martes, julio 31, 2012

Asfixia: I will play GOLF

It won't be impossible that I play golf in the middle a Center garden, the most wonderful garden that I've never known. I will talk you only a thing this golf course is watered every day, twice or five times in a natural way.

They talk about cuts. The kings of waste!. No, they don't think about a balance World, they will have the control of power and we will see them with their wonderful putts that we won't be able to do it with his graceful movements.

We will always think about our guilty or perhaps the guilty of damn poor people that dream take control of society. Poor stupid people

There, now far away, the water could be stolen to play golf in the middle of a dry country. And they talk about resource control

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y