viernes, noviembre 23, 2012

El buey, la mula y unas elecciones

They only had a different position in its letter but its spirits and targets were absolutely like each other.
Those white winter days had dressed the floor, the mule Eva and the graceful ox, Bird, and their families closed, step by step, my quotidian ways. I was not afraid, because the small shits couldn’t destroy those nice rows that I used cover to do kayak.
Sometime after, I didn’t recognize my right ways where I’d been free. Why I’d forgotten clean from the start?
What were the most important things in those days? Wait the return of the flowery paths?, Dreaming about nice hips where I would go and return again and again, bathed in the wild currents of loved river?.
Understanding that its clothes dyed wrestler autumn horizons mix with hot thirsty summer would plug up, we’d slip on our foolish carelessness.
Late, too late, we discovered that our river was fenced and its putrid waters had been inseminated by those animals so similar.
Our steps, now, had no compass

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y