domingo, septiembre 09, 2012

two swan in the Holly

Didn’t that fish man enjoy the last month in Scotland?
Glasgow,  Pennan, fourteen reasons to discover it; hidden by me?
A woman writes about loving Scotland, was she a chirpy mermaid?
Water spread smells over the ground and inquiring seas.
Unexpected sun embraces contagious content eternal joys.
When he’ll visit the Highlands if his boat haven’t compass?
Where the mariner has been? There had only lived some series of days?
Overlooking lifeless houses traveled by a fearful homeless.
Rooms, doors, stones were and are pervaded by doubts, dreams and sufferings.
Oceans of pirates, of adolescent lovers, of surviving shipwrecked
The storm rise over small cabins, children raise over dark future.
Waves of houses splash with the past, water crushed by the incontinence of the greed.
He surfed milky dusk over streets without hearts, hid human waters
Marin anchored in the harbor of beers, dances and words; erred he?
Green, mountains, horizons; grey lakes and clouds vetted for me
He had it between the grips of a spontaneous and energetic dance.
Lost kissed seafarer listen to thousand sounds bathed by “Songs of Lear”
He tried living from his doubtful steps.

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y