miércoles, junio 06, 2012

I was jumping rope my friends

I've stuck a thump, I couldn't say to you, I'd caught the rhythm of these women but, of course, I couldn't wait that Rodrigo Rato arrived to see me. In the first moment, I've thought: uff, this man would like hit me; but he hadn't anything with him and me after, three months, I've been working in a gym. "that woman would had to ask me a night", at least, I dreamed these months.

But not, Rodrigo would like also jump. Ok, I've thought: uff! my acampadaguada's friends didn't like this situation. Finally, I cannot deny the action for someone, maybe my situation is the same of the doctor: Hippocratic oath of a P.E. teacher.

The first ten minutes, it has been awful, he hadn't anything rhythm; step by step, he was nervous and his face was congested.

Ok, Rodrigo, stop, you won't have problems with me; he burst into tears. How do you say to me these things; my friends, "my friendddddssss" he said with Rintintin, they have led me to the current state.

Ok, Ok, slowly, you should look at around all this place, you can see, I'm very happy with this exercise, I don't need special things in my life.

He's been looking at us for longtime; it has been a special day, because a lot off people, that I didn't remember,  wanted to spend the afternoon with us.

They looked at him but we hadn't problems with that person, we didn't like that crazy situation where a man had to be quiet that people around him, were commiting nor errors, but lootings and robberies, knowing that he wouldn't be arrested and also that they also directed the darts was whom would pay those savagery.

Then, another time, he asked us to jump, he wanted a second chance. A second chance, I thought myself, you would need seven lives; then , I've told him, ok, you might jump relaxed and with rhythm, then, really, he's jumped very good; and then I've been around, and I said, these fucky men. I'm not surprised at these people will be sued.

After five minutes, without stop, I said to him: stop, man, stop, if for you, noboby would return to jump.

Rodrigo, later, reconigzed, is the anxiety in which we have been educated

Ok, after the rope is broken and this man hasn't given us any euros.


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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y