miércoles, mayo 08, 2013

Is a right post about economic?

This post is a collage of different information about economic. The first is an Eduardo Garzón post about Island country which has relied on a party which destroyed that country. He explains that the left party forgotten, one more time, develop social ideas as Public Educatio or Health. Is it impossible understand it and also explain it?

Why has Island people changed their government?

We pay the debt or we protect the human rights?. This is a long and interesting video about a meeting where Cecile Lamargue calls into question. When simple arguments try to drive our attention, we can use our time studying other routes?

Cecile Lamarque

How many times we should pay a debt that is not ours?. Why our government and the European government are they interesting in this way? Why is the solution distroy worker conditions and not discover corruption and tax evasion?


After these actions, that, at least, a good government should study, we have some tools that we should explore, although our better tool would be the solidarity, even in our differences

Observatorio de la vulneración de los derechos humanos

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