jueves, junio 20, 2013

En Barcelona

How many noises distor us, in the middle of the powerful howls?
We pay attention about their endless arrogance and shamelessness
This day is finishing as always, knowing their haughtiness of ignorance
She belatedly answered, she's been calling with her friends, she "respis"

What have been happening to us? Our older relatives are  very weak
in front of a device battered by especulation. Who will help them?
A nursing home "to breathe" where hard lives are burned by greed
Financial power, ignorant gurus are destroying us, without any fault

A crazy world of winners invade our feelings, We don't need heros,
when we're running between the songs of earthy birds,  we love the life
These graceful swallows who draw us this cold end of  the cloudy spring
Need the small candles that show through the treacherous walls, order to grow

Breaking the cameras of the winners, who strung our being.
Helping Enkes people, who were living behind the cold lights.
We only live once our reality, why love the success of others?

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y