domingo, marzo 08, 2015

Who is Francis?

This president could be a person who lives near you. He always says me the right words: our region you will have to choose your next jobs because we're going to create its (a liar president of a community could say, four years ago).

This man also can explain that our country is the best in the World. He would like to share our greatness with his actions. He always looks like to be worry about our safety, our future, our environmental problems. Who don't love this patriot being?

Maybe you? Who, a day, whit diarrhoea, must be in a toilette where Francis and Claire prepares their next liars, or the hard threat, or perhaps the new agreement with a corrupt, or murderer or speculator being.

You're watching these wild lovers of power in the TV, a weak sensation; you're living in a city where a obsessed being shows us liberal ideas, social concerns and happy images, sometimes stupid; today, not me, my friend is cooking a Spanish omelette, she's nice and she comes in your toilette. Although oil sounds a lot, my friend hears the threat to a nurse, the guidelines to their TV, the support for corrupt and wretched old ministers. My friend won't finally cook a omelette, he will fight to clean his society of these criminal minds, because, with these people, "the Spanish holocaust" by Paul Preston or "II World War" by Anthony Beevor are being developed around us.

My inaction is the food of Francis. My complaint could wake up the Wild side of the political killers.

The life is harder without hope    

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