Clavan hechos para la desesperanza
Horizonte sangrante sin nuevo sueño
incisión que deshilacha osado aquiles
escaleras a los quartiere intelligente
Patricia, navegó en mares impunes
palma caricias para un dulce abrazo
crear propios Can Vies, vil porrazo
al diferente; florido tapiz nos mece
Ser vida, para pedalear adoquines
Ser sueño para bañar los candados
domingo, febrero 22, 2015
sábado, febrero 21, 2015
I inflate my finger
Someone writes me about discovering the new politicians. Nobody, years before, asked me for explain the robberies of the last years. Pretty parties show the best clothes after passing their shits across a cleaner.
Why these funny people don't say any words with these corrupt actions that have been developed for years?
Everyone has shared their beds with dark ambitions. These nasty moments have clossed our noses and now our breath have broken our dignity.
Why ask you me for know, my friends who have fought to discover our reality? Everyone of them have more dignity than your owners who ellaborate unscropoluous report? Taking care of your own decissions, your owners wouldn't be so sure
Why these funny people don't say any words with these corrupt actions that have been developed for years?
Everyone has shared their beds with dark ambitions. These nasty moments have clossed our noses and now our breath have broken our dignity.
Why ask you me for know, my friends who have fought to discover our reality? Everyone of them have more dignity than your owners who ellaborate unscropoluous report? Taking care of your own decissions, your owners wouldn't be so sure
viernes, febrero 20, 2015
Daño mentalizado
Orgullo de conocer a quienes han buscado saber, en medio de la maraña de ayudas concedidas por poderes económicos a partidos políticos que durante años se han exhibido como pavos reales tan estúpendos como pagados.
Orgullo de mis compañeros que sólo han sufrido persecución cuando han querido saber, por parte, incluso de seres ileterados que ansían el poder para reconocerse incautos en su barrabasadas.
Orgullo de conocer a miembros de Podemos, que han hecho emerger una esperanza, en una sociedad encadenada y expoliada por seres honorables, aunque sólo sea en la visión de sus ropas.
Acuchillar la realidad, quienes han remozado obras viejas, con paneles pintados, en su esencia, de odios
Orgullo de mis compañeros que sólo han sufrido persecución cuando han querido saber, por parte, incluso de seres ileterados que ansían el poder para reconocerse incautos en su barrabasadas.
Orgullo de conocer a miembros de Podemos, que han hecho emerger una esperanza, en una sociedad encadenada y expoliada por seres honorables, aunque sólo sea en la visión de sus ropas.
Acuchillar la realidad, quienes han remozado obras viejas, con paneles pintados, en su esencia, de odios
viernes, febrero 13, 2015
It's a cold weather with sunny images
I should prepare the scripts of "Pretty woman"
Hello George, nice to meet you. What did itt happen with your wonderful sunrise?
Oh dear, can I?, We're here in the restaurant where you're found your last boy friend!
This is the place where your friends enjoy that I show my weakness. I'd like show you that funny lake where some years ago, I played kayak.
- Why not? He went out,
- ja! Do you like discover that place?, She hesitated
- Come on. Is it not there where people sell their body?
- Oh please, we were at lake; of course, we saw and knew that awful life (those times) but we crazily played without stopping
- Can we play a moment?
- Oh yes, I bought a kayak and we can share these new experiences
- three hours later
Oh, can we return the next days?. The places, sightseeing, this sport and you
Georges, you're openning close windows!
That high school restaurant will be the sad circle to stupid and unhuman being!
Hello George, nice to meet you. What did itt happen with your wonderful sunrise?
Oh dear, can I?, We're here in the restaurant where you're found your last boy friend!
This is the place where your friends enjoy that I show my weakness. I'd like show you that funny lake where some years ago, I played kayak.
- Why not? He went out,
- ja! Do you like discover that place?, She hesitated
- Come on. Is it not there where people sell their body?
- Oh please, we were at lake; of course, we saw and knew that awful life (those times) but we crazily played without stopping
- Can we play a moment?
- Oh yes, I bought a kayak and we can share these new experiences
- three hours later
Oh, can we return the next days?. The places, sightseeing, this sport and you
Georges, you're openning close windows!
That high school restaurant will be the sad circle to stupid and unhuman being!
lunes, febrero 02, 2015
Volver a verla, "Novecento", despacio, deglutiéndola en pastillas, entre ruidos de las impotencias que nos hemos labrado.
Acostado, compatiendo la prostituida belleza del gozo inmediato, con su amigo rico.
Duda, mas hierve la sangre de martillo eterno caduco; ¡disfrutar junto al rico! ser cabeza de pedestal para la foto del futuro. Rasgado el gozo, en el quebranto del espejo timador
Si, aceptarnos en nuestras debilidades, negarnos a la caida, compartir por fin la esencia del ser caído para dar la mano que haga red.
Saber que en los conciábulos de los miserables, en la cestilla cedida, uno aportará lo robado, otro lo sustraido y otro lo retenido para alimentar a los ogros; triste es observar al que escurre sus monedas sudadas, aunque necesitara el céntimo. Derrotada la decencia, postrada al ladrón
Acostado, compatiendo la prostituida belleza del gozo inmediato, con su amigo rico.
Duda, mas hierve la sangre de martillo eterno caduco; ¡disfrutar junto al rico! ser cabeza de pedestal para la foto del futuro. Rasgado el gozo, en el quebranto del espejo timador
Si, aceptarnos en nuestras debilidades, negarnos a la caida, compartir por fin la esencia del ser caído para dar la mano que haga red.
Saber que en los conciábulos de los miserables, en la cestilla cedida, uno aportará lo robado, otro lo sustraido y otro lo retenido para alimentar a los ogros; triste es observar al que escurre sus monedas sudadas, aunque necesitara el céntimo. Derrotada la decencia, postrada al ladrón
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