sábado, mayo 12, 2012

El chorizo y los secaderos

it would be funny if you prepare a good ground to dry sausages but you finally decide not to buy its. You would be nerveous and then you built a wonderful  and nice building. Everybody wants see it.

 If someone looks for the food, the ham and now the sausage, a finger will drive your eyes towards this superb structure.

It would be curious because you should wacht forever the dryers, but my question would be, there isn't nothing there?. This dryers only have a meaning and usefulness, prepare sausages to eat it.

You must cut of the construction's vision, it would be better look for the sausages to know its origins, its components and perhaps, in the future, you will be preparated to know if this sausages are hopeless or if not, you should choice them away

The sausages are very different each others, someone pointed the wrong direction when someone say to them that they're the most dangerous products maybe because it dangerous. Sometimes, it looks like that they laught

The sausages have bab saturated fats; if you haven't attention about that,

the sausages can hinder your life and get away with fresh

 and the dryers?, sorry, you pay its, it's the life

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y