Escucho "litle village" bajo la foto de niños y jóvenes del pueblo de mi niñez, del pueblo donde sueño una paz que se destejé en los vaivenes de las olas que me mecen, exasperan mi ya de por si, poco sabias reacciones.
Van Morrison, si pudiera viajar el próximo jueves a Dublin, uniría el mundo que se revela contra las mentiras cocinadas para ser escuchadas entre las bilis de lo inmediato, con tu voz que despierta mi ansia de abrazo de lo auténtico que encontré en aquella plaza, llena de gente que no se puede permitir un descanso, de aquella otra gente refugiada de los vientos del Oeste, que escuchan entre medias de los ventarrales los imperceptibles susurros de verdades no fácilmente audibles.
Danzaría, allí, sobre el rio Liffey, bajo el estruendo de ese saxo que me guia como la mano imposible de los momentos desválidos. Ese corazón musical bombea los ritmos donde busco romper límites de mi avejentado cuerpo, para soñar piruetas luminosas, saltos por entre los colores de vidas vividas y por vivir, lanzamientos que me acerquen a aquellos de los que me aleje, aunque sea para no negar lo importante que ellos fueron.
Van Morrison, jueves, Dublin, Sweny Chemisty, apoyo a quienes defienden la necesidad de ser veraz en una escuela pública. Van Morrison, Leopoldo Bloom, jugador- encantador de palabras, desbrozador de quienes intoxican con las palabras tétricas por bellas de artificios manejados. James Joyce mago maravilloso, te busco para encontrar las esencias, aquí, que nos venden el vino aguado
martes, enero 31, 2012
lunes, enero 30, 2012
tu sabes que yo corro
Y busco los colores, para beberlos
piso las tierras, que ahora agarran
miro los cielos, que enloquecen paletas
escucho silencios, insaciable palanchin
No encontré paciencia a las palabras
tu elaboras la vida, encontrada en botes
atiendes sus esencias que se te revelan
buscando significados enloquecidos, callo
Pero, entrégate a los pasos, que abran espacios
besa el tiempo que dedicas al cuerpo
para equilibrar el lienzo en el que te contemplamos
Amamos lo que nos presentas paciente
pero anhelamos tu caminar alcalaino
somos un poco más en tú ser, ¿lo sientes?
piso las tierras, que ahora agarran
miro los cielos, que enloquecen paletas
escucho silencios, insaciable palanchin
No encontré paciencia a las palabras
tu elaboras la vida, encontrada en botes
atiendes sus esencias que se te revelan
buscando significados enloquecidos, callo
Pero, entrégate a los pasos, que abran espacios
besa el tiempo que dedicas al cuerpo
para equilibrar el lienzo en el que te contemplamos
Amamos lo que nos presentas paciente
pero anhelamos tu caminar alcalaino
somos un poco más en tú ser, ¿lo sientes?
domingo, enero 29, 2012
Love the ground
I didn't like the hunting and the fishing, but I cannot talk about people who have loved their childhood and youth anchored in their feeling towards parents, family and special friends of those times that they will remind forever.
They love hunting and fishing because they are also another part of country's spirit. I haven't lived their childhood games, their diet that, in those times, had limits that we cannot know today, althought, step by step, we're knowing in these fiddle periods where we must pay the prize the global world of the economy power.
I've the childhood image of a small stream, where my father and my fish were going fishing crayfish, those spanish crayfish, later, disappeared. Yesterday, I heart the last social action of a friends, was the same: I love every country that I'm knowing but these persons are moored to their grounds lived, every second when they sang, hide from parents, or looked for food or an special food.
These bit period, the last summer was his confirmation of his marriage with those grounds, wind, and sounds that he had never forgotten.
Travelling around the world, but we're quiet with these persons, they have all voices, sounds, smells of theirs lands; when you touch their hands, you feel all furrows of their lives worked. Then, they looked at a hidden horizon, in the middle of their hard lives.
We growed with their dances in their village's places
They love hunting and fishing because they are also another part of country's spirit. I haven't lived their childhood games, their diet that, in those times, had limits that we cannot know today, althought, step by step, we're knowing in these fiddle periods where we must pay the prize the global world of the economy power.
I've the childhood image of a small stream, where my father and my fish were going fishing crayfish, those spanish crayfish, later, disappeared. Yesterday, I heart the last social action of a friends, was the same: I love every country that I'm knowing but these persons are moored to their grounds lived, every second when they sang, hide from parents, or looked for food or an special food.
These bit period, the last summer was his confirmation of his marriage with those grounds, wind, and sounds that he had never forgotten.
Travelling around the world, but we're quiet with these persons, they have all voices, sounds, smells of theirs lands; when you touch their hands, you feel all furrows of their lives worked. Then, they looked at a hidden horizon, in the middle of their hard lives.
We growed with their dances in their village's places
sábado, enero 28, 2012
I'm alarmed,
I've decided to stop today: I was doing streching near a lake when I've seen that people was walking with the head. I've kept look at it again at again and then I've understood that my situation was very bad, or maybe the world had decided some questions without me. I'm going further, yesterday, a bird told me that I should flight every day, because this question was very easy. I looked at it, a time, two time, three time, I was waiting a camera, a sunrise but not; this crazy bird liked decided my life but this stupid animal didn't understand anything; I've asked myself if it had tried to flight lying face up.
Finally, I've decided to continue my way, althought it wasn't easy to crash heads; they sound hollow and It isn't happy to recognize that, maybe, my head haven't a lot of ideas.
If this stupid flying stopped sometime (it loved to show itself) and it would think more maybe have been able to help us. No, it is impossible the mirror about it stupidity was broken a lot of time ago and only it is listening to it flatterer that its need its leftovers.
I should recognize that was nice to walk my head but when I tried to think with my feet, I stumbled
Finally, I've decided to continue my way, althought it wasn't easy to crash heads; they sound hollow and It isn't happy to recognize that, maybe, my head haven't a lot of ideas.
If this stupid flying stopped sometime (it loved to show itself) and it would think more maybe have been able to help us. No, it is impossible the mirror about it stupidity was broken a lot of time ago and only it is listening to it flatterer that its need its leftovers.
I should recognize that was nice to walk my head but when I tried to think with my feet, I stumbled
Paseando La Riba
Por aquel pueblo, que ya mayor descubrí,
encuentro sudores, carreras, pasiones;
sin derecho a vivir los lazos que os unieron
comí sus frutos, en los casuales encuentros
Ahora, que vuestro destino, se adelanta al mío
vuela mi corazón, acercándose al paterno lar
viendo la magia fluvial desandada cual ser añorado
saladas tierras, en balcones y cielos oteadas
Cercana casa, en espacio y por seres habitadas
entrar buscaba, para recibir caricias en la Riba
Poyatos, para cuitas paternales, calladas
destapa las ansias de otros, huecas voces oídas
Miré ayer tu casa, en nuestro barrio, ya partías
imaginé juegos, secretos, amigos abrazados
cumpliste, aunque añoren, sueños que caminan
trazan vida , Riba y Colonia, abiertos mundos.
Y sois vosotros en quienes me sentí querido
abono, al adulto tiempo ya consciente
de pasear labrando, para aceptar junios
encuentro sudores, carreras, pasiones;
sin derecho a vivir los lazos que os unieron
comí sus frutos, en los casuales encuentros
Ahora, que vuestro destino, se adelanta al mío
vuela mi corazón, acercándose al paterno lar
viendo la magia fluvial desandada cual ser añorado
saladas tierras, en balcones y cielos oteadas
Cercana casa, en espacio y por seres habitadas
entrar buscaba, para recibir caricias en la Riba
Poyatos, para cuitas paternales, calladas
destapa las ansias de otros, huecas voces oídas
Miré ayer tu casa, en nuestro barrio, ya partías
imaginé juegos, secretos, amigos abrazados
cumpliste, aunque añoren, sueños que caminan
trazan vida , Riba y Colonia, abiertos mundos.
Y sois vosotros en quienes me sentí querido
abono, al adulto tiempo ya consciente
de pasear labrando, para aceptar junios
martes, enero 24, 2012
eh! listen to me
he had been listening to for three year that old song about a crazy love with a foreigner language. Finally, a day, when he thought that his level was good, he listened to Pinball Wizard, the Who, this was a awful experience in his life and he decided begin another time, now he will study the new situation about Real Madrid and his traineur, Mourinho.
Would learn he English language with this subject?. No, but he could speak about those things that he had loved a lot of.
When he started his speech, a bicycleman arrived very fast and he asked about the name of that tree. I didn't knew as explain this problematic situation. The new name of tree was..........Mourinho; Why, The last year, a new and young tree had grown very fast near it. From this time, our tree had lost the sun and from this time, his, now, unhappy branches was looking for the shadows, nor the fertile ground, now he didn't liked looking for the sun. Its leafs were sads and without colour.
Sometimes, these branches encircled small fleurs, these small specimens thought that action was to protect its but, too late, its understood that was to extract its energies and beauty.
That tree would had had the opportunity to develop other way, but it would liked that if that dazzled tree will open its branches toward the sundown, smaller but sun, at least
Would learn he English language with this subject?. No, but he could speak about those things that he had loved a lot of.
When he started his speech, a bicycleman arrived very fast and he asked about the name of that tree. I didn't knew as explain this problematic situation. The new name of tree was..........Mourinho; Why, The last year, a new and young tree had grown very fast near it. From this time, our tree had lost the sun and from this time, his, now, unhappy branches was looking for the shadows, nor the fertile ground, now he didn't liked looking for the sun. Its leafs were sads and without colour.
Sometimes, these branches encircled small fleurs, these small specimens thought that action was to protect its but, too late, its understood that was to extract its energies and beauty.
That tree would had had the opportunity to develop other way, but it would liked that if that dazzled tree will open its branches toward the sundown, smaller but sun, at least
lunes, enero 23, 2012
it was an infinite time
Where she liked that anything will change. The friend's meeting was every year, so happy that she dreamed with that special day: food, sport, children. A day, she heard that her best friend had changed his feelings, he came out to other country; she, who dreamed those eternals afternoon with him, changed her habits, althought her heart was crying, she saw other sundown, other trees in autumn but the colors, the dance, now, was different. Now, 30 years later. She had driven her life towards a quiet work to live wonderful and precticted days.
Those sunrises had scratched another time her recognizable house and ways but now she, in the cold street, knew that she would have a lot off colleagues. There, they will drawn a new time. full of uncertainty and hard days but also full of her. She was living
Those sunrises had scratched another time her recognizable house and ways but now she, in the cold street, knew that she would have a lot off colleagues. There, they will drawn a new time. full of uncertainty and hard days but also full of her. She was living
sábado, enero 21, 2012
White Gold
A very interesting book about the European's slavery in Morocco, Tunisian and Algeirs. A borrowed book that keeps my relationship with my Dublin. I ran clumsily inside Phoenix Parc, when the captain Pellow stopped me and asked me that he would like to explain me his adventure for thirty years in the middle of Morocco, Mekness, a town that sultan Moulay Ismail's dreamed converting into a second Versailles.
The piracy even arrived near Great Britain and of course, Spain, France, Italian and another country. The slavery was cruel, nothing that we would had known before in other or our civilisation.
Pellow, sometimes, laugh, sometimes, crys; when I understand his wonderful experiences, I ask him to wait an hour to change my sport's clothes but I see that he was extremely nerveous and then we go to Chester Beatty Library, there I hidden dry clothes the last week (it would be difficult to count this history).
When there, he sees the China's photos, he begins to speak for four hours: food, bed o floor, whip in the middle of the night, slave that hits other slave, deshumanized being to punish the other because their have lost their own condition.
Pellow told me that when he came back, he ate compulsively without curb, now, he trys to feel every taste, to breathe every smell.
And then, when we have eaten vegetarian food, he sleep as he wouldn't had slept for years. And me?, near it is the Guinness's Factory and I would like to discover it secret
The piracy even arrived near Great Britain and of course, Spain, France, Italian and another country. The slavery was cruel, nothing that we would had known before in other or our civilisation.
Pellow, sometimes, laugh, sometimes, crys; when I understand his wonderful experiences, I ask him to wait an hour to change my sport's clothes but I see that he was extremely nerveous and then we go to Chester Beatty Library, there I hidden dry clothes the last week (it would be difficult to count this history).
When there, he sees the China's photos, he begins to speak for four hours: food, bed o floor, whip in the middle of the night, slave that hits other slave, deshumanized being to punish the other because their have lost their own condition.
Pellow told me that when he came back, he ate compulsively without curb, now, he trys to feel every taste, to breathe every smell.
And then, when we have eaten vegetarian food, he sleep as he wouldn't had slept for years. And me?, near it is the Guinness's Factory and I would like to discover it secret
En ocres animados, caminaremos
tu vías, aunque andemos despistado en otros lares
descubriremos, extenuados, que juntos podemos
proclamaremos que valores, son respetar condiciones
Aguzaremos ingenios, para aplastar a quien nos pisa
abriendo sus nubes plomizas de días aceptados
sólo con la diminuta escalera de la verso rebelados
compartiremos reinos, sin estúpidas excelencias
lunes, enero 16, 2012
Galway, ten days later
Greta and Gabriel spoken about an old and sad Greta's love, it is the subject in the last pages of "the Dead". Gabriel lives an easy life where everythings and everybodys have their positions in his life. When the dinner are finishing, he sees her thoughtful wife at upstairs; he try being ironic and sure but his next discovereis will open his eyes: his wife always thinks about a young who loved him till the dead.
John had thought that he never came back that dinner after visiting the old Island where Cyclopes had killed the last human being and then, in the future, these big and wild men will only eat meat of sheep and ram.
He hadn't liked to returning with Ulyssees and his crew because he hadn't Penelope or other wife, and the last day when he set off towards Troya, he had discovered that Greta, at the bottom of her heart, felt the warm first love, a young songwriter, and he was her last election.
But Cyclopes had discovered him a cloudy day, because their only eye was prepared to see better; a month needed to come out of that Island and finally,
That new supper help him, this time, yes, to accept his mistakes and wrong ways. It wouldn't be a brightly life but it would be his life
John had thought that he never came back that dinner after visiting the old Island where Cyclopes had killed the last human being and then, in the future, these big and wild men will only eat meat of sheep and ram.
He hadn't liked to returning with Ulyssees and his crew because he hadn't Penelope or other wife, and the last day when he set off towards Troya, he had discovered that Greta, at the bottom of her heart, felt the warm first love, a young songwriter, and he was her last election.
But Cyclopes had discovered him a cloudy day, because their only eye was prepared to see better; a month needed to come out of that Island and finally,
That new supper help him, this time, yes, to accept his mistakes and wrong ways. It wouldn't be a brightly life but it would be his life
sábado, enero 14, 2012
Bailaremos cuando hagamos la revolución
No, lejos en lo físico, muy cerca en el corazón, me corrigen. Es imposible está frase en una persona que tiene una pensión mínima, en una gran ciudad y donde su marido, cerca de los 85 años, encuentra en la indiferencia de los recortes el camino abonado para que su deterioro físico se acentué a pasos agigantados.
Qué espero de una socialdemocracia?
- Dice Toni Judt, austeridad, y esa es una palabra, sólo nuestra, que efectivamente tiene muy mala publicidad, pésima diría yo, pero nunca deberemos abandonarla, porque nuestra vida real está basada en lo que podemos obtener por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que nadie nos allané caminos y donde nunca nos dirán los medios necesarios que debemos ir pagando.
En experiencias anteriores, alguien dijo que nunca cogería nada que le diera quien le había intentado utilizar. Sabía que el otro algo sacaría y que incluso, eso nuevo le creaba unas obligaciones que antes no tenía. Sé que no es una sociedad preparada para eso. Cada segundo que oye una persona un corte publicitario, es una puerta abierta: a la conquista de su amor soñado, a una casa que le hará más libre, a una colonia que provocará pasiones, a un colegio que le ofrece lo más exclusivo a lo que se siente obligado el padre a atender.
- Sabemos lo que nos ha llevado a esta bastarda situación pero ellos nos dicen de lo que debemos reducir: Sanidad y Educación y nuestra sorda labor, pero continua es poner en valor, en mucho valor estos dos fundamentos de nuestra sociedad: Educación Pública que no discrimina, que bien apoyada, como ayer decía una carta al director, en Finlandia obtiene unos magnificados resultados; una Sanidad Pública que atienda a nuestros mayores, a nuestras necesidades sin preocuparse de los costes porque fuera implícito en nuestra forma de ser, respetar lo que es nuestro y donde sabemos que entregárselo a quien tiene como objetivo dar beneficios es el principio de una esclavitud primero y luego de una caridad que tanto daña a la dignidad del ser humano.
Esos bancos que quisieron ser ricos como miserables por buscar esclavizar a quien decían ayudar.
Esos buscavidas que obteniendo sus beneficios, en los que me gustaría se bañaran llenos de mierda, el mayor daño hecho es haber encarecido casas y la vida normal del 99% de los seres humanos.
Esos políticos que nos daban, para recibir; sin tener la responsabilidad de pagar los desaguisados cometidos y protegidos en las manadas, no de animales que se protegen por la vida, sino en las familiares manadas que se protegen por la avaricia de ser únicos en sus beneficios.
Ellos, políticos, han sido colaboradores necesarios de esa locura colectiva conducente a la humana avaricia: trenes exclusivos de alta velocidad, faraonicos inhumanos edificios albergadores de las minucias que tapaban los beneficios ocultos de hacedores y procederes .
Ahora son muñecos hambrientos de dinero, ejecutores de medidas punitivas sólo para el normal consumidor y sin embargo, enriquecedores para quienes siempre están preparados para recibir los beneficios de ser unos seres carentes de escrúpulos
Y nosotros que no comprendimos donde estaban nuestros límites y participamos, pobres ilusos de sus paraísos, incrementando los precios básicos como pensando que quienes vinieran a nosotros, serían los tontos que se podía pasar fácilmente de 60 céntimos de euro a un 1 euro, y que no comprenderíamos que la vida en una día había subido un 60 por ciento.
Nuestras medidas de austeridad deben ser dichas:
- Esos bancos, que compran a menor precios al que luego nos cobran a quienes les hemos prestado
- Esos bancos que venden las casa confiscadas a quienes engañaron con argucias que sólo deberían y podían conocer ellos, antes de pasar por hacienda, para no pagar una tasa que debieran pagar y de estar manera seguir defraudando a nosotros, al Estado un dinero que nos es propio.
- Esas otras grandes entidades, que dando su apoyo a bancos y políticos, obtienen beneficios que les sirven para exhalar sus otros mundos, ya mercantalizados
- ¿Por qué no nos hemos atrevido con todo eso?
Existe una socialdemocracia, humana, bella, necesaria.
Existen seres que quieren seguir viviendo de ella pisándola como una alfombra por la que pasar para llegar a sus beneficiados mundos.
Y esta mi prima, que me puso el correcto acento, en la frase de que no se haría una revolución donde la gente no pudiera bailar. A veces, golpean tanto y tan fuerte, que los pies llagados se quedan sin ritmo en los pasos.
A ella, mi amor, y mis torpes frases, para darle azules a los días oscuros.
viernes, enero 13, 2012
She was speaking
when her best friend arrived in a small boat. The Liffey river was cold that morning and dark clouds invited them to look for a new book in that door to know history, teather and Irish tales. She keep a interesting book which had prepared a history to every day of year. Today. He told us about the Dreyfus' problem in French. A jew captain that was accused about pass information to Prussian Armee. The writer Emile Zola knew the situation and lies about the situation. He wrote an article to explain the true history but people who had prepared the lie had a strongle power. It was a big scandal and only, some years later, Dreyfus obtained a just judgment to return inside the Armee. The dark power never wrote off Emile Zola. It was probably that someone poisoned him, some years later.
When she had looked at other books about World War II and anothers about teather, told with her friend to reminder that time where the idealist young come in the powerful reporter to say him that the justicie was always important. They never understood why two minutes later, a violent and wild group of crazy illuminated and domesticated woves knocked them. The fear is the whip of richman. You're usually a small stone in their way. When this bright stone annoys them, water is a good place to hidden your bother actions.
When she had looked at other books about World War II and anothers about teather, told with her friend to reminder that time where the idealist young come in the powerful reporter to say him that the justicie was always important. They never understood why two minutes later, a violent and wild group of crazy illuminated and domesticated woves knocked them. The fear is the whip of richman. You're usually a small stone in their way. When this bright stone annoys them, water is a good place to hidden your bother actions.
jueves, enero 12, 2012
I've been reading for three days, the first chapters of Ulysses in "Swenny Chemist". From the first time that I came in this Bookshop, my dream would be that, some day, read this book, in English off course. I think about the far away that I have this big Itaca, but, every day, when I'm reading an English book or I try to understand a movie or news, I believe that my target is nearest (but far).
If a day, I'm listening to PJ or John about the meaning of this book, the hopes are brooken but delighted with the English sounds and the incredible intelligence of James Joyce.
This afternoon, at 7 o`clock, they will read maybe the second or third charters. The Sweny will be full of people: China, France, Italian, USA, Corean, Brasilian, Chile will have, there, their representative to learn English, to listening to wonderful and metaphorical words and to speak about their lives, so differents, so interesting but with the Ulysses target to travelling about our normal lives to discover the human being
If a day, I'm listening to PJ or John about the meaning of this book, the hopes are brooken but delighted with the English sounds and the incredible intelligence of James Joyce.
This afternoon, at 7 o`clock, they will read maybe the second or third charters. The Sweny will be full of people: China, France, Italian, USA, Corean, Brasilian, Chile will have, there, their representative to learn English, to listening to wonderful and metaphorical words and to speak about their lives, so differents, so interesting but with the Ulysses target to travelling about our normal lives to discover the human being
martes, enero 10, 2012
Interpreto que escribe Tony Judt, historiador inglés maravilloso y que como legado, antes de su muerte por la enfermedad de la ELA, escribió"The Memory Chalet" que un desconocido y poco publicitado primer ministro británico: Clement Attle, entre los años 1945 y 1951, realizó una política en aquel país que puso las bases para que durante años crecieran de una manera equilibrada y plausible. La base de su política fue tomad conciencia de lo que aquel país era y sobre todo de hasta donde podía llegar y por eso su política fue equilibradas y sin ofrecer algo que luego les marcará caminos que no podrían seguir.
Traslado esto a nuestros días, a una entrevista sobre una carta que alguien había escrito a un periódico donde esta persona indicaba que ante la toma de medidas por parte del gobierno. Él, también iba a tomar sus propias medidas de adecuación a esas medidas y por lo tanto también prometía austeridad. (¡Cuando les gustaría que gastásemos para poder recaudar!, pero si ellos se han dado cuenta, ¿Por que no nosotros?).
Es muy difícil, cuando oigo la publicidad me parecen unos auténticos magos que te hacen aparecer como un ser único, que puedes ser rey de cualquier mundo maravilloso y estos magos siempre están al servicio que quieren venderte algo que al final tiene su precio.
Agradezco al ser humano Judt, que dediqué el primer capítulo de su obra póstuma a algo que nos debiera guiar a pensar, al 99% de la población como ponía en las acampadas de Dublín y de Galway y que es a ser maravillosamente austeros porque por encima del dinero que nos pueden abrir puertas, de llaves a pagar, de mundos soñados, seamos capaces de comprender que en nosotros mismos poseemos muchos valores, que nunca nos debieran llevar al enfrentamiento sino al conocimiento del otro, que decía Kapucinski, desde el propio "yo" de ese otro.
Y allí seamos plenos en nosotros, aceptando nuestra deficiencias, con las que vivimos y crecemos porque buscamos caminos, áridos, floridos, húmedos, ventosos que nos hacen bajar la cabeza, para evitar la aventada arena, y porque no dudamos en seguir porque estamos viendo más lejos de los artificios pasajeros, pagaderos
Y ahí, queda, dedicada esta reflexión hacia los seres que ven horizontes, que sueñan Itacas, que bailan, porque la lucha nunca debiera ser tristeza
Traslado esto a nuestros días, a una entrevista sobre una carta que alguien había escrito a un periódico donde esta persona indicaba que ante la toma de medidas por parte del gobierno. Él, también iba a tomar sus propias medidas de adecuación a esas medidas y por lo tanto también prometía austeridad. (¡Cuando les gustaría que gastásemos para poder recaudar!, pero si ellos se han dado cuenta, ¿Por que no nosotros?).
Es muy difícil, cuando oigo la publicidad me parecen unos auténticos magos que te hacen aparecer como un ser único, que puedes ser rey de cualquier mundo maravilloso y estos magos siempre están al servicio que quieren venderte algo que al final tiene su precio.
Agradezco al ser humano Judt, que dediqué el primer capítulo de su obra póstuma a algo que nos debiera guiar a pensar, al 99% de la población como ponía en las acampadas de Dublín y de Galway y que es a ser maravillosamente austeros porque por encima del dinero que nos pueden abrir puertas, de llaves a pagar, de mundos soñados, seamos capaces de comprender que en nosotros mismos poseemos muchos valores, que nunca nos debieran llevar al enfrentamiento sino al conocimiento del otro, que decía Kapucinski, desde el propio "yo" de ese otro.
Y allí seamos plenos en nosotros, aceptando nuestra deficiencias, con las que vivimos y crecemos porque buscamos caminos, áridos, floridos, húmedos, ventosos que nos hacen bajar la cabeza, para evitar la aventada arena, y porque no dudamos en seguir porque estamos viendo más lejos de los artificios pasajeros, pagaderos
Y ahí, queda, dedicada esta reflexión hacia los seres que ven horizontes, que sueñan Itacas, que bailan, porque la lucha nunca debiera ser tristeza
lunes, enero 09, 2012
I've written a wrong letter
I was the last weekend in front a supermarket; I would like to buy an Ikayak because my last Ipira was only to Spain and now, after 25 hours in the water, I've arrived to New York and there, they don't the word: "piragua" and the I need buying and Ikay because this word: kayak, it is usually. Then, in front of the shop window a kind man asked me about my old laptop. He explained to me that he helped me with my laptop problem but after I should check-in my e-mail in his laptop. I always think about bad men and bad ideas but he was so nice that I've written an old e-mail that I had closed
Inmediately, a woman has sent to me a nice message about a good free travelling about the Nord of South Africa.
After a car salesman colled me about change my old car to a new ban prepared to go in those high mountain where I did kayak.
Now, four hours later, I haven eaten, drink or slept and I'm planning my next holiday.
Sorry, That man has also sent an e-mail to my boss. Yes, she's the nice woman who played so well this wet game and that she reminded me that I should work more,
Sometimes, I think that I should not trust to much in the people, sometimes man who want to extract to the shit, he sens you to the mouth of the wolf.
I'll also open door that are well sealed because this animal lost its corporal weight if she can eat more and more
Inmediately, a woman has sent to me a nice message about a good free travelling about the Nord of South Africa.
After a car salesman colled me about change my old car to a new ban prepared to go in those high mountain where I did kayak.
Now, four hours later, I haven eaten, drink or slept and I'm planning my next holiday.
Sorry, That man has also sent an e-mail to my boss. Yes, she's the nice woman who played so well this wet game and that she reminded me that I should work more,
Sometimes, I think that I should not trust to much in the people, sometimes man who want to extract to the shit, he sens you to the mouth of the wolf.
I'll also open door that are well sealed because this animal lost its corporal weight if she can eat more and more
sábado, enero 07, 2012
Off goes Antonio of Dublin, on comes he to Guadalajara
and so many experiences!, and my English language?
This morning, when I was looking for my bus, I alway try to find out something, A man plays the saxophone; I've lost my flight and then I've travelled by sailing boat and by horse.
Why? I played a old Irish sound but I ask him for "little village", He takes offense by my question. He's dublinners and Van Morrison is from Belfast. I've tried to explain him that that was important, because the music is universal art. He explained me the same but I didn't understand. Finally, I've understood, he would like a last Guinness pint together, but it has been impossible to drinking only one, then....., oh my head!
The boat was nice and fast
and the horse? He was from Ireland, but I explained him than in Spain, a horse and a man cannot drink Guinness together. It was time to work. Nice journey, also
This morning, when I was looking for my bus, I alway try to find out something, A man plays the saxophone; I've lost my flight and then I've travelled by sailing boat and by horse.
Why? I played a old Irish sound but I ask him for "little village", He takes offense by my question. He's dublinners and Van Morrison is from Belfast. I've tried to explain him that that was important, because the music is universal art. He explained me the same but I didn't understand. Finally, I've understood, he would like a last Guinness pint together, but it has been impossible to drinking only one, then....., oh my head!
The boat was nice and fast
and the horse? He was from Ireland, but I explained him than in Spain, a horse and a man cannot drink Guinness together. It was time to work. Nice journey, also
viernes, enero 06, 2012
Little village
Cuando un dìa pasàis por vuestro pueblo y tenèis la oportunidad de tener esta canciòn de Van Morrison en vuestra cabeza, es probable que os llenè el corazòn ambas cosas. En Galway, porque quizàs, sintiendo mi ciudad, me siento un ciudadano del mundo, sentì esa emociòn que se deslizaba sobre el frìo e inmenso viento que azotaba la playa, por donde un reguero de personas paseaban, desafiando cualquier miedo. Los dos momentos en los que entra el saxofòn es como una explosiòn con la que mi corazòn brinca hasta saltar el rìo Liffey, Dublin, sin necesidad de puente. Quizàs, necesito escuchar otra vez "little village" porque allì en Galway, siguen en la plaza, un grupo de idealistas que imagina mundos mejores, aislados de agoreros, camorreros y otros dirigentes. Pero la canciòn es para lo positivo, lo que busca unir y en esa acogedora invernal villa, sentì mi pueblecito màs lleno que nunca. Por vuestra ciudad imaginaria, donde la armonìa y harmonìa dibujan cielos imposibles, para que no nos atrapen con sus cielos regalados, siempre subyugadores
Van Morrison, danzando contigo y con la arena golpeando nuestra imaginacion
Van Morrison, danzando contigo y con la arena golpeando nuestra imaginacion
Sweny Chemist
It is a bookshop near Trinity College. Yesterday, there, I received my presence. We read the first chapter of Ulysses, James Joyce. Twelve persons: Irish, of course, China, Italian, French, Brassily and finally a Spanish man who tried to kill the correct and wonderful English language that others persons was reading. If you visit Dublin, it will be a nice time to speech with PJ and if your visit is on Thursday, at seven o'clock, you can read or listen to one day in the life of Leopold Bloom and his wonderful friends. If these day, an Irish young explain you this chapter and also the situation about the book, you'd like to understand every English sound and if you're so unconscious than me and you try to read a page, more or less, you're felt in the middle of Dublin, a hundred years ago. For the moment, the Three Wise Men came in with me, yesterday and ....because I'm a Irish man, we drunk together Guinness pint, nor one, no two, nor.....
this morning, this morning. uff!
this morning, this morning. uff!
jueves, enero 05, 2012
Won't we be in the place?
He's decided that we're better in our house to drinking, to falling in love with the next start, to listening to their wonderful words which have the best solutions about the bigger crisis that the world have known. The silence or the Church's meeting will be the solutions because someone knows who feed the right extreme parties and their solutions?
Where are the problem with the meeting in the street? It has been wonderful to see the Dublin and Galways camps where the people are looking for the solutions about the world's problems without violence. Is it more dangerous a man who speaks in the street or a man, who decided to speculating with the grounds or with the politic decisions which driven to this situation.
A cat is going to answer me, he turns around me and later write me about, because he's problems with his voice that It would be possible to climb over the roof, there, we would be alone but we'd be able to send our message easier, because the antenna come in the house but they cannot take our sight and our arms and then, maybe the government will send us the flying policies but sometimes, they will be our neighbour with the same problems and whom they will look for?
I've understood that this cat is crazy but so clever
Where are the problem with the meeting in the street? It has been wonderful to see the Dublin and Galways camps where the people are looking for the solutions about the world's problems without violence. Is it more dangerous a man who speaks in the street or a man, who decided to speculating with the grounds or with the politic decisions which driven to this situation.
A cat is going to answer me, he turns around me and later write me about, because he's problems with his voice that It would be possible to climb over the roof, there, we would be alone but we'd be able to send our message easier, because the antenna come in the house but they cannot take our sight and our arms and then, maybe the government will send us the flying policies but sometimes, they will be our neighbour with the same problems and whom they will look for?
I've understood that this cat is crazy but so clever
miércoles, enero 04, 2012
A expensive car
I've decided to by the most expensive car that I've found out in Galways. A day before, I'd asked in a Tourism information point about the prize for a room in a B&B and, more or less, was 45 euros. When I visited the first, a fairly woman asked me 80 euros. I was prepared to pay 160 euros; her B&B, then was cheaper than I'd like to rent; maybe she didn't like my cap and my trouser but I believe that I'll show her my money and she didn't like my money and me. It's for that that I' bought this nice car. The first time, the salesman wasn't also interesting about my proposition but when I've showed him my money. He's going to performer the same of a crazy man, the most crazy man in the World. I've payed 85% in cash, with the 20% I've signed up a letter where I'll work for him the next 20 years (sorry I won't have to come back with you) four hours every day. Maybe you don't understand me but I like show her (the B&B owner) than I'm a true powerful man. My doubt will finish faster, if for the next seven days, a special week, I'll be the target for 10 hunters; it's a big decision, but I've watched so many movies about Rambo, then, why not I?
Finally, because this morning, I've discovered the treasures' key of this angry woman, I've decided to return. There, she had her registration's papers and I've been able to pay the 20% of the car to that cruel car salesman.
Yes, of course, she'll had to life in the street but when I'm going to arrive in our country, you will be happy and I, too much
The house?, I've sold it a banker but before, I had donated it for people occupy street" in Galways, maybe there, they would have to develop some social action
And, the banker? fuck him; he always thought the same, that he has made the best economic transaction. I hate them, their false fucking sunrise, so full of money and charity.
Oh!, wait, what am I hearing? Another time the government helps us to buy and rent house.
I'll answer later,
I'll buy you the car when I'm going to earn so money with my houses.
Sorry, the world and their ideas change so fast
Finally, because this morning, I've discovered the treasures' key of this angry woman, I've decided to return. There, she had her registration's papers and I've been able to pay the 20% of the car to that cruel car salesman.
Yes, of course, she'll had to life in the street but when I'm going to arrive in our country, you will be happy and I, too much
The house?, I've sold it a banker but before, I had donated it for people occupy street" in Galways, maybe there, they would have to develop some social action
And, the banker? fuck him; he always thought the same, that he has made the best economic transaction. I hate them, their false fucking sunrise, so full of money and charity.
Oh!, wait, what am I hearing? Another time the government helps us to buy and rent house.
I'll answer later,
I'll buy you the car when I'm going to earn so money with my houses.
Sorry, the world and their ideas change so fast
Esta bastante lejos de donde yo quiero llegar, pero bueno, he comprado un buen neopreno y alguna avitualla y aunque no es la mejor època me he lanzado al oceano. Todo despuès de que una amable dama me abriera su Bed and Breakfast por el modico precio de 80 euros. La verdad que llevo una pinta algo desgarbada y un poco inapropiada para sitios tan elegantes, pero le he dicho que me parecìa muy poco y le he doblado el pago; no os podèis imaginar, se me ha tirado a los pies, sobre todo cuando le he arrojado los billetes de uno en uno (eran de cinco y a veces llevo muchos de ellos, sòlo por fastidiar, ya que sè que no gusto a muchos). Me ha contado, bla, bla, bla, bla, que perdonarà que es una familia de bien, pero que se ha venido a menos por la crisis inmobiliaria, porque se puso a comprar a comprar y ahora, necesita sacar dinero.
A veces, con este tipo de personas me cabreo, porque me parecen de un egoismo absoluto y, porque no decirlo, un poco miserables. Tienen el objetivo en el dinero, no han comprendido la de gente que se ha echado a perder por este motivo. Y le he recordado que sin embargo, conoce algùn banquero o polìtico que le haya pasado lo mismo. De vez en cuando aparecen en la tele pero estoy seguro que eso no les supone ningun impedimento; hoy en dìa aparece hasta gente muy rara contando cosas sobre negocios, hijas, reyes y la verdad que tienen su pùblico. Por eso le he indicado que no pierda el norte.
Ha sido decir el norte y vaya como si se le hubiera encendido una bombilla. Ella sabe que poco a poco el polo Norte, irà perdiendo su hielo y entonces se le ha ocurrido que podìa traer aquì algunos de los habitantes de allì y ella se irìa allì para explorar nuevos mercados y asì olvidar las deudas (se la pasarìa a los esquimales).
La he mirado y bueno, he visto su belleza y que querèis que os diga, me he abandonado. Habìa pensado encabezar una lucha contra las nuevas medidas que he leido desde aquì que ha tomado el gobierno para ayudar a los constructores y banqueros (alguien piensa que es para ayudar a la familia?) pero no, me voy
me voy nadando hasta el polo porque con la publicidad, le podrè financiar a esa dama, sus nuevos proyectos. Cuando me lanzaba, he visto que aparecìa un hombre al que besaba, pero bueno me da igual, mi vida ahora tiene un sentido y es sacrificarme por su belleza, vale tambièn su ambiciòn, pero como decìa aquel, por eso de la dama..
Por cierto me he comprado un Ipira y os irè informando. Un saludo a 40 brazadas por minuto. Hace frio y pierdo el ritmo a veces
A veces, con este tipo de personas me cabreo, porque me parecen de un egoismo absoluto y, porque no decirlo, un poco miserables. Tienen el objetivo en el dinero, no han comprendido la de gente que se ha echado a perder por este motivo. Y le he recordado que sin embargo, conoce algùn banquero o polìtico que le haya pasado lo mismo. De vez en cuando aparecen en la tele pero estoy seguro que eso no les supone ningun impedimento; hoy en dìa aparece hasta gente muy rara contando cosas sobre negocios, hijas, reyes y la verdad que tienen su pùblico. Por eso le he indicado que no pierda el norte.
Ha sido decir el norte y vaya como si se le hubiera encendido una bombilla. Ella sabe que poco a poco el polo Norte, irà perdiendo su hielo y entonces se le ha ocurrido que podìa traer aquì algunos de los habitantes de allì y ella se irìa allì para explorar nuevos mercados y asì olvidar las deudas (se la pasarìa a los esquimales).
La he mirado y bueno, he visto su belleza y que querèis que os diga, me he abandonado. Habìa pensado encabezar una lucha contra las nuevas medidas que he leido desde aquì que ha tomado el gobierno para ayudar a los constructores y banqueros (alguien piensa que es para ayudar a la familia?) pero no, me voy
me voy nadando hasta el polo porque con la publicidad, le podrè financiar a esa dama, sus nuevos proyectos. Cuando me lanzaba, he visto que aparecìa un hombre al que besaba, pero bueno me da igual, mi vida ahora tiene un sentido y es sacrificarme por su belleza, vale tambièn su ambiciòn, pero como decìa aquel, por eso de la dama..
Por cierto me he comprado un Ipira y os irè informando. Un saludo a 40 brazadas por minuto. Hace frio y pierdo el ritmo a veces
lunes, enero 02, 2012
He wrote a tale where the time was finished. He didn't know if the emigrants statues explained to you my feelings when I was seeing it. I've read "the Angela's ashes" Frank Mc Court and yesterday, the first day of January when I was walking around the Liffey river, I stopped and saw the statues' faces, hands and bodies. if you come in Dublin, it wouldn't be necessary take pictures about these emigrants, it would be necessary to explore every men and women and later, if you read this book or another similar, you heart drop some tear, sure
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