The last Saturday, I was walking around Guadalajara, when a helicopter has picked me to carry me to Tunez, the pilot told me that I could explain my own experience about the debt.
I haven't worked, and known this subject, I would be better that people of CADTM will speak it in explanation. I've been able to watch a video about Sankara
I'd written about Sankara showed us the way, although he was immediately killed. 26 years later, it's not important the miserable mercenary who killed him; it's the Sankara's spirit who presides over and guides our ideas about the futur of poor countries as we cam say Spain, after waking up of money orgy dream and promoted.
They've insisted, I should speak about my own experience; but, I only know the damage for our students, about their future and the country future when a government increase the students taxes in a crazy way.
Who will be interested in this action?. Will it be the answer in the next book?: "El poder de la Iglesia en la España contemporánea", Ángel Luis López Villaverde, (ed. Catarata).
Is it right that an institution acquires power to discriminate in our society?. We're knowing the last days, some actions and messages of new Catholic Pope, I think that is not a charity message but rather of justice; is justice that the money freedom prevails over the need for a good education for everybody?
Is it a concern for someone of them to live in a just society? or will they develop better their message where they are protected by powerful and spread their insane charity for the poors?
I tell you, I don't know much about it! but I've dropped the tongue.
Some hours later, I've read Javier Marias' report about these supported Media and their fake pity that try to drive the knowledge of their fans. A year ago, I wrote about a reactionary congressman who 200 years ago, explained us that it was important that poor people would fight against poor people, then powerful and their acolyte Medias would remain the full control
domingo, marzo 31, 2013
sábado, marzo 30, 2013
Ignacio Dean, andando se llega a todo. Ánimo!
El día anterior, salí en medio de un diluvio del Hostal Peñarrubia en Zaorejas, ¡Qué alegría volver a ver a Paco y a sus agradables hijos: Paco y Carlos, llevando con cariño el Hotel Peñarrubia!, me dirigía hacía Villanueva de Alcorón, pero a la altura de un campo de aviación que hubo durante la guerra civil, ví a un chico, con un carrito de niño, pasé de largo, porque le ví hablando por teléfono; pero inmediatamente regresé, eso no podía ser, el niño saldría nadador de allí mismo. Este joven me dijo que no necesitaba que les acercará al pueblo.¡ Bueno!, alguién vendrá a recogerle enseguida, porque la cosa estaba chunga
Cuando a la mañana siguiente, me crucé con él y nos saludamos. Yo, por supuesto como diría mi huido a las nieves, querido amigo Peta, no me enteré que no era la tapa de un carrito de niño, sino una lona para proteger del agua todos los elementos con los que viaja, ¡que me lo tuvo que repetir y remarcar Ignacio, porque yo, a mi bola, seguía sin enterarme, también me explico su proyecto: quiere dar la vuelta al mundo andando durante cinco años (lo había oído en Ser aventureros, en mis mañanas de insomnio) como un reto personal y para defender la tierra. Su proyecto es compartido con Adena y en el link lateral que pongo a continuación a su blog, nos explica mejor como podemos colaborar.
Había salido desde el kilómetro 0, Puerta del Sol y en el 2.018, para el 22 de Marzo, le iremos a recibir, porque gente como Nacho nos da fuerza para creer en el planeta tierra y defenderlo de los tiburones humanos.
Cuando había llegado a Zaorejas, me dijo al día siguiente, estaba reventado de tanta agua, ese agua que tanto ama y amo, como he podido comprobar mirando su inmenso poder a su paso por la fuente de la Falaguera y el Puente de San Pedro, (como me han arrullado los recuerdos de tantos días en la piragua, con frio, sol, nieve, torpezas, malabarismos) y por eso tomó ese pequeño respiro.
Ayer llegaría a Molina y hoy..???. Suerte, camina con la fuerza del Itaca que oigo para empujarte con mis palabras
Espero conseguir que alguno de mis alumnos se entusiasmé con tu aventura y que incluso algunos profesores aprovechemos tu aventura para ayudar en el aprendizaje.
No surrender, cada día que hayas dedicado a atravesar esas carreteras y llegar a las nuevas ciudades te abrán hecho un poco más sabio y nosotros también nos sentiremos marineros en las tierras exploradas, en los vientos enfrentados, en los seres conocidos. Cada día tendrás tu Itaca a saborear. Gracías
Cuando a la mañana siguiente, me crucé con él y nos saludamos. Yo, por supuesto como diría mi huido a las nieves, querido amigo Peta, no me enteré que no era la tapa de un carrito de niño, sino una lona para proteger del agua todos los elementos con los que viaja, ¡que me lo tuvo que repetir y remarcar Ignacio, porque yo, a mi bola, seguía sin enterarme, también me explico su proyecto: quiere dar la vuelta al mundo andando durante cinco años (lo había oído en Ser aventureros, en mis mañanas de insomnio) como un reto personal y para defender la tierra. Su proyecto es compartido con Adena y en el link lateral que pongo a continuación a su blog, nos explica mejor como podemos colaborar.
Había salido desde el kilómetro 0, Puerta del Sol y en el 2.018, para el 22 de Marzo, le iremos a recibir, porque gente como Nacho nos da fuerza para creer en el planeta tierra y defenderlo de los tiburones humanos.
Cuando había llegado a Zaorejas, me dijo al día siguiente, estaba reventado de tanta agua, ese agua que tanto ama y amo, como he podido comprobar mirando su inmenso poder a su paso por la fuente de la Falaguera y el Puente de San Pedro, (como me han arrullado los recuerdos de tantos días en la piragua, con frio, sol, nieve, torpezas, malabarismos) y por eso tomó ese pequeño respiro.
Ayer llegaría a Molina y hoy..???. Suerte, camina con la fuerza del Itaca que oigo para empujarte con mis palabras
Espero conseguir que alguno de mis alumnos se entusiasmé con tu aventura y que incluso algunos profesores aprovechemos tu aventura para ayudar en el aprendizaje.
No surrender, cada día que hayas dedicado a atravesar esas carreteras y llegar a las nuevas ciudades te abrán hecho un poco más sabio y nosotros también nos sentiremos marineros en las tierras exploradas, en los vientos enfrentados, en los seres conocidos. Cada día tendrás tu Itaca a saborear. Gracías
viernes, marzo 29, 2013
It was heard after a slam
At first, I think it would be an animal body, at least, I believed till I approached when I discovered a sharp human rickety body on the floor; his imploded eyes showed his extrem last panic that he had felt; the eyes socket had been knocked a cause of pressure, small threads of blood had been expelled by the altered fingers; now, this dry liquid, drawn pathetic skulls, with broken bones.
The mouth showed some cumbled dents, and with sunken cheeks, that have lost his old support invanding it. looked up to a squash nose with a strange green tone in his "s" fallen shape. Hank of unequal tresses were spread along this fat body in tatter size.
Our related mouth appear in a head between two twisted legs without pont in his feet, finding out some reverted toe in the middle of repeated violet toes.
That horrific expression of head reminded me, when my Vicent lea left from sharing his own shit, that had open him some coloured doors, behind its, depraved covertous evil dreamers mad their periodical liar. He was the shameless man with fancy dress body, with rotten soul in needs.
What faithfulness had leaded to rot in that putrid wretched image on the floor?
That copse came with me for long time as I'd tried to avoid that dirty phantom although we know that both of them always walk close to us.
The mouth showed some cumbled dents, and with sunken cheeks, that have lost his old support invanding it. looked up to a squash nose with a strange green tone in his "s" fallen shape. Hank of unequal tresses were spread along this fat body in tatter size.
Our related mouth appear in a head between two twisted legs without pont in his feet, finding out some reverted toe in the middle of repeated violet toes.
That horrific expression of head reminded me, when my Vicent lea left from sharing his own shit, that had open him some coloured doors, behind its, depraved covertous evil dreamers mad their periodical liar. He was the shameless man with fancy dress body, with rotten soul in needs.
What faithfulness had leaded to rot in that putrid wretched image on the floor?
That copse came with me for long time as I'd tried to avoid that dirty phantom although we know that both of them always walk close to us.
jueves, marzo 28, 2013
PAH, from anywhere
Quieto, paneles rotos de sueños comprados
Quieto y horrorizado, tu pequeño ha llorado
Paralizado, entristecido, ¿Les he fracasado?
Lindos esclavos ¿A qué orden me han llevado?
Escaldada mi mente, encadenado mi cuerpo
Silencio impuesto, para penitenciar mi vida
Saturada en casa anhelada, risa encarcelada
Arrojado al lóbrego subsuelo, perdí mi báculo
Habito cámara insonorizada, exhalo gritos
En bunker empalado, sin oxigeno, sin brisa
Arrastrado por aludes de pureza, exterminado
Vituperados en texto mercenario mediatizado
¿Serán ellos y entregados políticos, apuntadores?
Pim pam la fanática idea, atrapa apedreadores
Pero tu, mi amor, abre la ventana solo al aire
Busca en la mirada embravecida, merecida silla
Construyen caminantes sendas, a paralelas penas
Atiza la brasa de tu mirada, derretido en besos
desatasca tu mente a corrientes afectas, danza
Lápiz que traza corazones, elimina egoísta goma
Marchas a oscuras, sí, pero abrazado, en colores
Temeroso al golpe del taimado dador, sabiendo
Visitas entre palabras y gestos, viles escupen ley
Afectos en torrentes, caen estatuas de soberbia
Plazas que claman ante campanarios silentes
Pasajeros ven boquetes en ornamentada sacristía
Quieto y horrorizado, tu pequeño ha llorado
Paralizado, entristecido, ¿Les he fracasado?
Lindos esclavos ¿A qué orden me han llevado?
Escaldada mi mente, encadenado mi cuerpo
Silencio impuesto, para penitenciar mi vida
Saturada en casa anhelada, risa encarcelada
Arrojado al lóbrego subsuelo, perdí mi báculo
Habito cámara insonorizada, exhalo gritos
En bunker empalado, sin oxigeno, sin brisa
Arrastrado por aludes de pureza, exterminado
Vituperados en texto mercenario mediatizado
¿Serán ellos y entregados políticos, apuntadores?
Pim pam la fanática idea, atrapa apedreadores
Pero tu, mi amor, abre la ventana solo al aire
Busca en la mirada embravecida, merecida silla
Construyen caminantes sendas, a paralelas penas
Atiza la brasa de tu mirada, derretido en besos
desatasca tu mente a corrientes afectas, danza
Lápiz que traza corazones, elimina egoísta goma
Marchas a oscuras, sí, pero abrazado, en colores
Temeroso al golpe del taimado dador, sabiendo
Visitas entre palabras y gestos, viles escupen ley
Afectos en torrentes, caen estatuas de soberbia
Plazas que claman ante campanarios silentes
Pasajeros ven boquetes en ornamentada sacristía
miércoles, marzo 27, 2013
Where was this village
She danced graceful to voiceless people
he loudly moves her present blue clothe
lungs full of sad wind endless greed
destroyed sextant to everlasting serves
devoted credulous fighter without northen
submissive passenger of fussy attraction
Horizon in darkness melodies, thrown up
Seeing the austere lightning of this white flower
Spelling out the freedom true action without money
Travelers to wake up Zoyas in primitive dazzled
Trightrope walker over broken wire of illuminated beings
Mediterranean Cervantine jail, where people share
and show guilty people with have lived putting bars
What cold is the silence of the frozen recipients!
What terrible is early riser life, bornt to pour shit!
Countries, town, village, people, person over the dead spirit time
he loudly moves her present blue clothe
lungs full of sad wind endless greed
destroyed sextant to everlasting serves
devoted credulous fighter without northen
submissive passenger of fussy attraction
Horizon in darkness melodies, thrown up
Seeing the austere lightning of this white flower
Spelling out the freedom true action without money
Travelers to wake up Zoyas in primitive dazzled
Trightrope walker over broken wire of illuminated beings
Mediterranean Cervantine jail, where people share
and show guilty people with have lived putting bars
What cold is the silence of the frozen recipients!
What terrible is early riser life, bornt to pour shit!
Countries, town, village, people, person over the dead spirit time
She'd seen that human misery
and smelled that rotten and nauseatingly body who had forgotten his human condition. She'd had the heaven so close that it was harder than ever wait the last hours. Did he be bestial in their common life? Would she have the opportunity to know, another time, her happiness around the lover's arms?
She immediately looked for those sights where the mountains hided rows, rivers and nice valleys. There, she stopped and looked at the smaller manantial where the recent rains had slaked it. She knew that her kayak time had stopped, forever?, not while the Galician kayakist would send those intrepid pictures.
Two hundred meters later, she found out a siphon; because it was smaller than a coin, she thought about that big fish couldn't cross it, five seconds later, she saw it, as twenti years ago, an old friend had showep up from the darkness and dirtiness of a murder tube. She felt that every step would begin a new way and she will only enjoy that she wouldn't be lost her self confidence
She immediately looked for those sights where the mountains hided rows, rivers and nice valleys. There, she stopped and looked at the smaller manantial where the recent rains had slaked it. She knew that her kayak time had stopped, forever?, not while the Galician kayakist would send those intrepid pictures.
Two hundred meters later, she found out a siphon; because it was smaller than a coin, she thought about that big fish couldn't cross it, five seconds later, she saw it, as twenti years ago, an old friend had showep up from the darkness and dirtiness of a murder tube. She felt that every step would begin a new way and she will only enjoy that she wouldn't be lost her self confidence
Aquello había terminado mal
Cuando salió de aquel laberíntico sueño, encontró a Carla sumida, durante unos segundos, en una profunda reflexión; él había sido aquel muchacho invisible, vecino también de aquel doctor tan humano, (al que algunos se habían obstinado en etiquetar por su procedencia, no por las personas que había salvado), que siempre había seguido en sus juveniles hazañas a aquella osada vecina.
Ahora tenía que tomar una difícil decisión, aquel río esmeralda, se había convertido en un torrente, agraciado por las constantes lluvias de los últimos días, si derribaba el puente como le habían ordenado sus superiores, en los últimos estertores de un poder envilecido, supondría el fin para aquella su hada, que sólo una vez le había sonreído y para aquel doctor que había prolongado la vida de su cantarín abuelo; por el otro lado, si no le derribaba sería un traidor y como tal podría esperar que cualquiera de aquellos lunáticos seres, desenfundará su pistola y pudiera matarle. Aquel acanallado grupo de sátiros esperaba siempre cualquier excusa para destrozar cualquier atisbo de humano raciocinio. Habían convertido la sinrazón en su guía, para alabar a su dios, apresado y justificador de su ansia de dinero.
Carla, casi al mismo tiempo, invisible, había marcado el zurrón de una de aquellas bestias, con el rosáceo pintalabios de aquel ser que todos habían soñado poseer, pero que en un acuerdo impuesto por aquel taimado y maquiavélico asesino que ahora parecía querer encontrar un nuevo camino, llevándose las plantas recogidas clandestinamente que serían la puerta abierta a tiranizar el nuevo mundo, todos habían respetado, a pesar de su orgiástico y amoral trato hacia los seres poseídos. Cuando Macke, se levantó para limpiar su conciencia de aquellos años de oprobio y de bajeza moral, habiendo decidido proteger sus dos ángeles; se desplomó sobre aquellos lodos, como única forma de salvarse de aquella limpiadora balacera que terminó con aquellos seres insanos.
Cuando el silencio infinito, sólo era atravesado por los cantos de los pájaros de inconstantes vuelos. Todos se unieron para atravesar el puente. Él se vio envuelto entre los brazos queridos. Delante, iba un pútrido guía, que consciente del nuevo orden, se ofrecía a desbrozar, él que minutos antes era el fiel siervo del destrozo
Ahora tenía que tomar una difícil decisión, aquel río esmeralda, se había convertido en un torrente, agraciado por las constantes lluvias de los últimos días, si derribaba el puente como le habían ordenado sus superiores, en los últimos estertores de un poder envilecido, supondría el fin para aquella su hada, que sólo una vez le había sonreído y para aquel doctor que había prolongado la vida de su cantarín abuelo; por el otro lado, si no le derribaba sería un traidor y como tal podría esperar que cualquiera de aquellos lunáticos seres, desenfundará su pistola y pudiera matarle. Aquel acanallado grupo de sátiros esperaba siempre cualquier excusa para destrozar cualquier atisbo de humano raciocinio. Habían convertido la sinrazón en su guía, para alabar a su dios, apresado y justificador de su ansia de dinero.
Carla, casi al mismo tiempo, invisible, había marcado el zurrón de una de aquellas bestias, con el rosáceo pintalabios de aquel ser que todos habían soñado poseer, pero que en un acuerdo impuesto por aquel taimado y maquiavélico asesino que ahora parecía querer encontrar un nuevo camino, llevándose las plantas recogidas clandestinamente que serían la puerta abierta a tiranizar el nuevo mundo, todos habían respetado, a pesar de su orgiástico y amoral trato hacia los seres poseídos. Cuando Macke, se levantó para limpiar su conciencia de aquellos años de oprobio y de bajeza moral, habiendo decidido proteger sus dos ángeles; se desplomó sobre aquellos lodos, como única forma de salvarse de aquella limpiadora balacera que terminó con aquellos seres insanos.
Cuando el silencio infinito, sólo era atravesado por los cantos de los pájaros de inconstantes vuelos. Todos se unieron para atravesar el puente. Él se vio envuelto entre los brazos queridos. Delante, iba un pútrido guía, que consciente del nuevo orden, se ofrecía a desbrozar, él que minutos antes era el fiel siervo del destrozo
lunes, marzo 25, 2013
Encuentros a días sin guía
Llamame, yo pasaré la lejía, no escuches la utopía,
Serás anónima, si denuncias a la ciudadania, TIA
mortadelo trasvestido, adiestrado te dará la guía
en la porfía, te señalo; los enriquecidos, donan, confía
Violentos que te dicen que te fumas tus promesas en maria
Caminantes,báculos compartidos, huyen de tu portavocía
Hablas de acciones, amparada por sumisiones, voz que lía
Contradicciones entre contraindicaciones, triste GRACIA
Extensiones nacidas de ser fiel, aún en la mentira, vida en dádivas
Denuncias a seres acosados desde acosadores de votos robados
Libertad mancillada, proclamada a un sentido, verdugos ¿frustrados?
Aborregados receptores, antenas cedidas, para tristezas en televidas
Recaudadores de dones, inmantados por la siempre unica verdad
Censores, a vuestra UNICA proclama, envida la CIUDADANÍA
Ada, Eva, María: "she's an angel"
Serás anónima, si denuncias a la ciudadania, TIA
mortadelo trasvestido, adiestrado te dará la guía
en la porfía, te señalo; los enriquecidos, donan, confía
Violentos que te dicen que te fumas tus promesas en maria
Caminantes,báculos compartidos, huyen de tu portavocía
Hablas de acciones, amparada por sumisiones, voz que lía
Contradicciones entre contraindicaciones, triste GRACIA
Extensiones nacidas de ser fiel, aún en la mentira, vida en dádivas
Denuncias a seres acosados desde acosadores de votos robados
Libertad mancillada, proclamada a un sentido, verdugos ¿frustrados?
Aborregados receptores, antenas cedidas, para tristezas en televidas
Recaudadores de dones, inmantados por la siempre unica verdad
Censores, a vuestra UNICA proclama, envida la CIUDADANÍA
Ada, Eva, María: "she's an angel"
Walking away
Jungleland, where people are discovering that the violence is show to the others that this first group wants to speak, think and take control over their lifes while some politicians support businessmen that forgot to share right information about their contracts, that the bankers have given free money because they wouldn't pay their bankruptcies, that desregulated financial power placed theirs bets, taking free money to insatiable speculators who have driven our society to a fake development that broken our foundations, all these groups try to appear weak little sheep vilified.
Thousands of Tom Joabs walk in the middle of poverty, although some civil servants blame them with fake accusations. We're discovering our common land where we will go walk about..... on our back because their hands are combining.
Esos debates que no veo, ¡Gracias a cada uno de los Ada y Rafa Mayoral que estáis dando dignidad a una sociedad dormida!
After seeing this video when some inhabitants of remunerated cribs call people to visit these social being, who are calling to threaten them?
Whose obtain they their advertising?
Is it for that that their news are more important thant a human life?
Are they the new Pilate?
Thousands of Tom Joabs walk in the middle of poverty, although some civil servants blame them with fake accusations. We're discovering our common land where we will go walk about..... on our back because their hands are combining.
Esos debates que no veo, ¡Gracias a cada uno de los Ada y Rafa Mayoral que estáis dando dignidad a una sociedad dormida!
After seeing this video when some inhabitants of remunerated cribs call people to visit these social being, who are calling to threaten them?
Whose obtain they their advertising?
Is it for that that their news are more important thant a human life?
Are they the new Pilate?
domingo, marzo 24, 2013
The path traveled: The sheep's hill
A precious spring day, nearly two hours, where would I run if the rain was waiting me?
Would it be the day that finally I'll climb up this hard hill?. My short steps stopped my beat heart although my legs were heavy.
Oh yes, I'm here, my body has forgotten the rhythm but not the endurance. Oh my giddiness!, two iron sheets of clouds come to me; I've made a big mistake; today, the clouds have kept other direction, I always look at to Chiloeches village but I should come back, what would the right way be to?.
I've begun to descend to the Iriepal row; but, only two hundred meters, not far away, I see the darkness, if I was in the middle of those incredible impenetrable grey mass, I wouldn't arrive with my present weakness. Perhaps I could knock the Toñi and Luis door but I scared their children. I must pick up the same way, because I've seen a little windos; will it be a mistake?. The landscape is nice in this spring but also, cold.
Another time, My own lighthouse shows me the Alcarria meadow. Two iron grey sheets are waiting me!; Not , they're looking for me, in the middle a small openning where the Madrid's mountains rest after raining hardly over them.
How can I write in this unknown English language the scene in front of me. The sheets went out, opening the sight of small villages around Guadalajara, were there, the Four Madrid big towers brought closer here, today. And my mind sailed to my Itaca Azuqueca Ireland where in the middle of my sea, when my loved mermaids, batucada, called me, I'd the opportunity to learn, it's so important to me! about a topic that I always develop in the same way: Church and it need to take control over our lives. This teacher showed me other quiet way that some of these people are taking, we were speaking for fifteen minutes, the batucada boomed, five meters away, but I enjoyed this conversation because I had to open my hard mind
This morning, I was waking up with the Javier del Pino gentleness forceful arguments (Buscar en "A vista de Lobo (Ramón); tres temas para conocer y reflexionar). Isn't there no good journalism?: Not, there are wonderful people who develop honest jobs in their reports!
One of the subject of his masterhead has been on a priest association, out of the hierarchy. I was surprised but, in this moment, although the governors translate liars, the society walk; my friend told me that everybody should take off our flags to walk together. I'll enjoy it.
We could go though the iron clouds, that get strongly wet us, but we'd arrive in a lot of pains or injuries but the way would have been worth.
Those towers were smaller than the wall where 15M wrote their society awareness
Would it be the day that finally I'll climb up this hard hill?. My short steps stopped my beat heart although my legs were heavy.
Oh yes, I'm here, my body has forgotten the rhythm but not the endurance. Oh my giddiness!, two iron sheets of clouds come to me; I've made a big mistake; today, the clouds have kept other direction, I always look at to Chiloeches village but I should come back, what would the right way be to?.
I've begun to descend to the Iriepal row; but, only two hundred meters, not far away, I see the darkness, if I was in the middle of those incredible impenetrable grey mass, I wouldn't arrive with my present weakness. Perhaps I could knock the Toñi and Luis door but I scared their children. I must pick up the same way, because I've seen a little windos; will it be a mistake?. The landscape is nice in this spring but also, cold.
Another time, My own lighthouse shows me the Alcarria meadow. Two iron grey sheets are waiting me!; Not , they're looking for me, in the middle a small openning where the Madrid's mountains rest after raining hardly over them.
How can I write in this unknown English language the scene in front of me. The sheets went out, opening the sight of small villages around Guadalajara, were there, the Four Madrid big towers brought closer here, today. And my mind sailed to my Itaca Azuqueca Ireland where in the middle of my sea, when my loved mermaids, batucada, called me, I'd the opportunity to learn, it's so important to me! about a topic that I always develop in the same way: Church and it need to take control over our lives. This teacher showed me other quiet way that some of these people are taking, we were speaking for fifteen minutes, the batucada boomed, five meters away, but I enjoyed this conversation because I had to open my hard mind
This morning, I was waking up with the Javier del Pino gentleness forceful arguments (Buscar en "A vista de Lobo (Ramón); tres temas para conocer y reflexionar). Isn't there no good journalism?: Not, there are wonderful people who develop honest jobs in their reports!
One of the subject of his masterhead has been on a priest association, out of the hierarchy. I was surprised but, in this moment, although the governors translate liars, the society walk; my friend told me that everybody should take off our flags to walk together. I'll enjoy it.
We could go though the iron clouds, that get strongly wet us, but we'd arrive in a lot of pains or injuries but the way would have been worth.
Those towers were smaller than the wall where 15M wrote their society awareness
sábado, marzo 23, 2013
Un día lluvioso! comparte experiencias en Azuqueca, Fronton Municipal
Allí encontrarás a quienes están contigo todos los días, no a quienes te ofrecen paraísos para cuatro años, durante unos días.
Los primeros tienen abiertos los canales, donde tú puedes aportar y cuestionar las direcciones; los segundos desde sus direcciones, dirigen sus canales hacía sus bondades, obviando sus necedades.
Muestran al político, sus falsedades, ausencias y prepotencias; estas crecen usando la punición desde su sinrazón. Embaucadores en chaquetas, admiradas en la inocencia.
Cantan, comparten, escuchan, reflexionan y proponen, haciéndose cada día, ante el eterno impartidor, que expone a la adoración, que transmite para ser consumidos, que domina las esclavas luces.
Ironías ante las maquiavélicas guias, orientadoras satrapacias, cómodas entre incendiadores en unidireccionales humores huecos, pagados opinadores ungidos desde tasas apropiadas.
Risas nacidas entre el trabajo y la consciencia en la conciencia de una sociedad viva. Carcajadas licuosas al ser sorbidas en los mocarros macarros de los costurones infligidos por los apropiadores expropiadores.
Conocimiento que al darse, crece, fertilizando desiertos de la inacción, apostatas de las paralizantes verdades, transmutadas a merced del propietario.
Rebeldía nacida entre el torrente, manantial saltarin de piedras, escrutador de cuevas, labrador entre sifones lavadores, que seres punidores tapian entre sus cienos, para en su pútridas excrecencias, lanzan rayos acusadores, que asusten y guien al pío, impávido ante el desvarío del argentum desvío de lo que ¡yo! considero mío.
Juegos malabares, a veces circunstanciales, por ser diariamente crecidos entre los pulsos de los juvenales vuelos que pisan sólo juanetes de engrandecidos partidos, exhibidos para mostrarnos únicos, aunque juguetes gladiadores estén encorsetados en las muestras de limpiadas cloroformadas magnificencias.
Camina, pasea, habla, exhibe, descubre, ama, escucha, mira, siente para obviar al prepotente, para desnudar al saciado engalanado, para despreciar al envarado, para humillar al profesional apoltronado.
Bebo de Bebo, ritmico cuerpo en su ausencia, engalanará las articulaciones endurecidas, porque la danza
está en el espíritu que desprecia al medidor de vidas, al sancionador crecido en marchas marciales que busca enmudecer los rebeldes timbales sonados en joviales pasos batucados.
Ya despertáis nerviosos AZUDENSES universales, caricias para animar a la lucha del crecer cada día.
Ya camináis, intrépidos ANIMADORES destripadores de los improductivos silenciosos tensos
SALTIMBANQUIS, MÚSICOS, RAPSODAS, PAYASOS, mostremos la vida, a los enterradores
Los primeros tienen abiertos los canales, donde tú puedes aportar y cuestionar las direcciones; los segundos desde sus direcciones, dirigen sus canales hacía sus bondades, obviando sus necedades.
Muestran al político, sus falsedades, ausencias y prepotencias; estas crecen usando la punición desde su sinrazón. Embaucadores en chaquetas, admiradas en la inocencia.
Cantan, comparten, escuchan, reflexionan y proponen, haciéndose cada día, ante el eterno impartidor, que expone a la adoración, que transmite para ser consumidos, que domina las esclavas luces.
Ironías ante las maquiavélicas guias, orientadoras satrapacias, cómodas entre incendiadores en unidireccionales humores huecos, pagados opinadores ungidos desde tasas apropiadas.
Risas nacidas entre el trabajo y la consciencia en la conciencia de una sociedad viva. Carcajadas licuosas al ser sorbidas en los mocarros macarros de los costurones infligidos por los apropiadores expropiadores.
Conocimiento que al darse, crece, fertilizando desiertos de la inacción, apostatas de las paralizantes verdades, transmutadas a merced del propietario.
Rebeldía nacida entre el torrente, manantial saltarin de piedras, escrutador de cuevas, labrador entre sifones lavadores, que seres punidores tapian entre sus cienos, para en su pútridas excrecencias, lanzan rayos acusadores, que asusten y guien al pío, impávido ante el desvarío del argentum desvío de lo que ¡yo! considero mío.
Juegos malabares, a veces circunstanciales, por ser diariamente crecidos entre los pulsos de los juvenales vuelos que pisan sólo juanetes de engrandecidos partidos, exhibidos para mostrarnos únicos, aunque juguetes gladiadores estén encorsetados en las muestras de limpiadas cloroformadas magnificencias.
Camina, pasea, habla, exhibe, descubre, ama, escucha, mira, siente para obviar al prepotente, para desnudar al saciado engalanado, para despreciar al envarado, para humillar al profesional apoltronado.
Bebo de Bebo, ritmico cuerpo en su ausencia, engalanará las articulaciones endurecidas, porque la danza
está en el espíritu que desprecia al medidor de vidas, al sancionador crecido en marchas marciales que busca enmudecer los rebeldes timbales sonados en joviales pasos batucados.
Ya despertáis nerviosos AZUDENSES universales, caricias para animar a la lucha del crecer cada día.
Ya camináis, intrépidos ANIMADORES destripadores de los improductivos silenciosos tensos
SALTIMBANQUIS, MÚSICOS, RAPSODAS, PAYASOS, mostremos la vida, a los enterradores
viernes, marzo 22, 2013
Construyendo un millón de casas en Argelia?
If some of our
Spanish enterprises are building free apartments in Algeria, paid by the governments and if these
people would be supported by Spanish banks that expel their debtors, or that
want obtain money, playing with the bad Bank. Should the judges, the Church
remind them that it’s unregulated and amoral earn money in a society that is giving free house
to their citizens, while working and speculates with people that are paying for
their eviction of banshees?
It’s not a
game, it’s not time to nice pious words.
How many retables have been paid by the money of bloody speculators?
How many retables have been paid by the money of bloody speculators?
Water's day
Four hour
later, I'm coming back to this laptop, when the river is closer to us than
winter weather.
Your kayak
was over the Arab bridge, I thought that it would be impossible that you'd try
to do it, because a fish man threw up cruel threats about our paddle. He was absolutely
calmed down when he cooked over it tasty bread, but certainly some seconds
later, you was there, on the emerald liquid with that little mermaid. Did it be
the reason about our eternal return to a drop which wakes up in the middle of
our stressful fight against the normal way?
Our dragons
drain off jumping in those landscapes where our mind rested although our body
would show our vivacity. It’s not time for memory: our steps are driving by our
old actions, eliminated superfluous flats that move us away from ourselves.
Water for thirsty
kids, rocking their awakening
Water for
farmers, looking at sweaty old hoe
Water for
citizens, sliding over their heavy ditches
Water jumps
over impudence, blinds the covetous
Kayak flows
gently towards mountains and towns
Boat sails winds
of our memories which builds
receives thousand of drops, boring through hardness
Laptop patiently
conjugates our past to keep the slippery future
Can our
wavering glances walk without looking our uncertainties?
Who was that lovely granddaddy
There, this lovely granddaddy showed us
An university without taxes, but now, he didn't look at us so firmly as five minutes before, he'd called stupid when he had recognised that silly man's picture that defended a youth people without hope in the formation, only waiting that the competition would be the solution.
Our society was the champion of corruption. Why a man, not to mention a politician, could not enjoy a scientific?
Hello, Daddy, can you give me a water glass?,
Oh thank you!, can you lift your foot on my neck?. When you're quietly walking in this wonderful forest where the trees are touching the fleecy clouds, should I show you that I only needed this small glass and that my clothes were so poors that you shouldn't give us clothes, houses and cars if we couldn't pay back?
Are your well balances days supported by insatiable and blind foundations?
Our steps are now sad and lost but we'll meet us
Another quarter. A donkey calmly saw a river
I'm only hearing, people is more brilliant than me to share diferent news. I should descrive you that nice sunset when the body felt so tired and the sky, draw peach sky color over the clouds?
Now, this night, another quarter has been finished, full of different experiences, what is the most incredible anecdote?
Perhaps, you could think about a fairy tale but this history was true, true and sad
The donkey was firmly stopping in the middle of that narrow highway. Two hours before, on the edge of our bed, he'd reminded me our last times, we would had had to walk together because his stallkeeper had fled with my wife.
We should both explained where we'd spent that unfortunate night but it was impossible, they don't understand us.
Can you help us to explain that Heidi was living near us?
Why my dear donkey doesn't like clear the highway?. He also loves this crazy girl that she's preferred live in the mountain and leave that misterious town.
Why those stupid jacketed people had given her money?. She didn't need it. That action had happened three years before.
She hadn't used the dirty bills. She was waiting these big trucks that would finally broke that loved mountain where Marcos had passed his last days, before go to Argentin, where Giorgio would show the mather's house
Now, this night, another quarter has been finished, full of different experiences, what is the most incredible anecdote?
Perhaps, you could think about a fairy tale but this history was true, true and sad
The donkey was firmly stopping in the middle of that narrow highway. Two hours before, on the edge of our bed, he'd reminded me our last times, we would had had to walk together because his stallkeeper had fled with my wife.
We should both explained where we'd spent that unfortunate night but it was impossible, they don't understand us.
Can you help us to explain that Heidi was living near us?
Why my dear donkey doesn't like clear the highway?. He also loves this crazy girl that she's preferred live in the mountain and leave that misterious town.
Why those stupid jacketed people had given her money?. She didn't need it. That action had happened three years before.
She hadn't used the dirty bills. She was waiting these big trucks that would finally broke that loved mountain where Marcos had passed his last days, before go to Argentin, where Giorgio would show the mather's house
jueves, marzo 21, 2013
Where death is praised over the knowledge
Gran Wyoming has asked to himself, where is the right extrem party in our country?. Alfons is going to visite the Salamanca University. There won't be problem. Nobody has showed his weapons; at least, the words aren't, are its?
When the main newspaper in that town pays attention about an unknown association, right extrem, that liars about the Alfons actions, because they're judges, my question would be: what kind of relationship exists between this newspaper, linked to right Party and these strange, deceitful and threatening right extrem associations?
Gran Wyoming has asked to himself, where is the right extrem party in our country?. Alfons is going to visite the Salamanca University. There won't be problem. Nobody has showed his weapons; at least, the words aren't, are its?
When the main newspaper in that town pays attention about an unknown association, right extrem, that liars about the Alfons actions, because they're judges, my question would be: what kind of relationship exists between this newspaper, linked to right Party and these strange, deceitful and threatening right extrem associations?
miércoles, marzo 20, 2013
Baño a los sentidos con las gotas de la memoria
Arboles florecientes batían las caricias del viento
colinas saciadas de ojos mares, en finito invierno
palabras pérdidas en pujanzas, reaprender lazos
Cienos, ya idos, agarro la eterna pala en caricias
titan en tu vida, creando columnas en amaneceres
busco el sol del membrillo que me una a ti, sabio
pinceles a la imperceptible brizna, solaz naciente
Brujo en teclas para liberar a la pareja ahogándose
mágicos juegos para increíbles equilibristas palabras
ahítos vuelos del siempre emigrante, espuelas en alas
creador de limites, pasajero en un cuerpo entregado
Viajeros al puente que abría la primavera, lluviosa
Soñadores traspasados de gotas benettianas, brumas
Bastones de dos caras, apoyadas en licuosas capas.
Pastorean las suaves lanas, cardadas, diosados tridentes
(Tell me I need you, nobody said it was been easy
coming back as we are) Coldplay, The Scientist
Arboles florecientes batían las caricias del viento
colinas saciadas de ojos mares, en finito invierno
palabras pérdidas en pujanzas, reaprender lazos
Cienos, ya idos, agarro la eterna pala en caricias
titan en tu vida, creando columnas en amaneceres
busco el sol del membrillo que me una a ti, sabio
pinceles a la imperceptible brizna, solaz naciente
Brujo en teclas para liberar a la pareja ahogándose
mágicos juegos para increíbles equilibristas palabras
ahítos vuelos del siempre emigrante, espuelas en alas
creador de limites, pasajero en un cuerpo entregado
Viajeros al puente que abría la primavera, lluviosa
Soñadores traspasados de gotas benettianas, brumas
Bastones de dos caras, apoyadas en licuosas capas.
Pastorean las suaves lanas, cardadas, diosados tridentes
(Tell me I need you, nobody said it was been easy
coming back as we are) Coldplay, The Scientist
Cliver Burr, bateria de los primeros Iron Maiden
Una bella persona, gran guitarrista y persona comprometida con la sociedad, me envia el siguiente mensaje:
Me acabo de enterar de la muerte de Cliver Burr, el que fuera batería de Iron Maiden durante sus tres primeros discos. Resulta que padecía una esclerosis múltiple, y resulta que sus excompañeros tuvieron que realizar conciertos benéficos para que pudiera afrontar los gastos y deudas que la enfermedad le ocasionó.
Me acabo de enterar de la muerte de Cliver Burr, el que fuera batería de Iron Maiden durante sus tres primeros discos. Resulta que padecía una esclerosis múltiple, y resulta que sus excompañeros tuvieron que realizar conciertos benéficos para que pudiera afrontar los gastos y deudas que la enfermedad le ocasionó.
Esto ha sucedido gracias a las privatizaciones con las que Margaret Thatcher
reventó el hasta entonces excelente sistema de salud británico, y del
que las actuales privatizaciones en el sistema de gestión hospitalaria
en España son una copia.
Pensad; ¿cuántos de vosotros sois amigos de una estrella del Rock si se diera el caso? y Si se arruinó este tío, que a lo mejor multimillonario no era, dado el tiempo que llevaba fuera de la banda, pero un currito tampoco (pensad en los royalties que recibiría de forma puntual solo por The Number of the Beast), entonces ¿que nos pasaría al resto?
lunes, marzo 18, 2013
¿Somos inocentes al confiarnos a un maltratador?
I don't know where you're. The World is full of abusers. I'd enjoy that you'd had a new "litle village" without these personages.
Why should we change the rules?
When a person kill an elephant; should he also change his habits?
Yes, if we had the opportunity, we should change the old ways which have driven us to our moral misfortune. We've placed our coexistence in the politicians' hands. This action has been our big mistake. Litle by litle, these politicians have ordered some salesman that they would show us exclusive paradises. When these havens have become hell, it was to late. They had the control over our lives and now, we should choose between bad options. There, after our waking up, he was.
Should a left party save a town with the help of an abuser who was recognized by his old right party in those moments?.
What is a society that accepts these persons and not protect a debilitated woman of the sexist tyranny?
When we're discovered our weakness, we've become wolves that we're looking for our own victims.
I wish you would be happier than us, althought some absences. We're living between large decorative hair comb without scruple, but well paid, and the magician of governments, paid by businness men, eager of their bits.
I'm looking for my sunset in the middle of the water because it was my shelter, I wait that you could enjoy your own shelter. And .... sorry, sorry because we don't change our society
Why should we change the rules?
When a person kill an elephant; should he also change his habits?
Yes, if we had the opportunity, we should change the old ways which have driven us to our moral misfortune. We've placed our coexistence in the politicians' hands. This action has been our big mistake. Litle by litle, these politicians have ordered some salesman that they would show us exclusive paradises. When these havens have become hell, it was to late. They had the control over our lives and now, we should choose between bad options. There, after our waking up, he was.
Should a left party save a town with the help of an abuser who was recognized by his old right party in those moments?.
What is a society that accepts these persons and not protect a debilitated woman of the sexist tyranny?
When we're discovered our weakness, we've become wolves that we're looking for our own victims.
I wish you would be happier than us, althought some absences. We're living between large decorative hair comb without scruple, but well paid, and the magician of governments, paid by businness men, eager of their bits.
I'm looking for my sunset in the middle of the water because it was my shelter, I wait that you could enjoy your own shelter. And .... sorry, sorry because we don't change our society
Hello, Are you Francisco?
Oh yes, after some minutes, we've decide to walk together. It was a nice dawn, cloudy but without wind. The hill, the trees and the river had remembered me those years when the kayak was my conexion with the life, with the nature. Now, that I'm far away of smoothness of the yellow leaves or stretched animal, I was walking with Paco, he also loves these landscapes; we didn't think about its owners. We saw life, beauty and simplicity.
In this context, perhaps, he's begun to speak about his next decisions, I only wanted to understand his topics:
Why should my family take the money of the people's taxes if we will develop our skills without continuing their ways?. It would be as if a privat school will take money of the common citizen but they, later, would indicate the right direction with their own rules.
When Francisco told those wise reflections, my excitement was bigger than ever, Would it be possible that the Church understand that they cannot make money, choosing their students from the freedom of the parents' money or "their free abality to" select students?.
He understood his steps as a discovered of their own essences, forgetting strange dreams of bad power.
Later, when we're climbing up a nice and no hard hill, a strange person arrived with a rotten apple; we saw that apple but we remembered that we had seen some apple trees with those delicious fruits. We cannot think about that solitary appearance. Could a governor be so miserable to show some rotten fruits without seeing the wonderful apple trees which are around us and them?
Could, Francisco asked me, the politicians forget their own rotten fruits or would they go abroad to look for other (rotten?) fruits, without knowing if these food would be good for us?
Joder, Francisco, thank you for your reflections. The next day, if you want, we can walk together. Is it be too late to go back, again, to the water?
In this context, perhaps, he's begun to speak about his next decisions, I only wanted to understand his topics:
Why should my family take the money of the people's taxes if we will develop our skills without continuing their ways?. It would be as if a privat school will take money of the common citizen but they, later, would indicate the right direction with their own rules.
When Francisco told those wise reflections, my excitement was bigger than ever, Would it be possible that the Church understand that they cannot make money, choosing their students from the freedom of the parents' money or "their free abality to" select students?.
He understood his steps as a discovered of their own essences, forgetting strange dreams of bad power.
Later, when we're climbing up a nice and no hard hill, a strange person arrived with a rotten apple; we saw that apple but we remembered that we had seen some apple trees with those delicious fruits. We cannot think about that solitary appearance. Could a governor be so miserable to show some rotten fruits without seeing the wonderful apple trees which are around us and them?
Could, Francisco asked me, the politicians forget their own rotten fruits or would they go abroad to look for other (rotten?) fruits, without knowing if these food would be good for us?
Joder, Francisco, thank you for your reflections. The next day, if you want, we can walk together. Is it be too late to go back, again, to the water?
sábado, marzo 16, 2013
I don't find out my blog
Yes, is this situation so badly as I'd thought?
No, really not; people should pay a fine because they're claiming about the stop auction, when the European Comunity has finally given them the reason.
Our government want to prioritize the Health Privat. They'r trying to close some different health centers; the judges have paralyzed these decisions. My friend are being fined.
Who should pay these fines?
It looks like easy to think that our government but, will they do?
The countryside waits me; I'm smelling the spring, I was water even in the middle of the cold weather
No, really not; people should pay a fine because they're claiming about the stop auction, when the European Comunity has finally given them the reason.
Our government want to prioritize the Health Privat. They'r trying to close some different health centers; the judges have paralyzed these decisions. My friend are being fined.
Who should pay these fines?
It looks like easy to think that our government but, will they do?
The countryside waits me; I'm smelling the spring, I was water even in the middle of the cold weather
lunes, marzo 11, 2013
Caminamos sendas de piedras sembradas

Tristeza por esta injusticia y porque en nombre de una mancillada libertad, el poderoso elige, no calidad sino exclusividad.
Caminamos ciegos en nuestro éxito, obviando al otro que me rodea, generando una violencia en las oportunidades, de la cual queremos estar exentos con nuestra ecuanimidad instalada en pequeñas poltronas.
Ciegos y confiados en los pasos a taimados bastones teledirigidos.
¿Nos extrañan los palos dados por gentes mandadas?
sábado, marzo 09, 2013
yesterday, I was reading "The Winter of the World"

but have I also been read this evening and night, wasn't it? Because in my book, why I'm seing this image, if this book hadn't pictures?
If I read yesterday, that two children have been murdered by the nazis in Akelberg, a hospital where handicapped people were hospitalized because they had big problems with their bodies. Some days before, Carla and Werner had read that the Arian people are losing ressources because the government must expend money for them. Would it be possible, at least, to make experiments with them?
The ways had been prepared; but why, I need an answer, why the up picture is in the middle of my book?
Can someone find out the solution?; is it true that the german society was later happier?; am I sleeping or is this book now an eternal book that bring up its pages?
Explorando alternativas
Thank you for all organisations that are helping us to understand our social and economic situation.
When the thug politician tries to get frightened us because they're driving confidential information about taxes, we want walk, avoiding this clumsy magician, vauous and only valuable because he's a puppet, driven by real economic forces
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