martes, enero 29, 2013

Heard on the street. Learning to walk slowly to learn

             (Hoy, 29-01-13, desde las 11H. estamos llamados a las puertas del BBVA,  en Guadalajara. Les    salvamos a ellos y a sus inversores. ¿Sólo atenderán a sus inversores? y a ¿sus salvadores?)
When I came out of my apartment, someone gave me a clue about the corruption. On the one hand

            - I just read the Almudena Grande's article. I agreed with her. I've always thought about the corruption but where are people or entreprises who pay?

Why are they paying?. Perhaps they would close if they will obtain contracts or they would like obtain more money.

After making these revolutionary taxes, who are the losers?

         - We pay more electricity
         - The bankers directed its efforts to speculative economy
         - We took a course to an unproductive economy because they payed more

My proposition would be to know every supporter of the different political parties and what mean their aids to citizens

 Why shouldn't be we have the right to that?

         On the other hand, an old man asked me about my heater. A friend of mine had helped him, some time ago.  And now, he has a little problem but he doesn't like annoy my friend for this minutae but he finally explained the problem.

Other official entreprise asked him 1.000 euros  for a repair that finally costed 50 euros. Who asked the first prize?, a common worker,

Why? this man will, perhaps, obtain a comission.

There are two solutions. The first. The political parties have to fight from roots against their corruptions by offering maximum transparency about their sponsors because citizens are implicated in these actions.

When Adelson, Eurovegas, supports Republican party in USA, is not free; it will be because he will pay less taxes, and if he pay less taxes we haven't less Healthcare and Education.

Yesterday, my neighbor despite my haste taught me a lot. He slowly walked and he had arrived more quickly than me

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Siameses y mercader
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