martes, junio 18, 2013

El librepensador

When, sometimes, two or more people run together. Someone led us to think about the Medias as a cancer in our society. Maybe, they're conscience about some criminal reporter who theats judges or other people who are frees.

The last time, I don't respect this idea. I'm knowing good and wonderful reporters. Today, I've found out this new? Media who told us about the Barcelona meeting, about "Don't debt, won't pay";

Yesterday, a man explained us that our cars, now, are faster than the stagecoach which convered the way, 100 years ago; if they, the economic power, had understood that their privileges shouldn't have been as always, they might have their money in our country; perhaps, our economy wouldn't be in this situation.

Our AOI explained them that we've also good solutions, because their money is not more intelligent than us, and their mind, less

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y