miércoles, julio 04, 2012

Summer exercices

I was remembering those days, when his actions "jog my memory" to begin a new trip. This time, I'll seek an old river, and my recall comes back to me.; in the first,she's got a mental block, because she remembered the suffering. She fought against her reminiscence and she reminds me my lack of skill. I don't have a very good memory when I'm thinking about Alps rivers and its violent currents.
She had written a book about my experiencies as reminders about comradeship. These days, I'm also writting about every movie that I'm watching because my memory started to fade some months ago. Some girls and boys look familiar but I needed some bit reminder when I'm talking about Guil's river, because my mind goes blank about its dangerous rows, and, when I write about its, I always have its names on the tip of my tongue. If I remembered these youngs, I would go to the river, but I don't know

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y