jueves, enero 03, 2013

Mañana, 4, rueda de prensa y concentración,

"Vida que mejora", No negocio ante la impotencia

Le dicen a María, "que pague 400 euros que, puede que la vida mejore".

Where are you want to live in the future?.

Is our life so bad that we need eat from the miseries of the "other"? 

What is the price of living the gracious granted dignity?

We need people whose we cannot wait anything; but some of us would open ways if our life is only focalised from the money.

The damn appearances!

Some people open skies when the gates of hells dragged people unawarenes; the most curious is these beings don't need titles or claim ethereal  lives.

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
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