sábado, abril 16, 2011

no ser, para ser

When I begin a new day, in a small bed of a small village, I’m thinking the small things that were in the first time, it was able to born, an indifferent day.
She thoughts that she was prepared to drive the economic, her brother saw his friends and he thought that they were able to work together. She thought that she would help her brother and friends because she would need them.
Adan advised that they should work hard to produce good results. The woman and man think about the best opportunity to performer the world. She, perhaps, if she obtain a good result, she will love to be the Queen. Maybe the others if they work hard, they will understand that everyone can help their colleagues with their management. If the Queen has good feelings with the others, perhaps she opens a lot of doors. If the President can sell his jobs, the fellow countryman will be happier because they know their capacities.
A day, the love takes a woman or man, maybe he is not sure and he will need work more to buy the best TV, to buy the best car, house or beaches' apartment . There, A salesman would sell him the best but the man after this action, will know that he need to spend more days in his job. The love is freedom and the harder job will be a ways to find out her and, of course, to lost his freedom.
A day, the Queen married. She might choice if her daughter studies in a private school, if she was intelligent maybe the little girl will also be, and then she will need the best teacher. The Queen doesn’t the private school, which takes money of the citizens:
Maybe, some kilometers far away, every worker looks for the best opportunity to their children. They know the teachers and they have learned that the best people were themselves and they trust in the teacher that works hard. It would have an opportunity if they only taught but the Queen usually will need traveler to spill her intelligence and maybe she will need that the others look after her children; she, before, will have created a god and if the god's servants have the school, the circle will be close.
The community should take attention after finish the course to take attention for the children, ever if the worker in love’s children arrives later to obtain more money.

The grapes of wrath is a wonderful of John Steinbeck, it explain in the different chapters that the workers always come in where there is the money. It won’t be always easy find out it, and then people will stop in every small village. Some days before, they have nothing but the first that arrives in that village will be the poor police of the order that needs the Queen, for example.
Fifteen hours later, when other poor arrives to the village, he will be the people that unbalance the citizens. This situation will be extraordinarily dangerous. It is necessary that the authority take action.

Sometimes, I only drive my car, and the others say to me if I’m a Queen supporter or a republican supporter or if I’m a left’s man or a right’s man. If in my way, somebody wants to talk with me, I ‘m prepared but not preoccupied but I need to choice my better way.
Ever, if I thinks about the decrease as a good solution to our crazy crisis, other people dream with the bigger production that helps to find out jobs and news opportunities, I will have also chose and if the others can understand me, I'm happier but there is a moment where the way to split up. These day, I will have a name

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y