domingo, julio 25, 2010

A strange Island

Este verano es muy raro. Estaba tumbado en una hamaca, repasando mi inglés, con una amiga flamenca y el suave viento marino, me trajo este papel que en inglés, con sus fallos, no sé detectarlos, trata de explicarme esto del bilingüismo. Algo he entendido. En fín,

I lived in a wonderful country. We were happy and we lived slow down, but a day, a queen bee arrived. She was very nice and she looks at every person, everyone thought that he was the most important person in the world but we couldn't understand her!. Then, all lazybones wouldn't speak her language. Everyone was "the best" for her.
That decision changed our habits; Now, we needed to live very fast because our new language had many difficulties than we just knew; when we finished our job, we came back fast to our house:
. We spent our time in our new English house where the tea was drunk a five o'clock and every house had a small and very nice garden although we haven't water.
The taylor made us English hats and black umbrellas, uncomfortable and hots but, finally, English.
We couldn't play the cards because we didn't know theirs English names. Then, we learned play football and cricket because we mustn't speak and their rules are easy.
Every afternoon, we spent three hours to play the target in the pub. Some days we drunk a lot, It was English's spirit

We understood later, but it would had been better, If we would had payed their holidays in our house: sun, music, wine, but we didn't speak English, and of course, we were embarrassment, we were the losing. Then every summer our village was clossed, we came out around the world, “the first was the English”. We were the new pilgrims. The Saint Jacques's highway was clossed.

I wanted the slown down life but, now my mind was slowly, The books are read by me with more difficult. We watch the English TV where all day people told about their new celebrities, every week these celebrities were changed by the media boss. That was good for us. A goat, one week was the celebrity

English Queen Bee loved us. She had the new houses, the new autobiography books. Her smile was si wonderful!

The first problem was with our elephant. We have a big elephant. He loves us! but when we spoke English wit him, he opened his ears, but it was impossible for him to understand us . A day, he cames out our village. We needed one month to know where he was, and two months later, he cames back. We promised to speak Spanish with him

The second problem, last problem, She wouldn't like to kill the Bulls, but that was impossible. She came back her country but the banks learns us English and sent the money to the wonderful country of our dear Queen Bee. The dreams have the bad wake up.

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Siameses y mercader

Siameses y mercader
Zaida, Fernando y