domingo, marzo 31, 2013

I didn't know anything aboutTunez's Meeting. Cómite para la anulación de la deuda del Tercer Mundo

The last Saturday, I was walking around Guadalajara, when a helicopter has picked me to carry me to Tunez, the pilot told me that I could explain my own experience about the debt.

I haven't worked, and known this subject, I would be better that people of CADTM will speak it in explanation. I've been able to watch a video about Sankara

I'd written about Sankara showed us the way, although he was immediately killed. 26 years later, it's not important the miserable mercenary who killed him; it's the Sankara's spirit who presides over and guides our ideas about the futur of poor countries as we cam say Spain, after waking up of money orgy dream and promoted.

They've insisted, I should speak about my own experience; but, I only know the damage for our students, about their future and the country future when a government increase the students taxes in a crazy way.

Who will be interested in this action?. Will it be the answer in the next book?: "El poder de la Iglesia en la España contemporánea", Ángel Luis López Villaverde, (ed. Catarata).

Is it right that an institution acquires power to discriminate in our society?. We're knowing the last days, some actions and messages of new Catholic Pope, I think that is not a charity message but rather of justice; is justice that the money freedom prevails over the need for a good education for everybody?

Is it a concern for someone of them to live in a just society? or will they develop better their message where they are protected by powerful and spread their insane charity for the poors?

I tell you, I don't know much about it! but I've dropped the tongue.

Some hours later, I've read Javier Marias' report about these supported Media and their fake pity that try to drive the knowledge of their fans. A year ago, I wrote about a reactionary congressman who 200 years ago, explained us that it was important that poor people would fight against poor people, then powerful and their  acolyte Medias would remain the full control

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y