domingo, julio 08, 2012

Is the highway in the Tour?, no, its rivers are waiting us

They’re just descending the mountain way. She told me about our next trip, I would have to pay attention to her ideas and questions, if not; I would have the same problem as the last year. Those days were hard and stronger for our relationship.

But, oh no! switch off the TV,  it has been during the Tour of France that she begun to ask about my dream island, I don’t know her targets but her words were dangerous

 Why she doesn’t like the Tour? Some years ago, we loved the bike; we rode together around different countries but now, why? 

Maybe after the recent deaths on the bike, she thinks about our weakness more than before because our country doesn’t learn to care for riders due to its weakness.

Please, stop, please of remind you this river near the route of bikers: Yes, of course, The Guil

The Guil River, near Chateau Queiras, and my mind away, and I’m remembering my first descent of its waters, it was a crazy decision and  other two people had some experience with the white water but I hadn’t any experience in those jumping white surfaces.

Would a person without experience descend a high mountain river?, Would you think about a  man who’s darted through the waves, holes, and rocks looking after us rafters describing the Guil as a battle tank?

Our Tagus River or a the calm Ara river had been all my experience with these waters.

We decided to embark after a dangerous set of rocks and jumps; I would be stirred awake by the roar of Chateau Queyras space bouncing off the steep river canyon walls.

You know, I wasn’t sure, I’m afraid, we’re only three people and also a driver who, would he be with us in the dangerous moments?

Ok, step by step, scouting each long rapid took lots of time and energy with a few drops being too choked with boulders, forcing us to portage, but sometimes, they jump some waterfall, then, for a minute, I lost my composure but finally I did it.

I fell into the waters of bed Guil River, I was scoured with the high volume flood and I felt so weak as many  rocks  the size of houses and cars were pushed and shoved around to change that, before nice Guil immensely. I couldn’t stop, my boat was a hard weapon full of water, where could I stop?

I knew that some meters later, an impassable way was waiting for me…

Would you think that I stopped with adventure?.

When It’s the moment to stop and before know our skills although we love nature?

Certainly, not, but we paid attention for our skills and for three years we visited the Olympic channel of whitewater located in Seu d’Urgell . There, we’re happy, we learnt a lot of, but their canoeists had real fear when we arrived there. We were by the time, fallen in the water.

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y