martes, mayo 08, 2012

Have you signed up your children in the Public School?


No, problems, we will work hard with our children, without think about their sexes, or their money or their capacity.

But, my child has a good level?.,

Ok, no problems, our students are going to work around the World, they has a good recognition after they has demonstrated their level.

These school transmit beautiful values!

Oh, but after a lot of times?

My children, when I see them talking, with their problems, because in our school, we performe their level from their level, I'm very happy, girls and boys, high capacity and less capacity. These values have always been. Thank you to arrive.

Their teachers have a good level

Yes?, my colleague had passed hard examens

When I prefer these high schools that receive your help.

I know, I know, I hope you're happy,

I, in the Public School, I'm very happy, I don't think about what I remove the other.

Public school, OK

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Siameses y mercader
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