domingo, julio 22, 2012

Supongamos una respuesta a un artículo de ayer

She had written a nice reporter about our national football team. This team recently had won the European national Cup. She want translate the same spirit to our economic situation, but, I think, it’s impossible. Would it be worth to try it?. Absolutely, but we’ve a long way.

In my opinion, the essential philosophy of this team is the collaboration and respect. People need to know that you don’t hide something, which you are in the same way.

I probably know their deeply differences in their lives: friends, concept of nationality, competitiveness.

The last two years, a person arrived near a group of them to increase these differences or find out another that cut down definitively their sincere relationship from their own personalities.

It’s necessary remind us that the target for everyone is the final victory in their private teams.

A lot of people, without the bandage of supporter team, painfully felt that this wonderful time had finished, this hard time reminded me that Ronaldinho’s team had finished when this man thought more about himself than in the group.
Here, you know well, A supporter man arrived sixteen years ago; he hardly fought to divide our society. I know, I know you’re going to talk me that it’s not true, and you would also explain me about our last coach, infinitely worst.

Ok, I’m not speaking about mistakes that everyone have been the opportunity to do it in our own life every day. I’m talking you about respect and recognition to the different beings; it’s not necessary the friendship but it’s strongly vital speak, share, loyalty and know that everyone should lose a bit of our principles (above all, if we’re seeing the bad results). The most essential would be winning a share future.

And you know, sadly to me, that these actions won’t happen and then, beautiful written poems would be buried in our daily actions.

I was a football-crazy, now I don’t need seeing every match but I know their wonderful and loyal spirit. And painfully, I see every day, that a lot of people don’t take the key that open our future

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y