viernes, junio 22, 2012

Cheer ourselves up

Our president goes out too fast in a public hearing to show us, his  stupid safety. I immediately remember that liar, president of a powerful country, who, for eight years, ate a biscuit that cut down his breathe every day and then, the oxygen didn't arrive to his head. The problem was that his problem was our problem.

The final step is scary when you see a face full of asthonishement that gives peek at the precipice where you find the strength of your principles.

Those steps had the enthusiasm wanting to watch a football match, where we would always be the winners.

On the other hand, which is the fear? Could someone drive their live if some powerful institution begin to put a spoke in the wheels to move?

This economic institution and their serviles prizewinner always are in front of you; blaming if you show them when their bodies is naked.

They have the money, we will be linked if we follow their paths but we should take the way of our true colors.

Today, we're very few in the square, and two days before, happy people are the random though it were a passing happiness.

Yes, we will be able to walk if we look for the others to help them and also to help us.

Le's break the spear of isolation and dance together in our conscious shortcomings

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y