domingo, enero 13, 2013

And Leopold, looking at strongly, shows me "New England" and told me it wouldn't be sad if these kind of citizen take control about our Health"

Denis is daily writing traces of the flood, I’m discovering a new Ulysses. Some years ago, I heard that it would be an impossible reading. 

At least, so far, it’s been a dark trip around this language but today, I’ve definitely finished my first in Ulysses’ reading. The last chapter: “Penelope” I’ve travelled with Molly and her monologue.

I’m going to start my second time when Leopold arrives to ask me about our time. He was also a universal man.
He affably thinks that men, who are corrupted, should be stateless people.
Why are they protected by the national police?

He, surprisenly, knows about Alfons’ situation and after ninety years, Leopold hasn’t been able to understand why a policeman associates communism with parasite people.  This man thinks that it would be dangerous if policemen don’t know about all communist ideas and they only think is that capitalist people, who  fool with the Health problem, are good citizen and not for example, dangerous parasites in a society.

The last days, these forces have accompanied Maria and PAH membres; I explain Leopold that I'm sure if we'll prepare questions as the next, these civil servants would transfer its to the politician and they would consequently protect citizens from them

 1. ¿Podría por favor confirmar que los nuevos hospitales de gestión privada tienen que dar BENEFICIOS a sus INVERSORES?  
2. ¿Puede confirmar que el BENEFICIO obtenido por el hospital de gestión privada PROVIENE de los IMPUESTOS de los ciudadanos? 
3. ¿Puede confirmar que el BENEFICIO de un hospital de gestión privada será TANTO MAYOR CUANTO MENOS SE GASTE por paciente atendido? 
4. ¿Se ha puesto algún LÍMITE a los BENEFICIOS de las empresas concesionarias? ¿y al sueldo de sus gerentes? 
5. Si las empresas concesionarias tienen PÉRDIDAS: ¿quién las RESCATARÁ? ¿y a los pacientes
10. ¿Por qué piden 533 millones de euros cuando recortan 60? ¿Para qué los 473 millones restantes?

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Siameses y mercader
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