word and feelings dance around my darkness
voices and lives look for hidden rows
walking slowly and listening to new songs
you only have your slips and discoveries
Opened doors and windows, flutter birds
Sunny and wet countryside, raise red and black
emerging and iron river, sliping over big stones
sought and loved time, running my new roads
miércoles, febrero 29, 2012
I love you
This day is finishing after a crazy wake up, it has been a hard work and my friends and civil servants are in the street; I haven't been able to go: I have finissed my job very tired and later, my English course take my attention,
I'm working far away but I live with them and I need their help and knowledge.
Sometimes, I would like answer stupid words and ideas that our new goverments talk us. I've discovered that the most important thing:, it would be to know our situation and position. I'm worker and I will be always. I'm happy because I know my possibilities and try to not leave my life in other hands or in strange dream that I cannot drive.
Yesterday, when I looked for a topic to write. I thought about two similar situations: Our European Community or first World and on the other hand, Deustchland, eighty years ago. Those days, people dreamt to be the most powerful country. Everyone had a good life, a good house or good family; only they had a problem: they need other countries and other people to obtain easy and cheap human and material resources. Finally, you know, Deustchland people were discovering that that was a nightmare and it would be impossible going out.
Eighty years later, another crazy and insatiable men have told us about the globalisation and our happines that wouldn't have to have horizon. The first steps were wonderful and our lives have changed. Other countries were paying our bills and these countries also help us wiht their human resources.
Step by step, we're discovering that we will have to pay our own debts.
Those days, crazy and coward boss, someone, flee, anothers kill themselves but a lot of are in the middle our life. Now, it isn't polite organize a big war but they don't like killing themselves then they and their henchman want to subordinate us.
Dreaming bussiness and control: lives, gods
We dream "True colors" and her voice. She always lives with us
I'm working far away but I live with them and I need their help and knowledge.
Sometimes, I would like answer stupid words and ideas that our new goverments talk us. I've discovered that the most important thing:, it would be to know our situation and position. I'm worker and I will be always. I'm happy because I know my possibilities and try to not leave my life in other hands or in strange dream that I cannot drive.
Yesterday, when I looked for a topic to write. I thought about two similar situations: Our European Community or first World and on the other hand, Deustchland, eighty years ago. Those days, people dreamt to be the most powerful country. Everyone had a good life, a good house or good family; only they had a problem: they need other countries and other people to obtain easy and cheap human and material resources. Finally, you know, Deustchland people were discovering that that was a nightmare and it would be impossible going out.
Eighty years later, another crazy and insatiable men have told us about the globalisation and our happines that wouldn't have to have horizon. The first steps were wonderful and our lives have changed. Other countries were paying our bills and these countries also help us wiht their human resources.
Step by step, we're discovering that we will have to pay our own debts.
Those days, crazy and coward boss, someone, flee, anothers kill themselves but a lot of are in the middle our life. Now, it isn't polite organize a big war but they don't like killing themselves then they and their henchman want to subordinate us.
Dreaming bussiness and control: lives, gods
We dream "True colors" and her voice. She always lives with us
lunes, febrero 27, 2012
Public schools, sign up
I was waiting a letter the last time and finally, it
arrived yesterday. She had written a nice book the last year and I was thinking
if I had the opportunity to discover her dark feelings that I had supposed
another times. She wrote me nice and new projects about our future but she didn’t
speak about our child that was studying in a private school and was taking public
resource although she and I knew that other people hadn’t the possibilities to
study there. Our child shouldn’t obtain some privileges with the help of
others. If you prefer this private school, we should pay all taxes; I had said
to her the last time that had had time to speak about him. She spoke as if she
had understood the situation, later; she would rather obtain a bit benefit that
the private school had with public resource.
sábado, febrero 25, 2012
It would be impossible to understand it
If a man was coming in your house and he explains to you a bad situation about a far off country; your family can be very polite but they would return with their homeworks althought they will look at you with friendly face. Now, when I write English words, maybe someone will read it, and anybody will indicated me my bad mistakes but if some day, I return to reread my last English topics, maybe I will look for the most hidden country where anyone can go with the English grammar and dictionary to explain me the hard attack against the James Joyce, Dylan and anothers' language.
I only promise that I've tried to discover every mistake to improve my English with its. The last big mistake was discovered yesterday when I've read an e-mail that I couldn't understand. Sometimes, it is important to practise: When you cannot say some important, it is most important, the silence.
It will be
I only promise that I've tried to discover every mistake to improve my English with its. The last big mistake was discovered yesterday when I've read an e-mail that I couldn't understand. Sometimes, it is important to practise: When you cannot say some important, it is most important, the silence.
It will be
jueves, febrero 23, 2012
If you would like
That the work and free time, was blue
you'd dream to listen to "water is wide"
and you'd try to fly with that angel's voice
Eva Cassidy and Itaca, for our life
Hard ways to run, crazy rows to discover
slippery words, skate towards dreams
sweat and tears to be, in the end, open mind
self-interesteds, in dark cave, read an write
I would be our time if we lost gold chains
we walk to not run behind slighty sparkle
in the horizon, she sings us, another time
you'd dream to listen to "water is wide"
and you'd try to fly with that angel's voice
Eva Cassidy and Itaca, for our life
Hard ways to run, crazy rows to discover
slippery words, skate towards dreams
sweat and tears to be, in the end, open mind
self-interesteds, in dark cave, read an write
I would be our time if we lost gold chains
we walk to not run behind slighty sparkle
in the horizon, she sings us, another time
el modelo, la modelo
Se acerca por una avenida, lleno de oro
Abren puertas a la muerte, llega el platino
Taladran fotos de familia, postrados al dios
me adorarán por darles migajas de sueños
Inútil más insaciable de horopeles, sin moral acato
Vacua mas en grandes escenarios, sigo al oro guia
Perversa danzan alzada en botines, ofrezco mirra
Conseguí la sumisión, me eternizo por necesitados
No daré cultura, conocimiento, búsqueda
en sus terrenos, sembraré huertos de dinero,
recogeré su rendida voluntad, intermediaría
manejo, no creé, ni a ello ayudé, sólo recolecto
Abren puertas a la muerte, llega el platino
Taladran fotos de familia, postrados al dios
me adorarán por darles migajas de sueños
Inútil más insaciable de horopeles, sin moral acato
Vacua mas en grandes escenarios, sigo al oro guia
Perversa danzan alzada en botines, ofrezco mirra
Conseguí la sumisión, me eternizo por necesitados
No daré cultura, conocimiento, búsqueda
en sus terrenos, sembraré huertos de dinero,
recogeré su rendida voluntad, intermediaría
manejo, no creé, ni a ello ayudé, sólo recolecto
domingo, febrero 19, 2012
I was washing me in the river when a hippopotamus
arrived near me and asked me: will we have a good weather for the next months?.
It would be my bigger surprise in my life, if two minutes later, a snake asked
me about the hippopotamus neck, If I knew the best solution to strange it. This
animal, the snake, told me that the meat of that animal helped all his huge family,
(the young snakes had lost their parents in these recent crisis). My family always indicated me that this animal was a liar and never was happy with his possessions.
I didn’t know
my answer; after some minutes I explained it that the hippopotamus was a heavy
animal, it was very difficult that he could displace but when he began, then he
didn’t stop and also was dangerous with their weigh .
I didn’t know if the snake understood but she come out and maybe she looked for a
easy prey
The origin
That English that I liked learning
My mistake language opened the bigger economic crisis
in the World. It won’t be for us easy to believe, more if I write about its
explanations, which before were written in the bestseller books in the last
I hadn’t also
studied in a hard high school and my level wasn’t the best, then you can finish
reading in this moment.
I was near that
nice hotel, waiting a girl, she had promised me to teach me. That time, I need
believe to someone and she was so clever and amusing that I cannot suppose the
next circumstances: She warned me that our meeting point would be in front a
small garden, but when I went to it; I discovered that strange hotel where Eva
had sang for some time with her wonderful voice; I had liked and dreamt singing
her lyric in front that tiny door that I had so many times take pictures.
A girl goes part faster than my eyes because I
couldn’t see her very well. I knew, with my third eye, that she had seen me.
When I arrived to the small garden, I discovered that
she was the same that I had finished to see and when I saw her face, I
recognize that she wasn’t happy because I had arrived later and also because I
hadn’t followed her instructions.
She asked me
about my photograph camera and she liked see the pictures; as soon as she liked
erase its, I acted faster than ever. I loved Eva.
She, then, moved away forever and also she said to me
that my English language would be bad forever. I didn’t believe in that time,
after I have discovered that it is true. I began to watch every picture and
step by step I understood better the origin of our problems
The door was very clean and we could watch people
behind me. The first vision was incredible. It was a foreigner first minister
with a pretty woman. She liked everything that she hadn’t before known, and
that man was terrified but also astonished with the different skills that that
night he had practiced then he prepared a new building near his house, she
should live there and also his government ministers because they discovered
that not only and woman but all women in that country knew the exciting skills.
When their citizens saw those lives, they thought that,
maybe, he would have the same opportunity if they worked hard in those houses
and all country started to analyze their nice new future, they would have jewelry,
cars and new houses every five years.
My bad English had helped me to know the origin of our
crisis. I found out another situation that explained me these times.
Other day, I returned to that sibylline door; inside this
language was wonderful and I cannot live without it, but I hadn’t her forgiveness
and yes! And I should try to decode the door’s message. There, that banker was
there, she was a clever and nice woman but around her, two men lost their heads
and had bought the different grounds in some countries to speculate and built
the different apartments, but she didn’t believe their good ideas and then they
had started to go around other friend women of that distant being that she
never heard them. They needed walking slowly but without stopping. How many
people in that country had felt that bad action? I don’t know but now they are slaves,
before another had had the same situation and one day…!
If I hadn't liked learning English language, everything would be ok and we would be happy, Sorry!
viernes, febrero 17, 2012
¡Qué frío! ¿no?
Están dando leches por todos lados, ¿o no?
y miramos si algo hemos notado, ¿es frío?
rasgamos nuestras vestiduras, ¿arrepentidos?
fuimos aducidos ¿por bancos manirrotos?
Desesperados cantamos ¿exorcizamos patrones?
Luces y textos ¿escondidos tras límpidas palabras?
ponemos intérpretes ¿a trasplantes de otras épocas?
Inteligencia práctica ¿no entiendes de recepciones?
Vidas trabadas ¿oiréis los pasos oscuros al apoyo?
Sigue la pixelada foto ¿entregarán las llaves a la luz?
Viajan compromisos ¿abrirán puentes ante cortados?
Simas a realidad ¿evitaremos con sendas, cruel talud?
Besamos días ¿pasión para una entrega reconocida?
Suspiramos tiempos ¿labraron los surcos del hoy?
Aspiramos olores ¿quitaremos químicas ponzoñosas?
Proclamamos caminos ¿dejaremos caminos tahúres?
y miramos si algo hemos notado, ¿es frío?
rasgamos nuestras vestiduras, ¿arrepentidos?
fuimos aducidos ¿por bancos manirrotos?
Desesperados cantamos ¿exorcizamos patrones?
Luces y textos ¿escondidos tras límpidas palabras?
ponemos intérpretes ¿a trasplantes de otras épocas?
Inteligencia práctica ¿no entiendes de recepciones?
Vidas trabadas ¿oiréis los pasos oscuros al apoyo?
Sigue la pixelada foto ¿entregarán las llaves a la luz?
Viajan compromisos ¿abrirán puentes ante cortados?
Simas a realidad ¿evitaremos con sendas, cruel talud?
Besamos días ¿pasión para una entrega reconocida?
Suspiramos tiempos ¿labraron los surcos del hoy?
Aspiramos olores ¿quitaremos químicas ponzoñosas?
Proclamamos caminos ¿dejaremos caminos tahúres?
Esa máscara, ¡cómo me gusta!, me da tantos réditos. Antes saltaba, y iba superando los obstáculos sin problemas de tal manera que me acercaba a mi objetivo, sin perder para nada los alimentos que me hacían seguir para adelante, ¡eso si que es alimento!, nunca me fallan; el soporte de estos productos, haría entre los humanos el efecto que los enfervorecidos y desquiciados crédulos hacen cuando creen que tienen que seguir una idea, aunque una vez digan una cosa de forma imperativa y otra vez, digan lo contrario, con la misma rotundidad y firmeza.
Ahora ya he llegado, feliz en mi asofado viaje
Por lo tanto, he pensado que ahora no quiero más obstáculos, quitados estos y seguido ciegamente me dispongo a hacer lo que me da la gana. ¿Qué os parece?
Por lo pronto, voy a convertir en realidad a unos guiñoles, me vestiré marcial mente, para eso hablaré con vendedores de esas trajeadas ideas, le pediré que en ese momento no venda más (je, je) y como ser supremo le enviaré al frente de toda mi artillería pesada, para salvarnos de estos terribles seres, incluso como apoyo le enviaré a seres etéreos y necesitados de cariño, que cabecitas locas a veces entre la familia, para que sean tenidos como gloriosos luchadores de honores guiñolizados. ¡Qué esplendorosa llanura!. No habrá nadie que pueda cuestionar mis buenas intenciones.
Luego, me desharé por un momento de mi porte y cual haragán iré a pedir a los poderosos y para sentirme también yo como ellos, las migajas las esparciré entre seres que son felices, en su hambruna con lo que se les va dando. Comerán de mi mano, pero cada vez, les iré quitando alimento. Les veo cada vez más coloradotes y satisfechos de si mismos. ¿Igualarse con un chupóctero?, jamás; nos hemos juntado unos cuantos de los míos y ya tenemos la estrategia; en nombre, de la buena alimentación, les reduciremos aportes a su dieta. Seguro que luego, cuando les demos un poquito más, exhaustos, nos verán como salvadores y caerán rendidos: Animalitos, ya nunca volverán a ser lo mismo y sin embargo tan agradecidos!.
En fin, tengo trajes para todos, les cuento. El maravilloso puesto de caddie, ¿quien se negará a llevarme los palos?. Les ofrezco mi cariño, mi amor e incluso si me asesora bien, y soy un golf ista de clase, entre los míos, le haré creer que es parte de mi panda; además podrá estudiar, con lo que le vaya dando. No me preocupa, un haragán, me han dicho, ya se ha encargado de ponerle los límites, ¡iluso!.
Y, bueno, tengo para todos..., pero ahora eso sí, ya siempre en el llano, ¡cuidadito!
Ahora ya he llegado, feliz en mi asofado viaje
Por lo tanto, he pensado que ahora no quiero más obstáculos, quitados estos y seguido ciegamente me dispongo a hacer lo que me da la gana. ¿Qué os parece?
Por lo pronto, voy a convertir en realidad a unos guiñoles, me vestiré marcial mente, para eso hablaré con vendedores de esas trajeadas ideas, le pediré que en ese momento no venda más (je, je) y como ser supremo le enviaré al frente de toda mi artillería pesada, para salvarnos de estos terribles seres, incluso como apoyo le enviaré a seres etéreos y necesitados de cariño, que cabecitas locas a veces entre la familia, para que sean tenidos como gloriosos luchadores de honores guiñolizados. ¡Qué esplendorosa llanura!. No habrá nadie que pueda cuestionar mis buenas intenciones.
Luego, me desharé por un momento de mi porte y cual haragán iré a pedir a los poderosos y para sentirme también yo como ellos, las migajas las esparciré entre seres que son felices, en su hambruna con lo que se les va dando. Comerán de mi mano, pero cada vez, les iré quitando alimento. Les veo cada vez más coloradotes y satisfechos de si mismos. ¿Igualarse con un chupóctero?, jamás; nos hemos juntado unos cuantos de los míos y ya tenemos la estrategia; en nombre, de la buena alimentación, les reduciremos aportes a su dieta. Seguro que luego, cuando les demos un poquito más, exhaustos, nos verán como salvadores y caerán rendidos: Animalitos, ya nunca volverán a ser lo mismo y sin embargo tan agradecidos!.
En fin, tengo trajes para todos, les cuento. El maravilloso puesto de caddie, ¿quien se negará a llevarme los palos?. Les ofrezco mi cariño, mi amor e incluso si me asesora bien, y soy un golf ista de clase, entre los míos, le haré creer que es parte de mi panda; además podrá estudiar, con lo que le vaya dando. No me preocupa, un haragán, me han dicho, ya se ha encargado de ponerle los límites, ¡iluso!.
Y, bueno, tengo para todos..., pero ahora eso sí, ya siempre en el llano, ¡cuidadito!
domingo, febrero 12, 2012
A room
It had been a dangerous and awful situation, now the camera has came in
the room, in the first time it has stopped to show us a general view, later
another camera shows us an aerial view;, beds have been destroyed by the burglars,
they might looked for that picture where their boss was killings a liar politician. The clothes on the bottom dye a
dark atmosphere, some shoes have been broken and we can know its privates, then,
these sounds and movements that we cannot find out explanation when we were
walking and feeling strange and gloomy songs and situations are solved. We also
can show the open and spoil coats that have lost it powerful against the wind
and rain. A small hill of book is in the right place. The covers have been
opened with the surgeon’s patience. That man hidden important pictures about
his life but had the burglars discovered their picture?
I try to imagine this room five minutes before. Three burglars come in
the scene, in the first time, they work carefully for five hours but they don’t
find out anything then when everything is opened their nerve are broken; they
know the boss’ reaction, and then their gestures and actions develop waves of
activities and finally this is the situation that we can watch when the camera
has came in.
Three hours before, when they had control, the destruction was systematic
but effective; everything was scanned and later, straightens up around the
different tables and beds. Anything could be used the next time, but the police
would know that that work was a professional job, then the second part of their
actions would be show the destruction of a giant wave where the bed would be on
the dress, the clothes in the middle of a nice broken mirror. The sheets which had been dismembered had lost its letters that, now, are
lies with clothes, armchairs and shoes. Could someone read the message?
Maybe our child knows something about the picture
sábado, febrero 11, 2012
A French Saturday
Then, I’ve
decided to go out my first travelling to France. Before, I loved this country
and it language, so interesting, so wonderful (now I’ve sold my soul to a
strange and inhuman language, English, but I’d have to change because step by
step I’m loving it, am not I inhuman being?
France also
is a good country to wash our problems. They play with our pride and we love
bulls, then we come in straight to the cape. Ten they laugh with our sportsmen and now,
with our politician to do politics with some puppet theater. That is our
My cape is absolutely yellow and red; I’m my responsibility
to open those windows because they need receive our proper air and funny feelings
that we translate around the world.
I’m not
sure to go around other countries, maybe I will be tired. Maybe I should to go
out also to a country where it famous and prestigious newspaper writes about
our justice that will be because they are bad people in our country that
explains a different point of view of government (don’t forget, they fight
against dangerous public enemies, puppet theater .
If some
people think about the inconsequent justice that failure against a judicial person
who was backed from other judicial statements then where is the failure?
A court who
sentences only a man and forgot other judges with the same decision or these
men that drive the justice to catch a situation of banditry and exhausted
public resource.
I know, I know, I know, you wouldn't repeat so many times the same questions. It is easy understand that the most important is our country. I will do, I will do always. A years ago, it was me that repeat this statement and you looked liked to see other places. Now, we're laugh, I'm happy, because we never walking alone (but, why the last years, yes), Ok, ok, it is not necessary have so many questions, I know, I know
Definitively I
believe that I should go out to explain our wonderful country around the world,
but the first stop will be in France, with our very big problems: bad puppet
Hoy hace 22 años, también hoy en la India se camina
Nelson Mandela, tata Madiba, oyó que podía salir de la cárcel tras 27 años. Me he acercado a él de algunas formas; la forma más bella fue a través del libro de John Carlin, me enseño como pudiendo salir como perdedor, actuó para que tanto él como su captores, tan inhumanos, pudieran sentirse ganadores. Él ganó, amando la vida, que sólo podía ser un poco más bella, pudiendo haber paz entre bandos cruelmente enfrentados e incluso por momentos, azuzados por los intereses de poderosos que se aprovechan de intereses próximos y alimenticios y que tanto nos cuesta ver, por los ojos dirigidos a los objetivos marcados.
Y de paso, me clava la gran espina de ser sólo un pagador, cuando también este sábado, "A vivir que son dos días" se traslada hasta Anantapur para apoyar la labor que hace la Fundación Vicente Ferrer en la India. Hospitales, colegios, aprender a ganarse la vida y estar organizados para enfrentarse a la dureza de una país tradicional pobre, aunque como siempre debiéramos visualizar que una minoría se hace siempre con la riqueza y por tanto con el control del país.
Tuve apadrinada hasta hace tres años a Malleswaramma, me escribía y le respondí muy pocas veces y muy rápido. Un año, me avisó que se casaba, deseo que todo le vaya bien. Ahora apadrino a otra niña, pero aún estoy más lejos de ella y su familia. He dejado fiada a esta institución la gestión de mi pequeña aportación, en ese sentido no tengo problema, pero mi dinero, sin corazón, ayudará pero no transmitirá lo que siento hacía las personas que tienen que salir adelante tanto en aquel país, como aquí, los chicos rodeados estos de demasiadas cosas y sobre sin la consciencia de valor que le rodean, por el sacrificio que hacen sus mayores para salvarlos de tener la consciencia de la dureza de los caminos a recorrer.
Vicente Ferrer y Madiba, navegué con este en un barco donde sentía la debilidad de su casco ante las marejadas que se sucedían. Ahora como un Robinson, les contemplo y les necesito para sentir este mundo más humano. Y aunque lejos de ambos países, me mecen sus sonidos para no aceptar el conformismo con lo delimitado por los poderes y ser como ellos explorador de las propias vivencias que busquen cambiar los interesados faros, demasiado, alimentados por interesados.
Madiba y Vicente, the thimes are a changing, in those years and now we have to think about new possibilities to not accept their names
Y de paso, me clava la gran espina de ser sólo un pagador, cuando también este sábado, "A vivir que son dos días" se traslada hasta Anantapur para apoyar la labor que hace la Fundación Vicente Ferrer en la India. Hospitales, colegios, aprender a ganarse la vida y estar organizados para enfrentarse a la dureza de una país tradicional pobre, aunque como siempre debiéramos visualizar que una minoría se hace siempre con la riqueza y por tanto con el control del país.
Tuve apadrinada hasta hace tres años a Malleswaramma, me escribía y le respondí muy pocas veces y muy rápido. Un año, me avisó que se casaba, deseo que todo le vaya bien. Ahora apadrino a otra niña, pero aún estoy más lejos de ella y su familia. He dejado fiada a esta institución la gestión de mi pequeña aportación, en ese sentido no tengo problema, pero mi dinero, sin corazón, ayudará pero no transmitirá lo que siento hacía las personas que tienen que salir adelante tanto en aquel país, como aquí, los chicos rodeados estos de demasiadas cosas y sobre sin la consciencia de valor que le rodean, por el sacrificio que hacen sus mayores para salvarlos de tener la consciencia de la dureza de los caminos a recorrer.
Vicente Ferrer y Madiba, navegué con este en un barco donde sentía la debilidad de su casco ante las marejadas que se sucedían. Ahora como un Robinson, les contemplo y les necesito para sentir este mundo más humano. Y aunque lejos de ambos países, me mecen sus sonidos para no aceptar el conformismo con lo delimitado por los poderes y ser como ellos explorador de las propias vivencias que busquen cambiar los interesados faros, demasiado, alimentados por interesados.
Madiba y Vicente, the thimes are a changing, in those years and now we have to think about new possibilities to not accept their names
jueves, febrero 09, 2012
That child
two days later, was in the middle a crowd. They were driven to a special place but he knew the circomstances why they should to go there. For 4 hours, a wonderful and crafty man told them about his imaginary world but the most important would be that they perceived a new reality because he would work to destroy the last sight about the few days ago.
Child walked opposite of them. He had his own poetry about his feelings;
I'm here, to drive my life, why they need to indicate my feelings?
I'll cry when my world you'd destroy, I would like to live dreaming
that beauty car would open me this small row, won't it be easy obtain it?
what I've so much information for? I need them to only walk, I'm so weak!
I want a song to kick you
You have the age that close me
I don't like to be driven
You drive, but theach me!
A day, it is so long sat down in a chair
open your arm, althought the move picture
I would like to do those your small things
flowers are wonderful, but love the hare!
Dance, show my movements that descrive
Jump, discover the top of the walls
Run, aproach so different bit feelings
Circles in the horizon, are near my heart
Child walked opposite of them. He had his own poetry about his feelings;
I'm here, to drive my life, why they need to indicate my feelings?
I'll cry when my world you'd destroy, I would like to live dreaming
that beauty car would open me this small row, won't it be easy obtain it?
what I've so much information for? I need them to only walk, I'm so weak!
I want a song to kick you
You have the age that close me
I don't like to be driven
You drive, but theach me!
A day, it is so long sat down in a chair
open your arm, althought the move picture
I would like to do those your small things
flowers are wonderful, but love the hare!
Dance, show my movements that descrive
Jump, discover the top of the walls
Run, aproach so different bit feelings
Circles in the horizon, are near my heart
miércoles, febrero 08, 2012
Aquello le produjo una increíble sorpresa, le habían dicho que siempre le daría resultado, que sólo eran unos apesebrados. Después de una de las manifestaciones de estos seres "vagos y elegidos", había montado en un tren y allí puso en funcionamiento algunas de las tácticas en las que había sido entrenado, fue acompañado de una "cámara de investigación" que tanto le gusta a la "más pura e inquebrantable investigadora", entregada al arreglo de una sociedad corrupta.
Se acercó, como para irse y parando, se plantó en una cuadrícula y desde allí se dispuso. Iría tanteando con todos los tópicos (sería sucesivamente profesor de una religión sin nombre, también profesor de inglés y también periodista de radio, la nacional, desde allí hasta el final expelió píldoras de las grandes certezas, que le habían enseñado siempre debería dejar como de una forma dulce, descuidada, de buen rollo y que eran in negociables entre quienes le había acogido y de alguna manera, también afianzado en aquellos supuestos.
La verdad que habían entrado a todos los puntos, al final, cuando ellos se fueron, se sentó, tenía un tiempo para él mismo, antes de ir a reportar todo lo ocurrido. No mucho, de hecho, se acercaban sus amigables cuidadores. ¿por qué habiendo dicho todo lo que les podía destruir a aquellos metretefes, era ahora él quien se planteaba las cosas?. Después de haber utilizado sus entallados trajes, tan bellos como necesarios para su distinción, ¿por qué se sentía desnudo?, ni incluso podía utilizar su oculta cámara o su micrófono para otra cosas que no fuera met.........; llegaron y le saciaron de alabanzas. Le dijeron que les había minado la moral; otra vez, a estos no les preocupa la suya propia
Se acercó, como para irse y parando, se plantó en una cuadrícula y desde allí se dispuso. Iría tanteando con todos los tópicos (sería sucesivamente profesor de una religión sin nombre, también profesor de inglés y también periodista de radio, la nacional, desde allí hasta el final expelió píldoras de las grandes certezas, que le habían enseñado siempre debería dejar como de una forma dulce, descuidada, de buen rollo y que eran in negociables entre quienes le había acogido y de alguna manera, también afianzado en aquellos supuestos.
La verdad que habían entrado a todos los puntos, al final, cuando ellos se fueron, se sentó, tenía un tiempo para él mismo, antes de ir a reportar todo lo ocurrido. No mucho, de hecho, se acercaban sus amigables cuidadores. ¿por qué habiendo dicho todo lo que les podía destruir a aquellos metretefes, era ahora él quien se planteaba las cosas?. Después de haber utilizado sus entallados trajes, tan bellos como necesarios para su distinción, ¿por qué se sentía desnudo?, ni incluso podía utilizar su oculta cámara o su micrófono para otra cosas que no fuera met.........; llegaron y le saciaron de alabanzas. Le dijeron que les había minado la moral; otra vez, a estos no les preocupa la suya propia
domingo, febrero 05, 2012
Viejas noticias; Raffaele Simone, despiertanos!
Borró personales sentencias, torpes descripciones, pare enterrar pasados sueños, pasadas responsabilidades; paró para comprender que nunca podría separarme de los tiempos vividos:
- De los días vestidos de lycra para enfrentarse a poderosos caballeros que batían el agua como ahora hubiera podido correr.
- De los sentimientos que había experimentado por ver como aquel amigo, sudoroso, me cuenta en un pequeño descanso que él había emprendido la universal pelea contra los molinos que estaban firmemente amarrados a la tierra, de las malas raíces que se nutren de nuestras aguas.
- De la tristeza que entonces le produjo la utilización de muertos, sin creer ver aves carroñeras y que ahora quedan más evidentes en las medidas tomadas, que retrotraían, incluso, a peores niveles de cuando había sucedido la desgracia que tiño un verano seco y por día ventoso.
- De los sueños rotos, por el encerramiento mental y físico en un espacio amado, pero que había dejado de ser único.
Recojo aquellas rápidas vías de escape y las balanceo sobre el columpio de la lectura del artículo (http://www.publico.es/culturas/420264/esta-izquierda-huele-a-derechas) sobre el ensayista Raffaele Simone, en Público, del día 4 de Febrero que acaba de publicar un libro, clarividente sobre hechos que muchos hemos intuido y que él pone nombre a todas estas sensaciones: "el mundo amable, ¿el mundo se vuelve de derechas? editado en España por Taurus. Leo rápido también sin asimilar un artículo de Fukuyama en el mismo sentido. Ahora, nos queda destaparnos a la auto complacencia y dejar las comodidad de los sofás sobre los que nos narcotizan para envolvernos en la fácil belleza
- De los días vestidos de lycra para enfrentarse a poderosos caballeros que batían el agua como ahora hubiera podido correr.
- De los sentimientos que había experimentado por ver como aquel amigo, sudoroso, me cuenta en un pequeño descanso que él había emprendido la universal pelea contra los molinos que estaban firmemente amarrados a la tierra, de las malas raíces que se nutren de nuestras aguas.
- De la tristeza que entonces le produjo la utilización de muertos, sin creer ver aves carroñeras y que ahora quedan más evidentes en las medidas tomadas, que retrotraían, incluso, a peores niveles de cuando había sucedido la desgracia que tiño un verano seco y por día ventoso.
- De los sueños rotos, por el encerramiento mental y físico en un espacio amado, pero que había dejado de ser único.
Recojo aquellas rápidas vías de escape y las balanceo sobre el columpio de la lectura del artículo (http://www.publico.es/culturas/420264/esta-izquierda-huele-a-derechas) sobre el ensayista Raffaele Simone, en Público, del día 4 de Febrero que acaba de publicar un libro, clarividente sobre hechos que muchos hemos intuido y que él pone nombre a todas estas sensaciones: "el mundo amable, ¿el mundo se vuelve de derechas? editado en España por Taurus. Leo rápido también sin asimilar un artículo de Fukuyama en el mismo sentido. Ahora, nos queda destaparnos a la auto complacencia y dejar las comodidad de los sofás sobre los que nos narcotizan para envolvernos en la fácil belleza
Leopold is sleeping, and John?
It was a nice day, some first birds had came back in our town. This Sunday, he was watching the same eternal religious' row that went to Church. Because the last day weather had been cold and unpleasant, the majority parishioner dressed coats and scarves. Little boys felt the arrival of their freedom after a hard months where they had lived more or less in their house. Men told about football and they also explained the last politic decisions; women told about last actions in the royal family and both, they spoken about the last idle gossip in their neighborhood, that reckless young that had been a fateful accident. Later, like that was an excuse, they had started to speak about his family and their bad actions. Everyone knew something about this family; it had been the same conversation if they wouldn't had seen that car; they had stopped in a zebra crossing; there, people saw a wonderful car, behind the driver a young couple kissed themselves. She was the major, but, that man??, he wasn't dark-haired as her husband !. Two minutes later, at the Church's door she, with sad face, explained that her brother should go far away to develop a important project for our country and maybe he was long for, at least, six months. No far away, a man, in low voice, told them that he knew her family, this hadn't a boy.
A blond child walked slowly in opposite sense, he was unhappy, he didn't understand why he was so different, the last days, he was near other boys but he'd understand that would be dangerous, it would be funny, but he had alway listened to some adults about the big problems; but he was so sad, so alone.
Then he took a decision, he turn right to go with that people. This time would be the first to come in the Church, maybe then he could understand why their schools was si wonderful and friendly. His new high school, sometime, looked so sad, so poor.
John had began the last January to write a new history in that little town. The last roman about Leopold had been an incredible success. It was the history of a dancer who came out far his town because the conditions and the gossips about his habits and his family were inhumans and heartless.
He had lived an endless night with that insatiable women. They had been talking for hours in that writer meeting and she showed him her knowledge about that distant writer. He didn't think about other question when she liked read some special hidden pages in the Leopold' book.
This morning, he had seen the dancer's face in that solitary boy. He asked the driver to stop, he descended and there, he understood some things about the woman, but that child, why he was near her?, It would be the dance?, why that solitary blond fair-haired young looked for that chestnut woman?
A blond child walked slowly in opposite sense, he was unhappy, he didn't understand why he was so different, the last days, he was near other boys but he'd understand that would be dangerous, it would be funny, but he had alway listened to some adults about the big problems; but he was so sad, so alone.
Then he took a decision, he turn right to go with that people. This time would be the first to come in the Church, maybe then he could understand why their schools was si wonderful and friendly. His new high school, sometime, looked so sad, so poor.
John had began the last January to write a new history in that little town. The last roman about Leopold had been an incredible success. It was the history of a dancer who came out far his town because the conditions and the gossips about his habits and his family were inhumans and heartless.
He had lived an endless night with that insatiable women. They had been talking for hours in that writer meeting and she showed him her knowledge about that distant writer. He didn't think about other question when she liked read some special hidden pages in the Leopold' book.
This morning, he had seen the dancer's face in that solitary boy. He asked the driver to stop, he descended and there, he understood some things about the woman, but that child, why he was near her?, It would be the dance?, why that solitary blond fair-haired young looked for that chestnut woman?
sábado, febrero 04, 2012
It hasn't been easy to write in the street. The cold weather hasn't helped us. I was sure about that wonderful decision. They read some pages of the book "white gold" when the wretched slaves came back to London and our citizens would understand that the power: King and ministrers used this men no because they were frees, only because these powerful men could show themselves as our liberators and our actions:
I was moved about their lives in Mecknes, other men and women?
- They always liked to show the King and Queen; they lived in a quiet and free country..
- They salesman and bugglars had a good opportunity to obtain money
- The nationalist people felt that they country was the most powerful in the World
- Sigles thought that would be their time to look for a eternal love or, at least, an eternal night.
- Parents looked forward theirs childrens in the middle of dark dangers
- The murderer tried to develop his unbalanced mind with a weak being
- The religious power reaffirm it faith and also it Machiavellian influence, and me?
- The "honest" men or women beat some isolated protest. These honest men, so just and so patriotic.
Now, after finishing this letter, where are I?
- my legs and arms was freezing in that Siberian place, I was alone and their humanitarian heart took me and they gave me to return near the sea.
Now, I'm seeing the horizon and I heard the waves and the World is so wonderful; sometimes I'm listening to some sad songs but they told me beautiful ideas about the waves of live and mermaids. Then, I sleep another time. They say to me that eveythings are ok; ...and me, quiet but a bit tear slice in my face
I was moved about their lives in Mecknes, other men and women?
- They always liked to show the King and Queen; they lived in a quiet and free country..
- They salesman and bugglars had a good opportunity to obtain money
- The nationalist people felt that they country was the most powerful in the World
- Sigles thought that would be their time to look for a eternal love or, at least, an eternal night.
- Parents looked forward theirs childrens in the middle of dark dangers
- The murderer tried to develop his unbalanced mind with a weak being
- The religious power reaffirm it faith and also it Machiavellian influence, and me?
- The "honest" men or women beat some isolated protest. These honest men, so just and so patriotic.
Now, after finishing this letter, where are I?
- my legs and arms was freezing in that Siberian place, I was alone and their humanitarian heart took me and they gave me to return near the sea.
Now, I'm seeing the horizon and I heard the waves and the World is so wonderful; sometimes I'm listening to some sad songs but they told me beautiful ideas about the waves of live and mermaids. Then, I sleep another time. They say to me that eveythings are ok; ...and me, quiet but a bit tear slice in my face
viernes, febrero 03, 2012
Has dado un buen golpe
Si, bueno, me lo merecía, había mirado bien la hierba alta, la caída y también ahora conozco mejor la potencia de mis golpes, tengo entrenadores, alguno diría sociólogos que saben muy bien como puedo calcular mi fuerza.
- Entonces vas a seguir en este deporte.
- Por supuesto, ver ese verde tan ideal, me convierte en un prototipo de ecologista y luego, golpear, golpear, es maravilloso; tu golpeas, la bola, masa viscosa, siempre recibe
- Egregia persona usted, adalid de mis crispines de juventud.
- Bueno es fácil, pronto me dí cuenta que yo estaba aquí para golpear y "mis" campos son tan bellos.
- Si, pero que hasta las cuestas y las briznas puedas controlar....
- A las últimas se las da unas gotas, que nunca cuestan o pagan otros y se quedan tan contentas y a las cuestas, a las cuestas.....; siempre encuentras a alguien que las necesite subir para sus altos vuelos y sólo es cuestión de montarse en sus lomos. Al final, le das el alimento que has tomado de los demás y ya siempre será fiel tuyo y yo?, pues en la cresta, joder.
- Uff, ¡que dices! tan fina,
- No seas tu también un hijo de la Gran Bretaña, que tanto amo
- ???
- Bueno, así, sí, silencio y los dos tenemos camino
- Entonces vas a seguir en este deporte.
- Por supuesto, ver ese verde tan ideal, me convierte en un prototipo de ecologista y luego, golpear, golpear, es maravilloso; tu golpeas, la bola, masa viscosa, siempre recibe
- Egregia persona usted, adalid de mis crispines de juventud.
- Bueno es fácil, pronto me dí cuenta que yo estaba aquí para golpear y "mis" campos son tan bellos.
- Si, pero que hasta las cuestas y las briznas puedas controlar....
- A las últimas se las da unas gotas, que nunca cuestan o pagan otros y se quedan tan contentas y a las cuestas, a las cuestas.....; siempre encuentras a alguien que las necesite subir para sus altos vuelos y sólo es cuestión de montarse en sus lomos. Al final, le das el alimento que has tomado de los demás y ya siempre será fiel tuyo y yo?, pues en la cresta, joder.
- Uff, ¡que dices! tan fina,
- No seas tu también un hijo de la Gran Bretaña, que tanto amo
- ???
- Bueno, así, sí, silencio y los dos tenemos camino
miércoles, febrero 01, 2012
She wrote a new history
I was waiting her return, I had been dreaming for long time about her body and her kiss but she loved so much that place, Itaca, it was so beautiful. For a moment I thought, if I should return to Itaca; but, now, I had started other target, other wonderful target, and here, I needed her, but she would decide; that island was wonderful but my head rebelled when I feel that she'd had obtained her last Itaca. I also loved Lluis Llach and his songs but now, I had a new horizon, I had always dreamed with her but if not?
She would looked at new Cyclopes in her ownt island, so different that Cyclope of that horrific island where that stupid being tried to eat them.
She was thinking about those crazy owners and also slaves who had lost all their own identity.
Now, there, it was a quiet place, but only for this moment, they stranger men looked for to dominate us more and more. Now, she liked the nice horizon where she dreamed her old life; but sometimes, new experiences showed her this reality. I would like to sail it with her because she drive the rudder with hard arm but.....
I could wait her decision for one day, later, I'd dreamed all my life with those endless nights; after, I'd be drawing her small colours, her graceful steps, but, now, everythings would be difficults, but neccesary
She would looked at new Cyclopes in her ownt island, so different that Cyclope of that horrific island where that stupid being tried to eat them.
She was thinking about those crazy owners and also slaves who had lost all their own identity.
Now, there, it was a quiet place, but only for this moment, they stranger men looked for to dominate us more and more. Now, she liked the nice horizon where she dreamed her old life; but sometimes, new experiences showed her this reality. I would like to sail it with her because she drive the rudder with hard arm but.....
I could wait her decision for one day, later, I'd dreamed all my life with those endless nights; after, I'd be drawing her small colours, her graceful steps, but, now, everythings would be difficults, but neccesary
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