domingo, febrero 12, 2012

A room

It had been a dangerous and awful situation, now the camera has came in the room, in the first time it has stopped to show us a general view, later another camera shows us an aerial view;, beds have been destroyed by the burglars, they might looked for that picture where their boss was killings a liar  politician. The clothes on the bottom dye a dark atmosphere, some shoes have been broken and we can know its privates, then, these sounds and movements that we cannot find out explanation when we were walking and feeling strange and gloomy songs and situations are solved. We also can show the open and spoil coats that have lost it powerful against the wind and rain. A small hill of book is in the right place. The covers have been opened with the surgeon’s patience. That man hidden important pictures about his life but had the burglars discovered their picture?

I try to imagine this room five minutes before. Three burglars come in the scene, in the first time, they work carefully for five hours but they don’t find out anything then when everything is opened their nerve are broken; they know the boss’ reaction, and then their gestures and actions develop waves of activities and finally this is the situation that we can watch when the camera has came in.

Three hours before, when they had control, the destruction was systematic but effective; everything was scanned and later, straightens up around the different tables and beds. Anything could be used the next time, but the police would know that that work was a professional job, then the second part of their actions would be show the destruction of a giant wave where the bed would be on the dress, the clothes in the middle of a nice broken mirror.  The sheets which had been dismembered had lost its letters that, now, are lies with clothes, armchairs and shoes. Could someone read the message?

 Maybe our child knows something about the picture

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y