viernes, octubre 12, 2012

Deuda injusta. Bishnu Chaudhary y Juan José Millás

You can see two different reports about Bishnu Chaudhary and Juan José Millás this day (12-10-129 on the same page of the newspaper “El Pais”. The Spanish writer talks us about an unjust debt. The last weekend, Jordi Évole also showed us as German banks want recuperate the money that they had invested developing their Business, but

If they waited obtain a good business, everyone would know that they also can lose. They haven’t a special panel analyzing the risks?

Isn’t that not business?. Later, another groups: builders, Spanish banks, politician have shared in this stupid situation. They also wanted earn easy money.

The incredible situation is that German politician want heard the explanation of young Spanish people that know our situation while Spanish government doesn’t like, why?

Maybe the explanation is easier than someone could imagine: they will draw their imaginary World full of lies and traps.

Finally, they would have obtained purpose under the guise of our guilty aspiration of a better economically situation, we would be their Kalamari that should pay our debts throughout our lives.

She, Bishnu, explained strongly to her parents that the situation should change because they had accepted that life.

I wish that people understand it, although the government penalizes the launch of stones but not the launch of solid blocks of benches casino gamblers

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