sábado, mayo 18, 2013

La LOMCE and our different ways.

The habit of conversation, that I’d forgotten develop, will help me to recognize other lives, without my own steps or more important, my quotidian references about the right society ¿What will "El País" be without Maruja Torres?

The last week, we met in some place; less people than before. Why?
Someone is thinking that they shouldn't have any relationship with other persons who accept the supremacy of powerful people. Right, I cannot refute about the powerful people, about the ideological minds but...

Our society hasn’t opportunities to know all situations about the things that we buy or the economic situation that our politicians develop. And the more important:
These places were a point where we demonstrate that the politician will never have all the power and they won’t also do it hereditary. 

Is it not a time to find out us in some site, when we’re discovering that our governors are driving by a single doctrine?

If people, like Federico Mayor Zaragoza or José Maria Maravall warn us of disaster after recuperating a, more o less, good Educational level, following the dark years or dictatorship where obscurantism drove our lives:

Should we only write in front of this submissión to the destruction? or Take action?

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Siameses y mercader
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