Acudo a un bar para tomar el café que ablande el afán de lectura deportiva, o pseudo deportiva y algún periódico de información provincial y general. Busco la tranquilidad y no molestar.
Llegan clientes que azuzan a lo guerreros del antifaz que van creando y alimentando irresponsables y furibundos ansiadores del poder, que luego delegan en amos privados. Se me hace desagradable oír los bafles de los destiladores del odio. Repiten alto y machudos el heno colectado por descerebrados a través de antenas bazofias conseguidas desde las hediondas porquerizas donde esconden el dinero robado a la sociedad que dicen defender.
Limpio la pesada oscuridad, entre las risas y las insaciables peticiones de ahora, una espada, ahora un perrito, ahora una flor,¡o se ha explotado!, acompañando a un jóvenes conscientes de las actuales limitaciones de los tiempos de crisis; ellos que intentar transmitir una mensaje en positivo.
Oigo la muerte, la jodía muerte que gana días, de Ernesto Sábado, escritor y sobre todo persona digna. Reconozco no haber leido nada o como mucho un libro de este autor. Oí su compromiso por los débiles contra los miserables adoradores del poder y ejecutadores con mantilla de días de rezo. Dió vida a madres que vagaban buscando pisar las huellas de sus hijos desaparecidos. No quedó conforme de premios, si antes no había iniciado el camino hacía la vida.
Silban los plácidos vientos de vidas pasajeras acomodaticios ritmos que nos hagan pasar los días sin despertar monstruos alimentados por odios y por las carencias de los débiles, antes explotados.
Me llaman, más de un ciudadano, para llenar urnas de votos. Quisieran algunos sólo los votos que les favorecieran. Quisiera yo el riesgo masivo que aunque perdedor una, dos, tres veces, se levantará entre las repletas urnas para decir sabemos lo que sóis y ahora no estamos dormidos, ahora queremos ser gobernadores con nuestros solitarios, ganáis batallas, pero nos falta poco para unirnos, si nos mentis.
Lo mismo me djavascript:void(0)ice Michael Moore, absolutamente necesario. Me llama, porque reconoce que el sólo no puede.
Nos necesitamos, porque que impotencia sentirán Obama no pudiendo quitar el poder a los desreguladores económicos, Zapatero, no pudiendo ayudar a la sociedad a la que ofreció bellas flores. Escritores le denostan, yo siempre me preguntare que existe detrás de todo para que apesebren libres quien tanto odio destilan entre púlpitos de indistintas lenguas.
Nos esperan, aunque el horizonte este tapiado. Siempre se pueden romper, escalar o incluso pasar por debajo, pero nunca morir sin luchar por ver la luz que amamos
sábado, abril 30, 2011
How many information!
I was especially tired the last week. I was listening to the different explanation about the nuclear problem in Japan; there was a lot of information about this topic. Maybe my English level and my head couldn’t follow all dates but a light switch on in my mind. Some years ago, I had watched the same tactic with other big problems in our country: Prestige. Then, a minister was reading for four hours to explaining a dirty and small information about those circumstances but that man didn’t talk us about the real problem. An oil boat had been a problem and the different governments: regional, national that had to take big decisions didn’t like take it. Ever, another country had to threat our government to indicate it that the oil ship had to go far away because that problem wasn’t his problem.
Last day, the situation was the same. The technical information about the nuclear problem is necessary and marvelous. They technicians, engineers and another have realized a big work. It is just and necessary because that it is their business
I know also that this society spends a lot of energy and that it is very difficult to stop these crazy rhythms.
Then, is it the nuclear energy our solution? In the first time, it is clean and not very expensive, although the safety is the most important concept to know it cost. This industrial enterprise doesn’t explain us that we had to take attention for thousand years because its effects don’t stop.
A important Dutch report shows us that they knows the problems and its solutions but this industry always has the economic targets. It is funny discover that, when the problems arrive, these men have tried to reduce some costs that they don’t believe necessaries. After a problem, a big problem as Fukusima; the newspapers discover that it had information about don’t make a nuclear plant near the sea or this country had a big problem with the earthquakes.
Then, why this situation arrives? These industries always obtain the possibilities to drive the government.
People have a lot off dreams that are necessary help it to increase. When people will know the prize, they haven’t other way, because the economic and politic power won’t say to us that it is impossible to return.
I would like to show other way, the way of the common people, common civil servants that pays their tax and haven’t possibilities to do trick with their moneys. Finally they know their possibilities- On the other hand, there is group of people that if they don’t earn a lot of money, everybody have a big problems. If it is a good time, they don’t stop with their money. But if the problems arrive, we have to help them even if before they don’t make attention to pay the taxes
Last day, the situation was the same. The technical information about the nuclear problem is necessary and marvelous. They technicians, engineers and another have realized a big work. It is just and necessary because that it is their business
I know also that this society spends a lot of energy and that it is very difficult to stop these crazy rhythms.
Then, is it the nuclear energy our solution? In the first time, it is clean and not very expensive, although the safety is the most important concept to know it cost. This industrial enterprise doesn’t explain us that we had to take attention for thousand years because its effects don’t stop.
A important Dutch report shows us that they knows the problems and its solutions but this industry always has the economic targets. It is funny discover that, when the problems arrive, these men have tried to reduce some costs that they don’t believe necessaries. After a problem, a big problem as Fukusima; the newspapers discover that it had information about don’t make a nuclear plant near the sea or this country had a big problem with the earthquakes.
Then, why this situation arrives? These industries always obtain the possibilities to drive the government.
People have a lot off dreams that are necessary help it to increase. When people will know the prize, they haven’t other way, because the economic and politic power won’t say to us that it is impossible to return.
I would like to show other way, the way of the common people, common civil servants that pays their tax and haven’t possibilities to do trick with their moneys. Finally they know their possibilities- On the other hand, there is group of people that if they don’t earn a lot of money, everybody have a big problems. If it is a good time, they don’t stop with their money. But if the problems arrive, we have to help them even if before they don’t make attention to pay the taxes
sábado, abril 23, 2011
Una tarde en el cine
She was undress and you should investigate every centimeter of that strange body.
A body’s prostitute lies together with a soul’s prostitute, this element has just left his children in an exclusive private school.
A white line waits disappear inside an alert brain.
Remind, the superintendent smiles when he opens the door;
The worker has woken up at six o'clock in the morning to prepare the new expensive car. A foreigner girl will look after his children.
She will send some money to a weak shack where her mother fights to get other daughter away of the drugs.
This daughter is going to dream to live in that country. She has a stunning beauty that has been besmirched by her father and some neighbors.
She dreams to be in domestic service for a rich man. If she obtains this job, she will open a hairdressing salon where a new beautiful girl will polish in another house that the lives’ gambler would has built to talk about his shiny experiments with the world economy.
This day, he won be able to sleep in that house. The wonderful prostitute has her rules: a hotel destroys any attempts of magician life. She had known and understood the prize to sell her body: she would be other medal for that crap.
Sometimes, she asked herself that these perverts being knew to be always in the top. The politician could change but they had the keys.
A body’s prostitute lies together with a soul’s prostitute, this element has just left his children in an exclusive private school.
A white line waits disappear inside an alert brain.
Remind, the superintendent smiles when he opens the door;
The worker has woken up at six o'clock in the morning to prepare the new expensive car. A foreigner girl will look after his children.
She will send some money to a weak shack where her mother fights to get other daughter away of the drugs.
This daughter is going to dream to live in that country. She has a stunning beauty that has been besmirched by her father and some neighbors.
She dreams to be in domestic service for a rich man. If she obtains this job, she will open a hairdressing salon where a new beautiful girl will polish in another house that the lives’ gambler would has built to talk about his shiny experiments with the world economy.
This day, he won be able to sleep in that house. The wonderful prostitute has her rules: a hotel destroys any attempts of magician life. She had known and understood the prize to sell her body: she would be other medal for that crap.
Sometimes, she asked herself that these perverts being knew to be always in the top. The politician could change but they had the keys.
viernes, abril 22, 2011
Forty years later, he ask in spite his intelligence?
Would had it been living happy in the middle of politician authorities and the financial powerful?
Was it beauty more important that its ideas? Some supporter show us theirs bottoms; is their lives so hard in front of the other communities?
Should I judge them when I don’t like some bad situation in my town and perhaps I wouldn’t accept some of their special symbols?
But, if I have accepted come in with them; Am I stupid freak that doesn’t take action in the real moments?
Was the moment when the other team supporters love this symbol or unless they are quiet with a national song?
I would like speak you about myself with my big ear that help me to listen to the different ideas and persons with their egoist positions;
I would like explain you about myself with my pest legs that its usually help to give me around dangerous positions but people don’t like because somebody said them that there are only two ways and if you take one, then your position is pollutant, but I had forgotten, the third group, who can criticize because they have found out the objective world where they have the equal opinion.
I would like show you my beauty and valuable silver plated and gold colored body. It is possible that you dream about me and the different ways to obtain me; you can work hard and without rest or maybe you can speculate with the money and company. Sometimes, the economic power helps us to speculate with the basic food (not conscience problems with the secondary effects: hungry between the poor people).
If the dictator help us to stabilize the oil our body will be happy but if the dictator want his power over his citizens then we can speculate with the expensive oil that it also help us for our wonderful world (the poor’s crowd born to dead.
Was it beauty more important that its ideas? Some supporter show us theirs bottoms; is their lives so hard in front of the other communities?
Should I judge them when I don’t like some bad situation in my town and perhaps I wouldn’t accept some of their special symbols?
But, if I have accepted come in with them; Am I stupid freak that doesn’t take action in the real moments?
Was the moment when the other team supporters love this symbol or unless they are quiet with a national song?
I would like speak you about myself with my big ear that help me to listen to the different ideas and persons with their egoist positions;
I would like explain you about myself with my pest legs that its usually help to give me around dangerous positions but people don’t like because somebody said them that there are only two ways and if you take one, then your position is pollutant, but I had forgotten, the third group, who can criticize because they have found out the objective world where they have the equal opinion.
I would like show you my beauty and valuable silver plated and gold colored body. It is possible that you dream about me and the different ways to obtain me; you can work hard and without rest or maybe you can speculate with the money and company. Sometimes, the economic power helps us to speculate with the basic food (not conscience problems with the secondary effects: hungry between the poor people).
If the dictator help us to stabilize the oil our body will be happy but if the dictator want his power over his citizens then we can speculate with the expensive oil that it also help us for our wonderful world (the poor’s crowd born to dead.
Do you live change your Spanish Coupe?
I was the Queen Coup. You have been able to see me. I was wonderful and valuable. They played with me. I would like that Shakira or Sara touch me but the others, men; you see, drink beer and were eruptives.
I had dreamed with the best football players: Messi, Andrés, Xavi and the others Pique, etc…; but I always love the best trainer that can drive a good team.
Maybe the journalists always say that the football is wonderful with these players and that it is not important the tactic situation but I always have though that the wonderful players with the wonderful tactic would be a very nice situation.
Now, Mourinho knows his players and their possibilities and he also knows the other team: Barcelona and he has prepared a wonderful tactic that is preventing the wonderful play of the best team in the world. The Mourinho's players have understood if they work very hard with the trainer's help, they can win the match. It is always important to know their limits. A good team look for minimize its and if it is possible to cover its.
It is an absurd and stupid approach from some sport journalist to indicate an idealistic situation when they want to forget every element that should help to performer a team.
Sorry, I always speak and speak about my knowledge and a clever being said to me, yesterday that I’m able to be a tiny thinker and don’t recognize my real situation
It is true when Sergio explain that I would like play with the Madrid supporters, maybe not to explain angrily that our situation is very bad and that they don’t be happy with an artificial situation but I saw their noisy happiness and I decide slope down to the street because it is easier explain them my ideas, but the Madrid bus ran over and I have been quiet, perhaps I have been quiet for always, because it is impossible to fight against the huge bus. I was nice, wonderful but weak and the only needed five seconds to demonstrate to me that I was mayfly.
If the supporters love this sport and they don’t take action for the bad moments that we live in this economic situation we will prepare some news where we performer amused match football.
Sometimes, he has to stop because the governor has a famous club and then his supporters love him. If a Spanish or England club has a manager who realize some bad actions in his communities but they drive a football club that obtains good results and their supporters wouldn’t renounce with their children to see the dreamed match.
Can a children supporter understand that it is more important the country’s money because it will open some opportunity for their inhabitants that the strange goal that obtains a mercenary player?. Maybe it would be a good performance if I take action with a movie where they could see a common citizen who is very happy when he shouts with the money’s governor to obtain a better life in his town.
The citizen player has jumped: he has a long hair, and his boots are beautiful. He dominates the ball (good schools, good hospital, and good playgrounds). The supporter will be that the society has good information about the money and then every child can play football, basketball or another sport in their playground or their parks.
I would be important to see that everyone lift their shirt to explain their happiness for these situations in every street.
Maybe the egoist men would show us their helps for the society when he obtains the organization of a world champion for us (the community) where the parents can earn a lot of money.
This day, I will stop; the powerful bus with it small things would have won another time.
Children and parents will see a good match with extraordinaire players and trainers and they will say us that they need these moments, not the visionary instants:
Are you seeing the Spain Coupe? Was it far away because it had afraid? Was it so happy in the middle of supporters?
Had it been living happy in the middle of politician authorities and the financial powerful?
I had dreamed with the best football players: Messi, Andrés, Xavi and the others Pique, etc…; but I always love the best trainer that can drive a good team.
Maybe the journalists always say that the football is wonderful with these players and that it is not important the tactic situation but I always have though that the wonderful players with the wonderful tactic would be a very nice situation.
Now, Mourinho knows his players and their possibilities and he also knows the other team: Barcelona and he has prepared a wonderful tactic that is preventing the wonderful play of the best team in the world. The Mourinho's players have understood if they work very hard with the trainer's help, they can win the match. It is always important to know their limits. A good team look for minimize its and if it is possible to cover its.
It is an absurd and stupid approach from some sport journalist to indicate an idealistic situation when they want to forget every element that should help to performer a team.
Sorry, I always speak and speak about my knowledge and a clever being said to me, yesterday that I’m able to be a tiny thinker and don’t recognize my real situation
It is true when Sergio explain that I would like play with the Madrid supporters, maybe not to explain angrily that our situation is very bad and that they don’t be happy with an artificial situation but I saw their noisy happiness and I decide slope down to the street because it is easier explain them my ideas, but the Madrid bus ran over and I have been quiet, perhaps I have been quiet for always, because it is impossible to fight against the huge bus. I was nice, wonderful but weak and the only needed five seconds to demonstrate to me that I was mayfly.
If the supporters love this sport and they don’t take action for the bad moments that we live in this economic situation we will prepare some news where we performer amused match football.
Sometimes, he has to stop because the governor has a famous club and then his supporters love him. If a Spanish or England club has a manager who realize some bad actions in his communities but they drive a football club that obtains good results and their supporters wouldn’t renounce with their children to see the dreamed match.
Can a children supporter understand that it is more important the country’s money because it will open some opportunity for their inhabitants that the strange goal that obtains a mercenary player?. Maybe it would be a good performance if I take action with a movie where they could see a common citizen who is very happy when he shouts with the money’s governor to obtain a better life in his town.
The citizen player has jumped: he has a long hair, and his boots are beautiful. He dominates the ball (good schools, good hospital, and good playgrounds). The supporter will be that the society has good information about the money and then every child can play football, basketball or another sport in their playground or their parks.
I would be important to see that everyone lift their shirt to explain their happiness for these situations in every street.
Maybe the egoist men would show us their helps for the society when he obtains the organization of a world champion for us (the community) where the parents can earn a lot of money.
This day, I will stop; the powerful bus with it small things would have won another time.
Children and parents will see a good match with extraordinaire players and trainers and they will say us that they need these moments, not the visionary instants:
Are you seeing the Spain Coupe? Was it far away because it had afraid? Was it so happy in the middle of supporters?
Had it been living happy in the middle of politician authorities and the financial powerful?
miércoles, abril 20, 2011
Reflexiones con Madiba
I’m always reading your post about the “masdeunciudano” situation. It is a time for me, where I’m spending a lot of time to learn English. If I write you in this language, it is not an arrogant action because you can read a lot of mistakes in my reports. On the other hand, maybe I cannot explain all my feelings about your questions and the most important for us, the lack of communication and action among the citizens.
It is a time where every citizen should take action about their problems in the society. There are a lot of news, book and reports which indicates us that we haven’t other possibilities that continue the economic, politician power when its forces take position for our life.
My message is just opposite: everyone should take notion about his power.
I recognize that Power knows that every individual person haven’t a big importance, in the first time but if every citizen takes part in his life decision and, the most important if every citizen begin to know his real possibilities maybe this situation would change. We’re being individual but we’re always implicated in the society although some rich man appeals to our different personality but it is neccesary recognize that we are always in the world.
It is a strange time, where the mediocre politician drives their supporter to defend stupid actions. .
We haven’t any guide; we will need that everyone takes conscience about their possibilities. An extraordinaire man should always help us to take decisions; finally we have understood that this is our job.
Man must know their power but man also should know his limits
Today, we haven’t this guide but we need take action because the powerful men drove our life but we have discovered the most important idea in our life: the publicity sells us the paradise but it doesn’t explain the big cost.
Nelson Mandela, Madiba drove the crowd towards a wonderful hope. I will try to explain a book about an extraordinary and wonderful history
I have been able to read again the John Carlin book, “Invictus” (the first time, in Spanish: “el factor humano” about the important moment when South Africa takes conscience about be one nation. He describes these exciting years where Mandela, in the first time, came out the jail and he opens his mind and his arms to pacify a divide nation. All this book a marvelous story. John has look for the different point of vu. You can feel the hard situations in these moments when the right wing or black Zulus are able to drive to dark minds that lead towards the chaos and the catastrophes. Maybe, it was necessary those steps. It has been impossible some years more with that situation but Mandela took the intelligence step to fight with the love and the understanding of the other.
It is moving when Nelson look for the Constant Vijoens hand or when he receives Francois Pienaar.
The first man drives the right wing in this country; when the black people going to take the control, they think about the street fighting possibilities.
It is the moment where his brother calls him to prepare a meeting with Nelson Mandela. I imagine all the elements. Nelson has been though 27 years of his life in the jail. He knew that they were unfairs to him. On the other side, Constant always has heart that this black man was the evil.
It’s always Mandela who takes control about the situation and his looks for the Constant’s hand and he also laugh with the sunrise of an old friend.
It is the moment, where the higher wall would be destroyed, of the same way that a tsunami tombs the bigger barriers.
Then, you try to understand, to visualize that the violence of a group has the different ways and sometimes, an honest man opens a peace way if he has the nobility to come out himself to think about everybody. This action is not easy and we can usually see with poor and dishonest men but they only boost his ego and the blind supporters that believe these closed worlds.
The other exciting situation, it is when Nelson has a meeting with Francois Pienaar, this young is the captain of Springboks, the rugby man has his world around this discipline and the black problem is away of these daily concerns. Maybe, he is worrier the black people generate problems than that is the original situation.
Nelson Mandela understood that the rugby, the most important thing for the Afrikaners after their god and their ground would be the element to join his country if he could explain to Francois his projects.
From the first day, M. Pienaar understood his important role in this situation and even when his colleagues didn’t understand every step. He continued that way that Madiba and Pienaar had thought to help South Africa.
John Carlin also describe the hard moments that had to live some black men that had been jailed their last years. They had token the Country control and the easiest for them, it would have been moved away the white men of the centre control.
It is a powerful picture to imagine the hard black man that until the last moment, he doesn’t take position with the national rugby team and he will change his preferences only when he’s seing his wife and children as the Springboks supporter. If they have been able to change when they have lived without husband and father for some years then he should open his heart because his country needs an opportunity.
The white power are other important persons in this book, Botha, de Klerk and another white men understood that that was the moment to take action. The other countries in the world don’t allow the apartheid and the inside situation between the black community and the Afrikaner were dangerous and unbearable.
They had jailed Nelson Mandela for 27 years, they would like to show the black community and also the world community his power but now that was not realistic.
Nelson Mandela was an old layer and citizen that had show them his disposition to begin a new way without violence and resentment. He had learned the Afrikaner language that was the oppressive language.
From the first time, he takes control about those moments and other white men help him to decide the right way although I think Nelson had drawn every step that he thought necessary to obtain his final target.
It is a time where every citizen should take action about their problems in the society. There are a lot of news, book and reports which indicates us that we haven’t other possibilities that continue the economic, politician power when its forces take position for our life.
My message is just opposite: everyone should take notion about his power.
I recognize that Power knows that every individual person haven’t a big importance, in the first time but if every citizen takes part in his life decision and, the most important if every citizen begin to know his real possibilities maybe this situation would change. We’re being individual but we’re always implicated in the society although some rich man appeals to our different personality but it is neccesary recognize that we are always in the world.
It is a strange time, where the mediocre politician drives their supporter to defend stupid actions. .
We haven’t any guide; we will need that everyone takes conscience about their possibilities. An extraordinaire man should always help us to take decisions; finally we have understood that this is our job.
Man must know their power but man also should know his limits
Today, we haven’t this guide but we need take action because the powerful men drove our life but we have discovered the most important idea in our life: the publicity sells us the paradise but it doesn’t explain the big cost.
Nelson Mandela, Madiba drove the crowd towards a wonderful hope. I will try to explain a book about an extraordinary and wonderful history
I have been able to read again the John Carlin book, “Invictus” (the first time, in Spanish: “el factor humano” about the important moment when South Africa takes conscience about be one nation. He describes these exciting years where Mandela, in the first time, came out the jail and he opens his mind and his arms to pacify a divide nation. All this book a marvelous story. John has look for the different point of vu. You can feel the hard situations in these moments when the right wing or black Zulus are able to drive to dark minds that lead towards the chaos and the catastrophes. Maybe, it was necessary those steps. It has been impossible some years more with that situation but Mandela took the intelligence step to fight with the love and the understanding of the other.
It is moving when Nelson look for the Constant Vijoens hand or when he receives Francois Pienaar.
The first man drives the right wing in this country; when the black people going to take the control, they think about the street fighting possibilities.
It is the moment where his brother calls him to prepare a meeting with Nelson Mandela. I imagine all the elements. Nelson has been though 27 years of his life in the jail. He knew that they were unfairs to him. On the other side, Constant always has heart that this black man was the evil.
It’s always Mandela who takes control about the situation and his looks for the Constant’s hand and he also laugh with the sunrise of an old friend.
It is the moment, where the higher wall would be destroyed, of the same way that a tsunami tombs the bigger barriers.
Then, you try to understand, to visualize that the violence of a group has the different ways and sometimes, an honest man opens a peace way if he has the nobility to come out himself to think about everybody. This action is not easy and we can usually see with poor and dishonest men but they only boost his ego and the blind supporters that believe these closed worlds.
The other exciting situation, it is when Nelson has a meeting with Francois Pienaar, this young is the captain of Springboks, the rugby man has his world around this discipline and the black problem is away of these daily concerns. Maybe, he is worrier the black people generate problems than that is the original situation.
Nelson Mandela understood that the rugby, the most important thing for the Afrikaners after their god and their ground would be the element to join his country if he could explain to Francois his projects.
From the first day, M. Pienaar understood his important role in this situation and even when his colleagues didn’t understand every step. He continued that way that Madiba and Pienaar had thought to help South Africa.
John Carlin also describe the hard moments that had to live some black men that had been jailed their last years. They had token the Country control and the easiest for them, it would have been moved away the white men of the centre control.
It is a powerful picture to imagine the hard black man that until the last moment, he doesn’t take position with the national rugby team and he will change his preferences only when he’s seing his wife and children as the Springboks supporter. If they have been able to change when they have lived without husband and father for some years then he should open his heart because his country needs an opportunity.
The white power are other important persons in this book, Botha, de Klerk and another white men understood that that was the moment to take action. The other countries in the world don’t allow the apartheid and the inside situation between the black community and the Afrikaner were dangerous and unbearable.
They had jailed Nelson Mandela for 27 years, they would like to show the black community and also the world community his power but now that was not realistic.
Nelson Mandela was an old layer and citizen that had show them his disposition to begin a new way without violence and resentment. He had learned the Afrikaner language that was the oppressive language.
From the first time, he takes control about those moments and other white men help him to decide the right way although I think Nelson had drawn every step that he thought necessary to obtain his final target.
domingo, abril 17, 2011
gran ilusión, en una pequeña alegria
Surge el día que te dé un respiro,
miedo a otra intervención aunque liberadora
alojó tu cuerpo, el indeseable mal
agresiones para liberarte del agresor.
Contemplamos la acción en tu joven cuerpo
dólidos por incapaces en tu ayuda
Sonreimos por tu agradable presencia
Estimula recibir tu ironia,
hacia la pastilla necesaria
cuando el profesor busca palabras,
que dance su agradecimiento por tenerte
Si no te has rendido y entre nosotros
contemplastes el alivio a la dura opresión
siento la grandeza de tu inconformismo,
me bañan las tranquilas lágrimas
de saberte otra vez en médicas manos
Apelo a verte navegando
entre las aguas que danzan mi mente,
fueran tu ayuda, revelación a acciones temidas.
Has hecho posible verte, en las inclemencias
tapada por el árbol regador
sentada preparada para el cantador a lluvias
abriendo ojos al cariño, entre sombrios velos.
Y aquí esperando tenerte, luchadora
contemplo un nuevo amanecer
siendo dominado el sol, por tu sonrisa
despertando, en el egoista deseo
de no renunciar a lo que nos has dado
y soñando ser el insaciable bicho
que coma el mal, que te aleja
y nos deja descolocados, buscando ayuda
cuando quisieramos ofrecerte sonrisas
La silla esta lista, tus compañeros, inquietos
el profe, sin remedio ni pastilla,
sólo queremos que tomes tu asiento,
que vivas entre las inquietudes juveniles
que abras la caja de pándora al clown.
Nos conformamos con el cielo, por tenerte
miedo a otra intervención aunque liberadora
alojó tu cuerpo, el indeseable mal
agresiones para liberarte del agresor.
Contemplamos la acción en tu joven cuerpo
dólidos por incapaces en tu ayuda
Sonreimos por tu agradable presencia
Estimula recibir tu ironia,
hacia la pastilla necesaria
cuando el profesor busca palabras,
que dance su agradecimiento por tenerte
Si no te has rendido y entre nosotros
contemplastes el alivio a la dura opresión
siento la grandeza de tu inconformismo,
me bañan las tranquilas lágrimas
de saberte otra vez en médicas manos
Apelo a verte navegando
entre las aguas que danzan mi mente,
fueran tu ayuda, revelación a acciones temidas.
Has hecho posible verte, en las inclemencias
tapada por el árbol regador
sentada preparada para el cantador a lluvias
abriendo ojos al cariño, entre sombrios velos.
Y aquí esperando tenerte, luchadora
contemplo un nuevo amanecer
siendo dominado el sol, por tu sonrisa
despertando, en el egoista deseo
de no renunciar a lo que nos has dado
y soñando ser el insaciable bicho
que coma el mal, que te aleja
y nos deja descolocados, buscando ayuda
cuando quisieramos ofrecerte sonrisas
La silla esta lista, tus compañeros, inquietos
el profe, sin remedio ni pastilla,
sólo queremos que tomes tu asiento,
que vivas entre las inquietudes juveniles
que abras la caja de pándora al clown.
Nos conformamos con el cielo, por tenerte
sábado, abril 16, 2011
no ser, para ser
When I begin a new day, in a small bed of a small village, I’m thinking the small things that were in the first time, it was able to born, an indifferent day.
She thoughts that she was prepared to drive the economic, her brother saw his friends and he thought that they were able to work together. She thought that she would help her brother and friends because she would need them.
Adan advised that they should work hard to produce good results. The woman and man think about the best opportunity to performer the world. She, perhaps, if she obtain a good result, she will love to be the Queen. Maybe the others if they work hard, they will understand that everyone can help their colleagues with their management. If the Queen has good feelings with the others, perhaps she opens a lot of doors. If the President can sell his jobs, the fellow countryman will be happier because they know their capacities.
A day, the love takes a woman or man, maybe he is not sure and he will need work more to buy the best TV, to buy the best car, house or beaches' apartment . There, A salesman would sell him the best but the man after this action, will know that he need to spend more days in his job. The love is freedom and the harder job will be a ways to find out her and, of course, to lost his freedom.
A day, the Queen married. She might choice if her daughter studies in a private school, if she was intelligent maybe the little girl will also be, and then she will need the best teacher. The Queen doesn’t the private school, which takes money of the citizens:
Maybe, some kilometers far away, every worker looks for the best opportunity to their children. They know the teachers and they have learned that the best people were themselves and they trust in the teacher that works hard. It would have an opportunity if they only taught but the Queen usually will need traveler to spill her intelligence and maybe she will need that the others look after her children; she, before, will have created a god and if the god's servants have the school, the circle will be close.
The community should take attention after finish the course to take attention for the children, ever if the worker in love’s children arrives later to obtain more money.
The grapes of wrath is a wonderful of John Steinbeck, it explain in the different chapters that the workers always come in where there is the money. It won’t be always easy find out it, and then people will stop in every small village. Some days before, they have nothing but the first that arrives in that village will be the poor police of the order that needs the Queen, for example.
Fifteen hours later, when other poor arrives to the village, he will be the people that unbalance the citizens. This situation will be extraordinarily dangerous. It is necessary that the authority take action.
Sometimes, I only drive my car, and the others say to me if I’m a Queen supporter or a republican supporter or if I’m a left’s man or a right’s man. If in my way, somebody wants to talk with me, I ‘m prepared but not preoccupied but I need to choice my better way.
Ever, if I thinks about the decrease as a good solution to our crazy crisis, other people dream with the bigger production that helps to find out jobs and news opportunities, I will have also chose and if the others can understand me, I'm happier but there is a moment where the way to split up. These day, I will have a name
She thoughts that she was prepared to drive the economic, her brother saw his friends and he thought that they were able to work together. She thought that she would help her brother and friends because she would need them.
Adan advised that they should work hard to produce good results. The woman and man think about the best opportunity to performer the world. She, perhaps, if she obtain a good result, she will love to be the Queen. Maybe the others if they work hard, they will understand that everyone can help their colleagues with their management. If the Queen has good feelings with the others, perhaps she opens a lot of doors. If the President can sell his jobs, the fellow countryman will be happier because they know their capacities.
A day, the love takes a woman or man, maybe he is not sure and he will need work more to buy the best TV, to buy the best car, house or beaches' apartment . There, A salesman would sell him the best but the man after this action, will know that he need to spend more days in his job. The love is freedom and the harder job will be a ways to find out her and, of course, to lost his freedom.
A day, the Queen married. She might choice if her daughter studies in a private school, if she was intelligent maybe the little girl will also be, and then she will need the best teacher. The Queen doesn’t the private school, which takes money of the citizens:
Maybe, some kilometers far away, every worker looks for the best opportunity to their children. They know the teachers and they have learned that the best people were themselves and they trust in the teacher that works hard. It would have an opportunity if they only taught but the Queen usually will need traveler to spill her intelligence and maybe she will need that the others look after her children; she, before, will have created a god and if the god's servants have the school, the circle will be close.
The community should take attention after finish the course to take attention for the children, ever if the worker in love’s children arrives later to obtain more money.
The grapes of wrath is a wonderful of John Steinbeck, it explain in the different chapters that the workers always come in where there is the money. It won’t be always easy find out it, and then people will stop in every small village. Some days before, they have nothing but the first that arrives in that village will be the poor police of the order that needs the Queen, for example.
Fifteen hours later, when other poor arrives to the village, he will be the people that unbalance the citizens. This situation will be extraordinarily dangerous. It is necessary that the authority take action.
Sometimes, I only drive my car, and the others say to me if I’m a Queen supporter or a republican supporter or if I’m a left’s man or a right’s man. If in my way, somebody wants to talk with me, I ‘m prepared but not preoccupied but I need to choice my better way.
Ever, if I thinks about the decrease as a good solution to our crazy crisis, other people dream with the bigger production that helps to find out jobs and news opportunities, I will have also chose and if the others can understand me, I'm happier but there is a moment where the way to split up. These day, I will have a name
sábado, abril 09, 2011
Have we forgotten something or somebody?
He forgot to be slave of somebody or something
Because you’re in the street
Because you look for ways to recognize
You teach me in the middle of your sad.
It is not easy live without money but it is not happy live for the money.
The children’s life and your life have the powerful sunrise of your own way. Thousand of windows open to show us some dehumanized beauties that we could touch because we’re small gods.
Ask these salesmen how is the prize and we live thinking that ever the friend’s present can drive us our next life. Is it positive if you lost your freedom?
1.500 signatures are the most important action in the last year in our town. Maybe the politician should to take some decision.
We are sitting down around the golf course. The irrigation spends a lot of water at an April day. The golf salesman show me the excellent future, they can pay the water and also to create some employment. What I can say to him. After April, “water thousand” or Mai “forty or Mai doesn’t take off the smock”. He says to me these sentences and I only see the sky, the sun and the thirty degree, it is only the first week of April. Everything is wonderful, but, why I always ask me? Why, I ask me, somebody can pay my shortage?
Maybe it is a perfect day, the salesman dress special clothes and also special sunrise. Maybe, I don’t if it is the same that he would be able to use to stabs my back. It is a perfect day, these green are green, the hole is round and from the balcony, he sees and he is seen for the others.
Her owner shows him, the good food, the good house and the good life and he loves the Alcarria sun together with the green golf green course without water where the putt of the financial broker is shared with the show broker than in the same kilometer show us the wonderful golf world and the wonderful fascination of the desert and its curious camels.
All these possibilities could be seen from the train a extraordinaire experience to the people who loves the environmental world. When he came in from Guadalajara to Alcala, the passengers admires the delicate approach; but when he will came back in the same seat, he could to see the camels in its usual habitat, dry ground and lack of vegetation, but this doesn’t pay and the golf course is, of course, generous with us: it floor is green and its players show us our possible worlds.
I visited, a lot of years ago, a new kayak facility. The important trainer whispered the solution to obtain a high capacity in the kayak competition.
There, I understood that in the middle of the sport facilities, the jaws are prepared, the predatory only needs that the unsuspecting prey wants to know the unachievable beauty.
When, the space is open to these insatiable animals, you need remind that the carpet hidden their poverties if they cannot help you to fight against the wild economics and builders
Because you’re in the street
Because you look for ways to recognize
You teach me in the middle of your sad.
It is not easy live without money but it is not happy live for the money.
The children’s life and your life have the powerful sunrise of your own way. Thousand of windows open to show us some dehumanized beauties that we could touch because we’re small gods.
Ask these salesmen how is the prize and we live thinking that ever the friend’s present can drive us our next life. Is it positive if you lost your freedom?
1.500 signatures are the most important action in the last year in our town. Maybe the politician should to take some decision.
We are sitting down around the golf course. The irrigation spends a lot of water at an April day. The golf salesman show me the excellent future, they can pay the water and also to create some employment. What I can say to him. After April, “water thousand” or Mai “forty or Mai doesn’t take off the smock”. He says to me these sentences and I only see the sky, the sun and the thirty degree, it is only the first week of April. Everything is wonderful, but, why I always ask me? Why, I ask me, somebody can pay my shortage?
Maybe it is a perfect day, the salesman dress special clothes and also special sunrise. Maybe, I don’t if it is the same that he would be able to use to stabs my back. It is a perfect day, these green are green, the hole is round and from the balcony, he sees and he is seen for the others.
Her owner shows him, the good food, the good house and the good life and he loves the Alcarria sun together with the green golf green course without water where the putt of the financial broker is shared with the show broker than in the same kilometer show us the wonderful golf world and the wonderful fascination of the desert and its curious camels.
All these possibilities could be seen from the train a extraordinaire experience to the people who loves the environmental world. When he came in from Guadalajara to Alcala, the passengers admires the delicate approach; but when he will came back in the same seat, he could to see the camels in its usual habitat, dry ground and lack of vegetation, but this doesn’t pay and the golf course is, of course, generous with us: it floor is green and its players show us our possible worlds.
I visited, a lot of years ago, a new kayak facility. The important trainer whispered the solution to obtain a high capacity in the kayak competition.
There, I understood that in the middle of the sport facilities, the jaws are prepared, the predatory only needs that the unsuspecting prey wants to know the unachievable beauty.
When, the space is open to these insatiable animals, you need remind that the carpet hidden their poverties if they cannot help you to fight against the wild economics and builders
viernes, abril 08, 2011
they oppen dark ways
The last Thursday, I saw the “masdeunciudadano” meeting. I stopped some minutes but three weeks ago, I decided not take action for this association, then after an half hour, I came out.
When yesterday and today, I’ve heard that they have obtained 1.500 signatures, I’m very happy for them and also for the our city.
I’m seeing this society with a big preoccupation, I always say that it is necessary wake up and at Guadalajara, these people help us to look other ways, then
Why I don’t like to help them. ?.
Where I’m situated? Where I could help in?
I have been listening, more and less, your post; when Alberto sent us his ten points, its subjects are very interesting for me; I will write later;
I’m also tired when the principal subject of our society is the politician salary or corruption.
But, where are our capacities?
When I heard that the electrical and economic power doesn’t return our money and that they indicate our economic way,
Why the electrical power gives us its price and we cannot impose the water price when they spend it?
The builder and speculators drive us toward a wrong way that we take it, from these days, we were caught and from these days we cannot take the free decision. The consumerism is our freedom and also our principal problem. Sometimes, have we criticized them?
Will be capable to drive our life?
Alberto told us about the housing problem. Has an easy solution?
- The politicians have been in the builder hands: they create a lot of employments and richness
- The builder haven’t moral limits when they want to obtain their targets
- A possible solution: Javier told us about the local committee that studies next town growth.
But, this problem finishes here? I have freedom when I must pay an enormous price for a field that before was a plowing field?
The freedom’s rich men are the slavery of the people without ground.
The water is the other principal problem. The bad politician those that say to us our power to increase our money and also our wonderful life without spend. We should show them the real cost.
I have written sometimes about an incredible day in Edinburgh, there, two young was playing golf in the middle of the city. I was summer and when I ran at the morning, the August sun was very funny, four hours later; it was raining for all afternoon and evening. That happened the last week of August. The next week when I came in to Alcala and I saw the first moment of the new golf spaces. I understood better the crazy dreams of our society. We would like to live an unreal life.
Sometimes, we take dreams but cold iron of our bed show us our real possibilities
When yesterday and today, I’ve heard that they have obtained 1.500 signatures, I’m very happy for them and also for the our city.
I’m seeing this society with a big preoccupation, I always say that it is necessary wake up and at Guadalajara, these people help us to look other ways, then
Why I don’t like to help them. ?.
Where I’m situated? Where I could help in?
I have been listening, more and less, your post; when Alberto sent us his ten points, its subjects are very interesting for me; I will write later;
I’m also tired when the principal subject of our society is the politician salary or corruption.
But, where are our capacities?
When I heard that the electrical and economic power doesn’t return our money and that they indicate our economic way,
Why the electrical power gives us its price and we cannot impose the water price when they spend it?
The builder and speculators drive us toward a wrong way that we take it, from these days, we were caught and from these days we cannot take the free decision. The consumerism is our freedom and also our principal problem. Sometimes, have we criticized them?
Will be capable to drive our life?
Alberto told us about the housing problem. Has an easy solution?
- The politicians have been in the builder hands: they create a lot of employments and richness
- The builder haven’t moral limits when they want to obtain their targets
- A possible solution: Javier told us about the local committee that studies next town growth.
But, this problem finishes here? I have freedom when I must pay an enormous price for a field that before was a plowing field?
The freedom’s rich men are the slavery of the people without ground.
The water is the other principal problem. The bad politician those that say to us our power to increase our money and also our wonderful life without spend. We should show them the real cost.
I have written sometimes about an incredible day in Edinburgh, there, two young was playing golf in the middle of the city. I was summer and when I ran at the morning, the August sun was very funny, four hours later; it was raining for all afternoon and evening. That happened the last week of August. The next week when I came in to Alcala and I saw the first moment of the new golf spaces. I understood better the crazy dreams of our society. We would like to live an unreal life.
Sometimes, we take dreams but cold iron of our bed show us our real possibilities
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