sábado, marzo 09, 2013

yesterday, I was reading "The Winter of the World"

 but have I also been read this evening and night, wasn't it? Because in my book, why I'm seing this image, if this book hadn't pictures?

If I read yesterday, that two children have been murdered by the nazis in Akelberg, a hospital where handicapped people were hospitalized because they had big problems with their bodies. Some days before, Carla and Werner had read that the Arian people are losing ressources because the government must expend money for them. Would it be possible, at least, to make experiments with them?

The ways had been prepared; but why, I need an answer, why the up picture is in the middle of my book?

Can someone find out the solution?; is it true that the german society was later happier?; am I sleeping or is this book now an eternal book that bring up its pages?

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Siameses y mercader
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