPI), y para pedirles que también
recuerden y cumplan su compromiso de destinar los recursos necesarios para
hacer realidad la Educación para Todos y Todas en 2015.
En Madrid es llevada a cabo por: Ayuda en Acción, CCOO,
Educación sin Fronteras, Entreculturas, Fondo Verde y Tierra de Hombres.
Este año proponemos un taller formativo (de
dos o tres sesiones) para trabajar la temática del Derecho a la Educación y la
CME, tanto con docentes como con el alumnado. Con esta propuesta queremos
ofrecer un espacio en el que entendamos la Campaña, no como algo puntual, sino
enmarcado dentro de un proceso educativo transformador.
Esta propuesta formativa se prestará de forma gratuita y
se adaptará a los tiempos y ritmos del centro. Para mayor información
sobre esta propuesta de formación como para solicitar las unidades didácticas
en papel, podéis poneros en contacto con Carlos Ancona en
nuestro éxito
quiero una palabra para ser arrojada al cielo
quiero una idea sobre las que te deslices
quiero un encuentro donde bañar debilidades
quiero un espacio donde encontrar diferencias
No pondré un paraguas donde resbale la voz
No cerraré los ojos, obviando desequilibrios
No cerraré piscinas si necesitamos despertar
No lanzaré anatemas, si el ser, quiere ayudar
Oiré voces, leeré pensamiento, me impermeabilizaré
Patinaré en difícil equilibrio, descubriendo mundos
Me abriré a plazas, donde aprender conociendo otros
Me alimentará el otro, derrumbada mis solemnidades
quiero una idea sobre las que te deslices
quiero un encuentro donde bañar debilidades
quiero un espacio donde encontrar diferencias
No pondré un paraguas donde resbale la voz
No cerraré los ojos, obviando desequilibrios
No cerraré piscinas si necesitamos despertar
No lanzaré anatemas, si el ser, quiere ayudar
Oiré voces, leeré pensamiento, me impermeabilizaré
Patinaré en difícil equilibrio, descubriendo mundos
Me abriré a plazas, donde aprender conociendo otros
Me alimentará el otro, derrumbada mis solemnidades
You look so sad! Cheer up!
It's always hard to see them happies when they obstain a power that they need to develop their business not to help a society.
They power is so weak that only four months after win a elections, they take control of Public Television. Their Media (a money situation which we don't know anything)helped them to drive an indifferent society and a dormant company; now, these Medias, full of shit, wanted their awards: The scanvengers will go to eat their prey.
Governing people who only like the power, They have found out this opportunity to drive us towards a control life where they give us small piece of happiness and then we always should thank their goodness.
You can watch their television, they're frank and real yoker. And if you write against them, maybe a a scabious can will attack; you know the wild Norwegian and the stupid football-crazy
They power is so weak that only four months after win a elections, they take control of Public Television. Their Media (a money situation which we don't know anything)helped them to drive an indifferent society and a dormant company; now, these Medias, full of shit, wanted their awards: The scanvengers will go to eat their prey.
Governing people who only like the power, They have found out this opportunity to drive us towards a control life where they give us small piece of happiness and then we always should thank their goodness.
You can watch their television, they're frank and real yoker. And if you write against them, maybe a a scabious can will attack; you know the wild Norwegian and the stupid football-crazy
viernes, abril 20, 2012
Llamen y confíen, somos la irracionalidad
I should go
on in a wonderful country where a man, called reality, could disappear when he
will begin to say lies without responsability. Maybe, if this man was a foreign
being, he would be in our country, because we're smart and we recognize the
most wonderful foreign language as our right way in the life.
When a man might be embarrassed in front of this letter?. Is he someone's slave?. Why he translates us his slavery?
When a man might be embarrassed in front of this letter?. Is he someone's slave?. Why he translates us his slavery?
Carta de Anabel a un señor que si sabe como llegó donde
está pero que fuera de lo que dice hacía fuera para que le oigan y le
transmitan, debería tener un poco de vergüenza propia
Señor Wert, sé que esta carta no la va a leer y que tampoco
le va a interesar y que si cae en sus manos, la romperá con la misma facilidad
que está corrompiendo la educación de este país. Pero a lo mejor, que usted no
me hará caso, a lo mejor otros sí me escucharán.
Soy una estudiante universitaria de Psicología, estoy en
segundo año y por la UNED, nada fácil, se lo aseguro. ¿Por qué por la UNED?
Comprensible, mis padres no se pueden permitir tener una hija estudiando fuera
ya que mi padre es mileurista y somo cinco en casa. Por eso decidí que todos
los gastos de la carrera me los pagase yo: matrícula, libros y manuales (de 50€
no baja), viajes para hacer los exámenes (porque en mi pueblo no hay sede, sino
una extensión de la UNED por lo que me tengo que ir fuera para poder
examinarme). Trabajo cuando encuentro algo y todo ese dinero lo gasto en mi
educación. Qué responsable, eso no lo hace cualquiera, ¿verdad?
Llevo desde octubre buscando un trabajo para poder seguir
pagándome la carrera, tener mis ahorros y ayudar algo en casa, pero ¡sorpresa!,
estoy en paro. No me llaman ni para limpiar. Ahora mismo estoy en la tesitura
de tener que comprarme un manual de Psicopatología bastante caro que no puedo
comprarme porque no tengo dinero. ¿Cómo estudio sin manual? ¿Me lo va a pagar
Y hoy me encuentro con que usted y las Comunidades están
planteándose aumentar las tasas de la universidad, cuando por 8 asignaturas (1
curso) están cobrando unos 1.000€. Por no hablar de que si repites una
asignatura y vuelves a matricularte de ella, el precio del crédito aumenta,
como todo en esta vida, ¿verdad?
Asegúrese de que yo no soy la única que está en estas
condiciones. Es cierto que hay jóvenes que se pasan por el forro todo el dinero
que sus padres están invirtiendo en ellos, pero créame, son MINORÍA, frente a
una mayoría que está sudando por o pagarse los estudios como yo, o porque sus
padres no tiren el dinero. ¿Y usted nos quiere subir las tasas estando en una
CRISIS catastrófica? ¡Cómo se nota que usted no es mileurista, ni que nota la
Lo que más gracia me hace y ya me ha terminado de rematar es
que usted asegure que “las tasas universitarias españolas son las más bajas de
Europa”. Olé, olé y olé. Una pregunta que hasta saben contestar los niños: ¿por
qué son más altas? PORQUE LOS SUELDOS SON MÁS ALTOS. Usted no puede comparar
los precios de España con los de Francia porque el sueldo mínimo francés es de
1.321€ mientras que en España es de unos 600€. Normal que los precios en Europa
sean más altos, ¡porque pueden gastarse ese dinero ya que sus sueldos son
mayores! Es matemática y lógica pura, ¿no lo comprende usted, señor Wert?
Lo que va a hacer con esta medida es que personas como yo
dejen de seguir estudiando. Y créame, yo no quiero abandonar mis estudios,
usted me está obligando. Si no tenemos dinero para llegar a fin de mes, ¿cómo
vamos a tener dinero para estudiar y labrarnos un futuro mejor que limpiar
Creo que lo que usted quiere es lo siguiente: que los ricos
sean los que estudien, ya que siendo ricos no podrán quejarse de las medidas de
su gobierno, porque seguirán teniendo dinero. Son los pobres y los obreros los
que dan problemas, así que a ellos es mejor negarles la educación, no hay nada
peor que un pobre inteligente y que sabe.
Pues, ¿sabe qué, señor Wert? Sintiéndolo mucho, yo que soy
pobre y obrera, voy a seguir estudiando. ¿Cómo? No tengo ni idea, pero a mí
ningún político me va a denegar que termine mi carrera. Ningún mandamás me va a
decir: “No, tú no estudias” porque de una manera u otra acabaré terminando mi
carrera. Porque no tengo recursos, pero inteligencia no me falta.
Señor Wert, desde aquí le digo que soy obrera y pobre, pero
que terminaré mis estudios y a usted y a todos esos políticos que nos están
hundiendo en la miseria les voy a dar muchos, muchos dolores de cabeza.
Benny Anne Waters
I'm finishing to watch the movie: "Benny Anne Waters"; it is always the movie that it is important to me. Maybe the American cinema works very well with its movies are easy to watch. People who develop their skills to improve their lives.
Two brothers, a girl and a boy are attached with a childhood full of experiencies. The wild boy always have some small problems where his sister are prepared to help him. A day, the boy's wife implies him and he will be found guilty and should pass the rest of your life in the jail.
Benny won't accept this decision and after watch her brothers in the pit of self assessment, she will decide to study law. When she will obstain this title, the way will be near, but not easy.
Two brothers, a girl and a boy are attached with a childhood full of experiencies. The wild boy always have some small problems where his sister are prepared to help him. A day, the boy's wife implies him and he will be found guilty and should pass the rest of your life in the jail.
Benny won't accept this decision and after watch her brothers in the pit of self assessment, she will decide to study law. When she will obstain this title, the way will be near, but not easy.
domingo, abril 15, 2012
APANAG y su lucha
A veces, me cruzo con Antonio y Mila, miembros de esta asociación. Me parece increíble la lucha que están llevando a cabo por darle un futuro a su hija, cuando ellos ya no puedan. Ahora mismo están construyendo un edificio al lado del Parque de San Roque y buscan recursos abriendo todas las puertas que les son entreabiertas.
Ayer, sin ir más lejos, en los bajos de la piscina "Sonia Reyes", hicieron una gymkana de lo más animada, también anuncian la actividad que pondré más abajo, pero antes quería mencionar a otro Antonio de Yunquera que también es miembro de esta Asociación y con el que yo había entrenado y corrido puede que hace más de 20 años, cuando él era un joven de 15 años, me habló con mucho afecto, el cual le intento ir devolviendo en la medida que voy recordando las circunstancias en las que fuimos coincidiendo, (Escuela de adultos y pistas de atletismo). Me comento que ahora corre y estaba orgulloso de estar obteniendo buenos resultados pese al poco tiempo que dispone por su trabajo y la dedicación que le debe sobre todo, al pequeño Abel. Creo hoy corría en Torija. Los dos llegamos a la conclusión que correr nos da fuerzas para tirar hacía adelante en medio de los caminos que estamos siguiendo. Sí, bien sea para obtener resultados de competición o para pasear hacía las nuevas tierras inexploradas de cada esfuerzo en un nuevo día nuevo
Como decía aquí os pongo una próxima acción que van a llevar a cabo: un torneo de padel, en el que se puede participar o ayudar, según sean las circunstancias
Estimados socios y amigos de APANAG:
Con motivo de la celebración del día 2 de Abril, día mundial
del Autismo, APANAG se puso en contacto con MOMO SPORTS CLUB para sugerirles su
colaboración con la asociación, su proyecto del centro polivalente y sus
actividades y surgió la idea de crear un Torneo de Padel Benéfico a favor de
APANAG en el que han puesto toda la energía e ilusión ya que creen que la causa
lo merece.
El próximo sábado 21 de Abril en las Instalaciones de
MOMO Sports Club celebraremos el I Torneo Benéfico APANAG. El torneo se jugará
en turno de mañana en las instalaciones de MOMO La Dehesa, y en turno de tarde
en MOMO Cardenal Cisneros. La inscripción, las bases del torneo, cómo llegar y
demás información en
Si no sabes, no te gusta o no quieres jugar al padel,
siempre puedes participar asistiendo a verlo y disfrutando de una gran jornada
en familia por una buena causa, y si no puedes asistir puedes colaborar con la
Moviliza a tus contactos y amigos reenviándoles este
correo electrónico, promuévelo dentro de tu empresa o insértalo como post en tu
perfil de Facebook o twitter o tu red social preferida, o integralo en tu firma
de correo electrónico
Mil gracias por vuestra colaboración
Sorry, my foreign friends
Are you country in the same situation of Spain? Why if the problems was our economic debts, our goverment has decided to cutt off the two main columns in our society?. They told us because these two blocs expend a lot off money but do you think that really it is for that? Or because, they wait to earn big money with the privat entreprise that support them
The next article putt off continuiing with these wicked ideas about our workings hours that they know well but they're in other high level and we're only servant to help them to drive the World
Falta de educación
El horario lectivo del profesorado es de los mayores de la UE y la OCDE, pero se oculta
No existe casi ninguna profesión que se lleve la mitad del trabajo a casa. Cuando se cierra el taller, la oficina, la obra o el comercio, los trabajadores no se llevan los materiales para continuar su trabajo en las horas de descanso. No hay ningún oficio en el que el estudio y la preparación del material no se computen como tiempo trabajado o que ni siquiera el tiempo del bocadillo cuente como horario laboral. Si se aplica esta fórmula, los futbolistas solo trabajan los 90 minutos del partido y los redactores el tiempo justo que están ante las cámaras. No hay ningún oficio en el que no cuenten para nada los traslados, ni las horas extraordinarias dedicadas a actividades o acompañamiento de alumnos. No hay una sola profesión que no ofrezca los instrumentos de trabajo gratis excepto en la enseñanza, desde el boli rojo, al bloc de notas, el ordenador portátil o el pendrive sempiterno que nos acompaña como una cruz laica.
Los profesores nunca van a hacer la huelga que pondría de manifiesto su función ni sus horas de trabajo: dejar de pasar las mañanas de los sábados y los domingos corrigiendo ejercicios, o acompañar el café de la tarde con las fichas de la clase que daremos el día siguiente.
En España, según el último estudio sobre el Panorama de la Educación, el horario lectivo del profesorado es de los mayores de la Unión Europea y de la OCDE, pero este dato es ocultado porque detrás de los recortes y de la reforma que nos anuncian no hay el afán de mejorar la educación pública, sino de reducir sus posibilidades y fomentar la enseñanza privada.
Mucho antes de que estallara la crisis económica, los think-tank de la derecha —incluyendo el actual ministro de Educación— lo habían teorizado. Según sus tesis la inversión en la enseñanza pública era desproporcionada y habría que buscar un mayor equilibrio con la iniciativa privada. En medio de las invocaciones al esfuerzo del alumnado y a la autoridad del profesor, introducían la idea de aumentar el número de alumnos por aula y limitar los programas compensatorios. Abogaban por aumentar los conciertos con la enseñanza privada, privatizar el bachillerato y hacer mucho más exclusiva la Universidad. Esperanza Aguirre no es un verso suelto sino la portavoz de todo el clasismo cañí hecho carne.
A todo esto nos quieren conducir de cabeza. Cuando en los centros educativos consigan ampliar el número de alumnos por aula en la enseñanza pública hasta cuarenta —como en los mejores tiempos del franquismo—, habrán conseguido gran parte de sus objetivos; cuando consigan que la sociedad torpemente crea que el profesor es un ser privilegiado al que hay que cargar con horarios insoportables y aulas masificadas, su revolución conservadora habrá llegado a su fin.
Los recortes que nos anuncian no son para ahorrar dinero público. No nos engañemos. Es fácil hacer este simple cálculo: los interinos despedidos se acogerán inmediatamente a su derecho a cobrar el desempleo. Es decir, el dinero ahorrado en salarios se gastaría en el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo y en falta de falta de recaudación de la seguridad social. Solo en Andalucía, quince mil personas que cumplen funciones educativas como profesorado interino serían puestas de patitas en la calle en un acto de injusticia y despilfarro que no ahorraría prácticamente ni un euro a las finanzas públicas.
El sacrificio que se exige al profesorado no será para mejorar la enseñanza, sino para masificar las aulas, suprimir las tutorías, despedir interinos y poner fin a la débil atención personalizada. Los efectos, en pocos años, serán terribles. Cada euro que se reste a la educación, cada alumno de más en las aulas, cada beca de menos en las universidades, cada tasa de más en los precios públicos, nos pasará factura en el modelo social y en la economía en muy pocos años. La educación, a diferencia de otros departamentos, no trata con cosas, sino con personas, con inteligencias y con capacidades. Es un delicado tejido cuyos desgarros son irreversibles. Por eso en Andalucía es necesario echar coraje, imaginación e inteligencia para sortear estos recortes y apostar, de verdad, por la educación pública.
The next article putt off continuiing with these wicked ideas about our workings hours that they know well but they're in other high level and we're only servant to help them to drive the World
Falta de educación
El horario lectivo del profesorado es de los mayores de la UE y la OCDE, pero se oculta
No existe casi ninguna profesión que se lleve la mitad del trabajo a casa. Cuando se cierra el taller, la oficina, la obra o el comercio, los trabajadores no se llevan los materiales para continuar su trabajo en las horas de descanso. No hay ningún oficio en el que el estudio y la preparación del material no se computen como tiempo trabajado o que ni siquiera el tiempo del bocadillo cuente como horario laboral. Si se aplica esta fórmula, los futbolistas solo trabajan los 90 minutos del partido y los redactores el tiempo justo que están ante las cámaras. No hay ningún oficio en el que no cuenten para nada los traslados, ni las horas extraordinarias dedicadas a actividades o acompañamiento de alumnos. No hay una sola profesión que no ofrezca los instrumentos de trabajo gratis excepto en la enseñanza, desde el boli rojo, al bloc de notas, el ordenador portátil o el pendrive sempiterno que nos acompaña como una cruz laica.
Los profesores nunca van a hacer la huelga que pondría de manifiesto su función ni sus horas de trabajo: dejar de pasar las mañanas de los sábados y los domingos corrigiendo ejercicios, o acompañar el café de la tarde con las fichas de la clase que daremos el día siguiente.
En España, según el último estudio sobre el Panorama de la Educación, el horario lectivo del profesorado es de los mayores de la Unión Europea y de la OCDE, pero este dato es ocultado porque detrás de los recortes y de la reforma que nos anuncian no hay el afán de mejorar la educación pública, sino de reducir sus posibilidades y fomentar la enseñanza privada.
Mucho antes de que estallara la crisis económica, los think-tank de la derecha —incluyendo el actual ministro de Educación— lo habían teorizado. Según sus tesis la inversión en la enseñanza pública era desproporcionada y habría que buscar un mayor equilibrio con la iniciativa privada. En medio de las invocaciones al esfuerzo del alumnado y a la autoridad del profesor, introducían la idea de aumentar el número de alumnos por aula y limitar los programas compensatorios. Abogaban por aumentar los conciertos con la enseñanza privada, privatizar el bachillerato y hacer mucho más exclusiva la Universidad. Esperanza Aguirre no es un verso suelto sino la portavoz de todo el clasismo cañí hecho carne.
A todo esto nos quieren conducir de cabeza. Cuando en los centros educativos consigan ampliar el número de alumnos por aula en la enseñanza pública hasta cuarenta —como en los mejores tiempos del franquismo—, habrán conseguido gran parte de sus objetivos; cuando consigan que la sociedad torpemente crea que el profesor es un ser privilegiado al que hay que cargar con horarios insoportables y aulas masificadas, su revolución conservadora habrá llegado a su fin.
Los recortes que nos anuncian no son para ahorrar dinero público. No nos engañemos. Es fácil hacer este simple cálculo: los interinos despedidos se acogerán inmediatamente a su derecho a cobrar el desempleo. Es decir, el dinero ahorrado en salarios se gastaría en el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo y en falta de falta de recaudación de la seguridad social. Solo en Andalucía, quince mil personas que cumplen funciones educativas como profesorado interino serían puestas de patitas en la calle en un acto de injusticia y despilfarro que no ahorraría prácticamente ni un euro a las finanzas públicas.
El sacrificio que se exige al profesorado no será para mejorar la enseñanza, sino para masificar las aulas, suprimir las tutorías, despedir interinos y poner fin a la débil atención personalizada. Los efectos, en pocos años, serán terribles. Cada euro que se reste a la educación, cada alumno de más en las aulas, cada beca de menos en las universidades, cada tasa de más en los precios públicos, nos pasará factura en el modelo social y en la economía en muy pocos años. La educación, a diferencia de otros departamentos, no trata con cosas, sino con personas, con inteligencias y con capacidades. Es un delicado tejido cuyos desgarros son irreversibles. Por eso en Andalucía es necesario echar coraje, imaginación e inteligencia para sortear estos recortes y apostar, de verdad, por la educación pública.
a bad and disconnected exercise
I wish I had written about the accident of the Spanish's King but it was more important to me those Elephants that they lost their lifes without problems because some people decide when the destructive hunters can develop theirs baser instincts. Maybe it would be better that in the future they will go out to this country to develop its.
This paragraf should be only a small English exercise, I wouldn't like that someone will find out some strange relationship between my republicanism and this society that accept being represented by a hunter.
It is also about my English exercise that I should admit thinking about the last politics decisions about Public Schools and Ministry of Health. Why a society enjoy voting for this liar magicians. They promise to realise important things but they finally finish drawing a wild liberalism that threaten to destroy our society, not destroying the speculation or stopping undeclared income or dirty money. They would only like attack these sectors which could develop our society and also can be managed by salesmen.
They told me that I should give up reading newspapers because it's a waste time but I will put off taking this decision, some of the time I find out some interesting news and then I carry on reading in the middle of good or bad news that its keep on stopping me to read a new book
When a person imagines someone concealing our bad conditions, I don't know if their fanaticism will help also to attack our labor conditions. I avoid talking them but we should risk saying our real problems in our job.
I finish explaining you that, despite everything, I still love them
This paragraf should be only a small English exercise, I wouldn't like that someone will find out some strange relationship between my republicanism and this society that accept being represented by a hunter.
It is also about my English exercise that I should admit thinking about the last politics decisions about Public Schools and Ministry of Health. Why a society enjoy voting for this liar magicians. They promise to realise important things but they finally finish drawing a wild liberalism that threaten to destroy our society, not destroying the speculation or stopping undeclared income or dirty money. They would only like attack these sectors which could develop our society and also can be managed by salesmen.
They told me that I should give up reading newspapers because it's a waste time but I will put off taking this decision, some of the time I find out some interesting news and then I carry on reading in the middle of good or bad news that its keep on stopping me to read a new book
When a person imagines someone concealing our bad conditions, I don't know if their fanaticism will help also to attack our labor conditions. I avoid talking them but we should risk saying our real problems in our job.
I finish explaining you that, despite everything, I still love them
viernes, abril 13, 2012
Na!, poca cosa
Oía esta tarde en un resumen radiofónico de toda la semana, un pequeño corte donde Javier Sarda decía que era un superviviente y que eso le hacía ver las cosas con una cierta felicidad y con una cierta alegría a la hora de entregarse a los nuevos retos en el vivir.
En mis reflexiones, ahora que vamos cumpliendo años, se me vienen muchas veces esas mismas ideas y normalmente participan de esas bondades recibidas y trabajadas.
Ayer, sucedió que iba en ese estado de trance vital, corriendo en una mota paralela a la A-2, llena de cárcavas, cada vez más pronunciadas; acabando de caer una tromba de agua que había dejado una maravillosa tarde primaveral, iba pensando en como me gustaba mi trabajo de maestro, veía en cielo, a medio cubrir, pero con un sol desafiante un tarde de livianos pasos; creo que aún me extasié más buscando estrellas imposibles, e incluso traté de aspirar los aromas de esa tarde, tan profundamente como mi caída en una de esas hendiduras, de forma tan veloz que confundí el aire aspirado con el dolor sobre un tobillo que había estado a punto de reventar. Pensé que esta vez, ya sí, ya me impediría correr por un tiempo, aunque sea tan despacio como ahora me desplazo.
Ayer, sucedió que iba en ese estado de trance vital, corriendo en una mota paralela a la A-2, llena de cárcavas, cada vez más pronunciadas; acabando de caer una tromba de agua que había dejado una maravillosa tarde primaveral, iba pensando en como me gustaba mi trabajo de maestro, veía en cielo, a medio cubrir, pero con un sol desafiante un tarde de livianos pasos; creo que aún me extasié más buscando estrellas imposibles, e incluso traté de aspirar los aromas de esa tarde, tan profundamente como mi caída en una de esas hendiduras, de forma tan veloz que confundí el aire aspirado con el dolor sobre un tobillo que había estado a punto de reventar. Pensé que esta vez, ya sí, ya me impediría correr por un tiempo, aunque sea tan despacio como ahora me desplazo.
Me vino a la cabeza, como todo puede ser negro, aún viendo ese mismo Sol triunfante tras la lluvia, ese mismo aroma que embriaga la vida que sigue ahí un segundo después. Me levanté y con un dolor muy fuerte, empecé a correr, no volando como lo había sentido 30 segundos antes; sí, con la certeza que para volver a sentir esos momentos, a veces, demasiadas veces, se debe sentir el peso de cada paso, de cada obstáculo crecido por el albur de seres tapados, que hieren.
Pensé que esos treinta minutos que aún aguanté era un querer estar con los que aprendo e intento que ellos puedan descubrir.
En el enlace siguiente, personas dan razones para luchar por la enseñanza pública, me uno a ellos y añado que a pesar de las caídas, caminamos para que esos días, que siempre nos abrazan con el recuerdo de los momentos vividos, sigan floreciendo aún ante las más profundas deslealtades desde quien debiera ser un servidor de lo público no de intereses tan obscuros como persistentes en obtener sus logros
lunes, abril 09, 2012
Una de mis primeras experiencias en Madrid hace muchos años (cuando ir allí con los amigos, era emprender un viaje digno de ser narrado por Kapucinski), fue en la calle de Preciados, allí estar viendo y algún amigo hasta participando en las timbas callejeras, donde un trilero con tres cubiletes y un garbanzo jugaba con bastante de tus sentidos para hacerte creer que habías visto la correcta posición de dicho insuficiente alimento, o que incluso habías oído su introducción en uno determinado cubículo y habías olido el sudor frío que delataba a aquel mentiroso empedernido enfrentándose a jóvenes honrados como podíamos ser nosotros.
Tengo oído que estas personas fueron, poco a poco, perseguidos y agobiados de tal manera que pudiera darse a entender que estas personas se fueron extinguiendo y que poco a poco conseguimos ser unas personas más honradas. Con el paso de los años, siempre me ha parecido que eso no era así, que esos seres callejeros estarían siempre o entre presidentes de clubes ansiosos de protagonismo que poseían cromos para intercambiar con políticos, también ansiosos y necesitados de futuro
O entre poderosos banqueros y sus necesarios colaboradores beneficiarios de pequeñas recompensas.
Por cierto, en el tema que nos ocupa, los trileros, también encontrábamos fuera de los focos de los primeros actores, los ganchos, seres que participaban también como jugadores-perdedores que, hábilmente, convencerían a mis amigos de que ganar era posible; hasta que tras cuatro o cinco intentos fallidos nos hicieron todo más vivamente comprensible.
O porque no, estarían y seguirían también, entre los políticos-ganchos que nos hacen creer que son los grandes los que van a pagar más en la sanidad pública, cuando en realidad esos seres buscarán cobijo con ese dinero no pagado en una sanidad privada selectiva y dejarán hundir una sanidad pública de calidad. La pregunta es, si ellos son los ganchos ¿quienes serán los focos?. Oportunos anuncios de asépticas aseguradoras o poderosas carteles que ofrecerán atenciones únicas en paraísos impolutos, llegarán hasta nuestro curiosos oídos, insatisfechos por no vivir lo soñado.
O porque no, no lejos les encontraremos entre otros políticos-ganchos que abren la enseñanza a la explotación comercial, metiendo un mayor número de alumnos por clase o seleccionando alumnos ante una constitución que proclama que todos los españoles tenemos derecho a tener las mismas oportunidad y que, además, somos iguales ante la ley.
¿Quienes son sus focos? Bondadosos asociaciones, a veces cercanas al sectarismo, que nos hacen sentirnos únicos cuando hemos apartado de nosotros al diferente. Me ilustra esta reflexión cuando leo en un pequeño titular, no suficientemente profundizado, la afirmación dicha por alguien, que a la llegada a América no sólo les guiaba el afán por el oro, también enseñar la fe. ¿sería ahora lo mismo? si al negocio, ¿hay pedagogía en meter ya actualmente en esos colegios a 35 alumnos por clase?, le podemos meter religión, ¿llegar al más alto espíritu donde ha habido selección? para lograr las más altas metas.
No, ¡que dejen de hacer malabares con posibles mágicos logros!. ¡Qué paguen sus impuestos quienes no lo hacen!, ¡Qué rechacemos al fullero, farandulero!; ya sea que somos nosotros y entre los que nos rodean.
Dice Iñaki Gabilondo, hoy, que por la crisis estos políticos dominadores actuales, justifican todos los malabares con sus innumerables cubiletes y garbanzos, pero o necesitamos saber lo que quieren o los que lo intuimos, esta vez no nos quedaremos esperando a que nuestros amigos descubran al trilero; le buscaremos y querremos hacerles reflexionar sobre lo conveniente de ser uno mismo, sólo eso, en nuestra propia conciencia, nos puede hacer más nosotros
Tengo oído que estas personas fueron, poco a poco, perseguidos y agobiados de tal manera que pudiera darse a entender que estas personas se fueron extinguiendo y que poco a poco conseguimos ser unas personas más honradas. Con el paso de los años, siempre me ha parecido que eso no era así, que esos seres callejeros estarían siempre o entre presidentes de clubes ansiosos de protagonismo que poseían cromos para intercambiar con políticos, también ansiosos y necesitados de futuro
O entre poderosos banqueros y sus necesarios colaboradores beneficiarios de pequeñas recompensas.
Por cierto, en el tema que nos ocupa, los trileros, también encontrábamos fuera de los focos de los primeros actores, los ganchos, seres que participaban también como jugadores-perdedores que, hábilmente, convencerían a mis amigos de que ganar era posible; hasta que tras cuatro o cinco intentos fallidos nos hicieron todo más vivamente comprensible.
O porque no, estarían y seguirían también, entre los políticos-ganchos que nos hacen creer que son los grandes los que van a pagar más en la sanidad pública, cuando en realidad esos seres buscarán cobijo con ese dinero no pagado en una sanidad privada selectiva y dejarán hundir una sanidad pública de calidad. La pregunta es, si ellos son los ganchos ¿quienes serán los focos?. Oportunos anuncios de asépticas aseguradoras o poderosas carteles que ofrecerán atenciones únicas en paraísos impolutos, llegarán hasta nuestro curiosos oídos, insatisfechos por no vivir lo soñado.
O porque no, no lejos les encontraremos entre otros políticos-ganchos que abren la enseñanza a la explotación comercial, metiendo un mayor número de alumnos por clase o seleccionando alumnos ante una constitución que proclama que todos los españoles tenemos derecho a tener las mismas oportunidad y que, además, somos iguales ante la ley.
¿Quienes son sus focos? Bondadosos asociaciones, a veces cercanas al sectarismo, que nos hacen sentirnos únicos cuando hemos apartado de nosotros al diferente. Me ilustra esta reflexión cuando leo en un pequeño titular, no suficientemente profundizado, la afirmación dicha por alguien, que a la llegada a América no sólo les guiaba el afán por el oro, también enseñar la fe. ¿sería ahora lo mismo? si al negocio, ¿hay pedagogía en meter ya actualmente en esos colegios a 35 alumnos por clase?, le podemos meter religión, ¿llegar al más alto espíritu donde ha habido selección? para lograr las más altas metas.
No, ¡que dejen de hacer malabares con posibles mágicos logros!. ¡Qué paguen sus impuestos quienes no lo hacen!, ¡Qué rechacemos al fullero, farandulero!; ya sea que somos nosotros y entre los que nos rodean.
Dice Iñaki Gabilondo, hoy, que por la crisis estos políticos dominadores actuales, justifican todos los malabares con sus innumerables cubiletes y garbanzos, pero o necesitamos saber lo que quieren o los que lo intuimos, esta vez no nos quedaremos esperando a que nuestros amigos descubran al trilero; le buscaremos y querremos hacerles reflexionar sobre lo conveniente de ser uno mismo, sólo eso, en nuestra propia conciencia, nos puede hacer más nosotros
he wish I sent you a kiss
I wish I had understood his lyrics
She wish I would sing these days
you wish I sent her that nice dance
I wish you danced your new skies
He wish she would hear noisy birds
I wish you had felt a indifferent love
She wish he would walk roads closed
you wish I worked to dicover passions
You wish I had needed you sweet weak
I wish you had lived those days delivered
I wish you would call me some cold nights
You wish I told about lost warm memories
I wish the coffee would open my sad mind
today, he wish I had told him new words
I wish I drunk from my wearkness to them
She wish I would sing these days
you wish I sent her that nice dance
I wish you danced your new skies
He wish she would hear noisy birds
I wish you had felt a indifferent love
She wish he would walk roads closed
you wish I worked to dicover passions
You wish I had needed you sweet weak
I wish you had lived those days delivered
I wish you would call me some cold nights
You wish I told about lost warm memories
I wish the coffee would open my sad mind
today, he wish I had told him new words
I wish I drunk from my wearkness to them
domingo, abril 08, 2012
Whom have I read, today? Millás or Puig, Both of them
In one hand, the first man has a real compromise with the true, with the life, he would be dangerous because he helps us to think and interpret our reality; on the other hand, the second man only has a compromise with the politician and economic power. After he has obtained his position, he only finds out the order when he punishs students and other people who don't accept this stupid reality but he never explain where are the money that comes out abroad his country or is hidden in the middle of us; because none of our politician want to look for it.
Why? If he attack young people and civil servants, it is both less dangerous to his life and less complicated between a paralyzed society
I didn't like to be near him because he would had been to worry about the real solution of the problems in this society or demonstrate European power that there would be a better social relation which help us to increase our level. He could choice either of them, but his way has been far of us.
Juan José Millás has writen a devastating article about this time. It would be dangerous if after read it, we will take action about our compromise with our society. Another time, I'm thinking about the Bertold Brecht's Books; it wouldn't be easy live without compromise but it would be worst tha we accept the religious, politician or economic power's driver to obtain a dull life.
Thank you, Millás, we can develop our life without all of Puigs who are in our society but we need reading you to breathe and discover that other life is possible
Why? If he attack young people and civil servants, it is both less dangerous to his life and less complicated between a paralyzed society
I didn't like to be near him because he would had been to worry about the real solution of the problems in this society or demonstrate European power that there would be a better social relation which help us to increase our level. He could choice either of them, but his way has been far of us.
Juan José Millás has writen a devastating article about this time. It would be dangerous if after read it, we will take action about our compromise with our society. Another time, I'm thinking about the Bertold Brecht's Books; it wouldn't be easy live without compromise but it would be worst tha we accept the religious, politician or economic power's driver to obtain a dull life.
Thank you, Millás, we can develop our life without all of Puigs who are in our society but we need reading you to breathe and discover that other life is possible
Doubt about a man without a face or soul
A toast in my breakfast
radicalism, I'm reading that a minister (person in order) has said, and they cannot collaborate with them; but why I have all these question about radicalism and his radicalism?
To a delayed action trigged, without head?
- Who are you? Are you a right person?, When you should shoot?
- when they prepare our economic crisis without regulation to the business people? You shouldn't shoot but how many losses we would have?
- or now, when every citizen will have to help our goverment?,
Less money, less social rights, less level of life; off course, these actions would be only to the workers class, but not to the decorative politician in Easter Week, who earn money and earn religious silence.
And then, young trigged
- Why you shoot at eye level? whom do you protect?; whose do you protect us? who protect you to realize this action?
Where do you come from?
Can you help you about these doubts?
How should everyone make to develop a country?
- It isn't necessary to develop a strike or would be better destroy the banks which we have lost so much money and also, all our self esteem?
It's the police the safety civil sevant whose we must wait their protection about the bad actions or whose shoot their weapon at eye level and they're not worries about their consequences?
When economic people or politician power made their pillages; if the police would had been able to shoot to stops its?
Where they would had been able to drive their weapon?
Would be protecting they whom someone was disqualifying or would be the safety national civil servant who protect our lives?
You can see, I'm plenty of questions and these days; in the first time, I was sure about my answers but when this afternoon I was working with the English questions, I've also discovered that I had made a lot off mistakes with my English language and of course, I should think that I would be also plenty of its about the live's certainties.
The right answers will be answered these days by the politican who have won the last elections, because, then, they have the wisdom.
Thought I, sometimes, my head is full of sadness and informations and I recognize that I like to say them
Fuck you!; What do you think about us?
Their "answer weapons" are driven to us, at eye level; sometimes, hurt us; sometimes, we aren't in our image, our mind is flying and we're inseminating seeds
radicalism, I'm reading that a minister (person in order) has said, and they cannot collaborate with them; but why I have all these question about radicalism and his radicalism?
To a delayed action trigged, without head?
- Who are you? Are you a right person?, When you should shoot?
- when they prepare our economic crisis without regulation to the business people? You shouldn't shoot but how many losses we would have?
- or now, when every citizen will have to help our goverment?,
Less money, less social rights, less level of life; off course, these actions would be only to the workers class, but not to the decorative politician in Easter Week, who earn money and earn religious silence.
And then, young trigged
- Why you shoot at eye level? whom do you protect?; whose do you protect us? who protect you to realize this action?
Where do you come from?
Can you help you about these doubts?
How should everyone make to develop a country?
- It isn't necessary to develop a strike or would be better destroy the banks which we have lost so much money and also, all our self esteem?
It's the police the safety civil sevant whose we must wait their protection about the bad actions or whose shoot their weapon at eye level and they're not worries about their consequences?
When economic people or politician power made their pillages; if the police would had been able to shoot to stops its?
Where they would had been able to drive their weapon?
Would be protecting they whom someone was disqualifying or would be the safety national civil servant who protect our lives?
You can see, I'm plenty of questions and these days; in the first time, I was sure about my answers but when this afternoon I was working with the English questions, I've also discovered that I had made a lot off mistakes with my English language and of course, I should think that I would be also plenty of its about the live's certainties.
The right answers will be answered these days by the politican who have won the last elections, because, then, they have the wisdom.
Thought I, sometimes, my head is full of sadness and informations and I recognize that I like to say them
Fuck you!; What do you think about us?
Their "answer weapons" are driven to us, at eye level; sometimes, hurt us; sometimes, we aren't in our image, our mind is flying and we're inseminating seeds
sábado, abril 07, 2012
Who will help you? Garzón
Drug-dealers, speculatics people, the right or left politics power?; maybe free thinkers?, who analyze mistakes, fairy soul.
For fuck sake!
Do you know, religious people don't like also help you; Why do you ask about the Pope visit's expenses? It was a greateful news for every shoul when he come in betwenn us; it wasn't important if business people obstain some money!
Attention: (it would be important and necessary that we will celebrate your exequies!)
Oh! sorry!
we cannot help you! every week, I'm working away my house. I earn money with foreigner hotel, displacement and removal, and you,
What do you offer me?
- No car, no removal, no safety for me and also for you
- No, I'm protecting a safety man, why I should change and risk my life
- (Another far voice) Maybe, because I'm to be fed up with you
- Oh, excuse me (told us, the bodyguard), who are talking me, now?
- Oh excuse, I'm the valencian man who had to pay your expenses for this day!
Two days before, I received a call phone that congratulate with me because I've been choice in a loterry in which, I didn't like to play?
Ok, but you live in this wonderful Country, plenty of sun and opportunities. Sometimes, we have to pay something and he was the most honorable of all of us!
Ok, he was!, but five years later?
Only a day, three hundred euros!!!
You know, business construction company, everybody came in here, they give us jobs, houses
- Yes, but three hundred (or more, told the other, low voice), only this man! Is there another more?
Is it the democracy prize?
No, but here, we've grateful people, we're the same of a same of big Family
Who help you if everybody is looking for their own benefit? How long we're digging our own grave
For fuck sake!
Do you know, religious people don't like also help you; Why do you ask about the Pope visit's expenses? It was a greateful news for every shoul when he come in betwenn us; it wasn't important if business people obstain some money!
Attention: (it would be important and necessary that we will celebrate your exequies!)
Oh! sorry!
we cannot help you! every week, I'm working away my house. I earn money with foreigner hotel, displacement and removal, and you,
What do you offer me?
- No car, no removal, no safety for me and also for you
- No, I'm protecting a safety man, why I should change and risk my life
- (Another far voice) Maybe, because I'm to be fed up with you
- Oh, excuse me (told us, the bodyguard), who are talking me, now?
- Oh excuse, I'm the valencian man who had to pay your expenses for this day!
Two days before, I received a call phone that congratulate with me because I've been choice in a loterry in which, I didn't like to play?
Ok, but you live in this wonderful Country, plenty of sun and opportunities. Sometimes, we have to pay something and he was the most honorable of all of us!
Ok, he was!, but five years later?
Only a day, three hundred euros!!!
You know, business construction company, everybody came in here, they give us jobs, houses
- Yes, but three hundred (or more, told the other, low voice), only this man! Is there another more?
Is it the democracy prize?
No, but here, we've grateful people, we're the same of a same of big Family
Who help you if everybody is looking for their own benefit? How long we're digging our own grave
viernes, abril 06, 2012
We will be
We will be the strong people whom should heard politician, because we only have our knowledge: it isn't dangerous when people work without problem; but it's worst, when workers have lost their jobs and also their self-esteem; someone looks for easy solutions that powerful men spread over us, but tough workers understand that they must drive their own life and that they made mistakes, that they also can superate its (a lot of times, when poor people make a mistake, the salesmen politician show them the best solution but they never help them before, magicians)
Oh songs! oh lyrics!, plenty of knowledge, discover us, our weakness but. why we look for our enemies in the middle of us (black, arabian, south-american people or handicap never would have to be our target.
Vandalism focalized our attention:
"Hello, I'm a vandal being, looks at me;
not always, but the time to time,
I need destroy a bin; look at me,
my infuriated face, my lost eyes;
you understand it, that I should receive
your worst insults, your disdain and hate
because, Looks at them
What pictures, what wonderful sunrises
white teeth, smart as bullfighter's costume
always to be admired, always generous
they feeds us; they feed with our money
Dont' worry, they never disappear,
they're protected, born to be protected
a World, where they're supplied themselves
Don't worry, they live with our insecurities
Oh songs! oh lyrics!, plenty of knowledge, discover us, our weakness but. why we look for our enemies in the middle of us (black, arabian, south-american people or handicap never would have to be our target.
Vandalism focalized our attention:
"Hello, I'm a vandal being, looks at me;
not always, but the time to time,
I need destroy a bin; look at me,
my infuriated face, my lost eyes;
you understand it, that I should receive
your worst insults, your disdain and hate
because, Looks at them
What pictures, what wonderful sunrises
white teeth, smart as bullfighter's costume
always to be admired, always generous
they feeds us; they feed with our money
Dont' worry, they never disappear,
they're protected, born to be protected
a World, where they're supplied themselves
Don't worry, they live with our insecurities
jueves, abril 05, 2012
where was the nice day?
It's a naice day; we go down a precious river, today, maybe some years ago, lost in the middle a deep canyon. It is our life, it was our life.
We're preparated to superate all difficulties with our skills and also because we know that other people and I will be fighting by ourselves and the others.
This morning, always here perhaps, the emerald and genereous water invite us to love it. This time is wonderful after a hard and white winter. The rope, the waterproofs and our Taxe river's skills are ok.
Stones, syphon, small waterfall will be our camarades to know its, play its.
Step by step, when we comee down every day this river or other, we practise our skills and we must reconigze that, now, the dangerous river are less than before: it's not so difficult to come back when I fall face down inside water, without fear.
When we cannot cross a difficult way, everybody help us with rope, with kayaks, with other safety's actions. Our attention will be absolutely for three or four hours, and also our happiness.
Now, it is the moment to change our clothres. A colleague will do it very fast.
Why?, I ask
It is an Election Day?, he answers me and he doesn't like to lose
I thought, in this moment and maybe for all my life. I've had to superate things that I never could dominate its; every day, every weather, every personal action can change and I will try to play these different wather, time, personal circumstance, because I admitt that I should play and take action for everyone.
If I can do it when I practise kayak, it would be possible to play it in my life where ideal people aren't the best and when every time change, not only for the political decisions, because every women and men have used their freedom for their own performance. I, a lot off times, made mistakes.
This day, we will arrive after 20h., it is not possible to participate in this Election Day; we're pride about our river performance but I will always think about my daily performance where the politician drive us with or without our vote.
Who will be able to watch a river like us, there isn't pedestrian area, water is eroding eternal stones. The ramps of water drive you or a wide space o wide space or a narrow row where you, now, will had to demonstrate your skill.
A rope are preparated to solve a mistake or a lack of skill.
That man had felt the same that I, but he knows that the daily river had to drive with the party that he prefers althought he knows it syphon, waterfall and stones.
We're preparated to superate all difficulties with our skills and also because we know that other people and I will be fighting by ourselves and the others.
This morning, always here perhaps, the emerald and genereous water invite us to love it. This time is wonderful after a hard and white winter. The rope, the waterproofs and our Taxe river's skills are ok.
Stones, syphon, small waterfall will be our camarades to know its, play its.
Step by step, when we comee down every day this river or other, we practise our skills and we must reconigze that, now, the dangerous river are less than before: it's not so difficult to come back when I fall face down inside water, without fear.
When we cannot cross a difficult way, everybody help us with rope, with kayaks, with other safety's actions. Our attention will be absolutely for three or four hours, and also our happiness.
Now, it is the moment to change our clothres. A colleague will do it very fast.
Why?, I ask
It is an Election Day?, he answers me and he doesn't like to lose
I thought, in this moment and maybe for all my life. I've had to superate things that I never could dominate its; every day, every weather, every personal action can change and I will try to play these different wather, time, personal circumstance, because I admitt that I should play and take action for everyone.
If I can do it when I practise kayak, it would be possible to play it in my life where ideal people aren't the best and when every time change, not only for the political decisions, because every women and men have used their freedom for their own performance. I, a lot off times, made mistakes.
This day, we will arrive after 20h., it is not possible to participate in this Election Day; we're pride about our river performance but I will always think about my daily performance where the politician drive us with or without our vote.
Who will be able to watch a river like us, there isn't pedestrian area, water is eroding eternal stones. The ramps of water drive you or a wide space o wide space or a narrow row where you, now, will had to demonstrate your skill.
A rope are preparated to solve a mistake or a lack of skill.
That man had felt the same that I, but he knows that the daily river had to drive with the party that he prefers althought he knows it syphon, waterfall and stones.
miércoles, abril 04, 2012
aguas de un torrente
encimado por el cielo, manan hielos de sol
tumultuosas arriban húmedas aguas eternas
tú, saciado junal día, por plácidas chicharras
se escabulle acento, tono en sonidos airados
Aquí, y sin embargo lejos, destrozan estimas
estudios sin alma pétrea, ausente paso y beso
cebado guía, ya en palabra ligera acepta torpe
abre a vivir compras, otear saciados greenes
Caer libre, remontados inmensos pasos, aligera
Vértigo ante el análisis en ticket, azuza hambre
Cascada de incierto paraje, penetrante auxilio
Y una vida en incierto fin, impaciente en sueño
tumultuosas arriban húmedas aguas eternas
tú, saciado junal día, por plácidas chicharras
se escabulle acento, tono en sonidos airados
Aquí, y sin embargo lejos, destrozan estimas
estudios sin alma pétrea, ausente paso y beso
cebado guía, ya en palabra ligera acepta torpe
abre a vivir compras, otear saciados greenes
Caer libre, remontados inmensos pasos, aligera
Vértigo ante el análisis en ticket, azuza hambre
Cascada de incierto paraje, penetrante auxilio
Y una vida en incierto fin, impaciente en sueño
lunes, abril 02, 2012
Tick the box
I'm going to write about the Carlos Gorostiza's article: "Yo aviso" which I received today,
He's written the idea that, "step by step", I try applying in my daily life. A year ago, more or less; our society came out to the street; economic, politician and religious power thoughout after some month that this movement would stop. They didn't know where we're; perhaps, they should look for in everyone
They would like drive us, another time to their economic ideas, because it is the best way to eliminate our freedom; now, it won't be possible. We draw our own life and we look for people in this way to not walk alone;
Slow corner, to breathe your sunrise
Exchange, to built from the old things
Place, meeting from timeless realities
Silent but unstoppable awakenings
Will you drive our own conscience?
House without taxes, new paradise
Leather shoes, sewn for blindness
Free gasoline, crops soaked morons
Bank buildings, charge consolations
it is not time to wait
He's written the idea that, "step by step", I try applying in my daily life. A year ago, more or less; our society came out to the street; economic, politician and religious power thoughout after some month that this movement would stop. They didn't know where we're; perhaps, they should look for in everyone
They would like drive us, another time to their economic ideas, because it is the best way to eliminate our freedom; now, it won't be possible. We draw our own life and we look for people in this way to not walk alone;
Slow corner, to breathe your sunrise
Exchange, to built from the old things
Place, meeting from timeless realities
Silent but unstoppable awakenings
Will you drive our own conscience?
House without taxes, new paradise
Leather shoes, sewn for blindness
Free gasoline, crops soaked morons
Bank buildings, charge consolations
it is not time to wait
My Queen
Words only to a fun exercise, near the sea
Swansong which sent us rooks, hungry for
flying over the people, driving their behavior
in other to give the power to their master.
Spitting lies look for slaves, fidelity from poverty
Sadness without hope for squashing awful money
Bright nights which will create jobs, love of dollars
love born from slot machines, polices to take care
Not rules, not rights, smoking but reassuring, yes!
Not taxes, not science, hopes rolling on a roulette
american friend, urgent drinker wish we'd break us
money has our soul, our weak foundations of our life
Although we life this hard time, we devote oneself
dreaming end our problems, fix our little daily love
open doors of schools that segregated their hinges
drive luxury one day, in spite of knowin next hard days
Swansong which sent us rooks, hungry for
flying over the people, driving their behavior
in other to give the power to their master.
Spitting lies look for slaves, fidelity from poverty
Sadness without hope for squashing awful money
Bright nights which will create jobs, love of dollars
love born from slot machines, polices to take care
Not rules, not rights, smoking but reassuring, yes!
Not taxes, not science, hopes rolling on a roulette
american friend, urgent drinker wish we'd break us
money has our soul, our weak foundations of our life
Although we life this hard time, we devote oneself
dreaming end our problems, fix our little daily love
open doors of schools that segregated their hinges
drive luxury one day, in spite of knowin next hard days
domingo, abril 01, 2012
a important exchange
How many people could read, in the future, this book about José Couso?. I had bought some years ago and yesterday, in Majaelrayo, it took another path, it would be necessary other people know it, in order to increase our conscience about the possibility of human race and the overcoming fear that "the power" trys to inoculate us.
Why a society should accept a crime so as to an "end victory" which, finally, didn't true?.
What I obtained in order to exchange this book which I didn't knew so well as I should?
Jose Couso will be born again in me and now, when this young will read it, I will be living in that room near other reporters and cameras and I'm going to seeing those youngs whose I know their names and I will be also crying for them and another child soldiers whom the powerful drives in order to obtain their own benefits thought they talk us about a new World, a new Time.
I don't know if he will be drink a beer while he will read the book, I will drink another beer because I wish his family would receive our best wishes and the recognition of a crime to young people who helped us understand the World around us from a different perspective to make us believe.
This day, in the bottom of that room, there will be native people who are going to drink tea or coffee, that they're going to talk about the foreigner armees whose didn't receive "their help" when they had free gasoline.
I wish he hadn't died, I wish he would open our mind and heart, I wish our society took conscience and action about their own way.
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