viernes, marzo 30, 2012


He conviced me to embark me, another time, a year ago,abroad my country; she agreed no to send me from the hot country to cold place. I would be sad (she didn't know my last summer).

I, some years ago, apologized for coming out abruptly to other town without send them a short message but, in those times, that girl had persuaded me to live together forever without money, without ideology, only love and fruit. She had treatened to leave me in the middle of that crazy love. I'd also refused to study that new language that I was discovering, head, heart, an impossible way. Only some weeks later, I was regretting taking that decision; I discovered my inability to devote somebody.

The last year, I've been living in Vietnan, near Camboya and I admit thinking a lot of times to a book about the jemers' times. A staggering time, the main character, maybe with his last strongs, encourage to flee from the jemers' jails. I read that book in French when this language was more familiar than English language. It was the same tha "the grapes of Wrath", when you read you couldn't imagine another bad moments and it always had another worse situation.

I was agreed to accept that this country had changed a lot and she suggest writing about this last time. I'm denying knowing so well that her and then I convinced her to  tell us. We'll wait sometimes.

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y