If I also write here it will be because I don’t know where the clue to wake up people Some person said to me that maybe I would be a little dictator because I could think that I’m the most brilliant man in the world. I’m afraid about this but I fight to analyze always where I’m and I also read and heard my friends.
WHEN SOMEBODY SAID TO ME that I could have the most beautiful world and they don’t say to me how it is the prize. I have two thought:
- Why I need to take something that I never haven’t liked, and after this
- How many expenses increased my life to pay my new situation?
Finally, I always want to drive my ways, that it is the most important
The advertisement’s paradise has a wrong mistake for us(not for them because they know very well) that we should always to know, the prize.
The politician aren’t able to have control over the financial power after this power had needed the people help. There are some politicians that don’t want that we have the real power over them. Why?. Maybe, we know people that work in the dark jobs and economic, we say it because this situation help us some time but finally, the country has less tax, less public services and also the workers have worst job’s conditions.
The clown will stop near himself to analyze his life and after he will performer every idea but he show it very crazy and very strong. He will do ridiculous; then, when he wants a new house, he would like the bigger and wonderful and maybe if he has lost his friend to prepare the barbecue, he’s able to buy some human toys to show them in the grass, after the neigborhood will listen to Bruce Springsteen's songs in the grass and then he will have a wonderful barbecue where his neighborhood would like to visit his new house.
Other day the clown looks for the best new car to show it in his job or in his new street.
The clown will speak very bad about the dictator but he has a lot of spends and then, he will have to visit these persons to buy them the energy that they have. Then, when he show his new life’s condition, he will go higher because down him, there are a lot of dead, murderer for the dictators that he said to hate them and now, he kiss them.
After all these situations, a clown wants to help his society, then he arrives to the door a political party, he explains his ideas and the political party power laughs with him but finally, he discover that he will help in the low actions and the boss takes decisions to help their families and their friends.
He remembered that wonderful clown that walked away in a dusty way
domingo, marzo 27, 2011
sábado, marzo 26, 2011
Ten years ago, Simplicius, a bad clown, disappeared in a strong day when he discovered that his performance was a bad action and a bad help to the clowns.
He came out sad and silence. We thought that that man had lost to the clown. These days when, I have been watching TV, I recognized him because his name was the same and I also saw his sight but now he spoke English. In the first moment, it was very difficult understand him after I discovered that the linguistic was less important than his voice that he use to drive the rhythm in every moment.
He lived in Great Britain; today, he explains in his video that he has heard Mr. Cameron that he said that privatization will be the solution but immediately, I remembered that the financial bank and the insatiable private
Fortune had originated the last financial world crisis then we are stupid? Or, is it a liar over our thoughts?
Simplicius explains in his video his new performances
The clown had prepared the different performers and I would like to saw them. Really, I should recognize that his English level was better than before but he should practice some hours if he would like to show them in Britain.
The clown performed a water defense where he told about the dessert and the chaos after a wild environmental human action.
The clown played with the rhythm and the movement. The most important subject was that we were an important solutions in our problems. Maybe, the politician, the financial power, some people that use the Trade Union wouldn’t be so powerful if we take our own lives and our dreams were our own dreams. The clown used to say us with some visual action that our power was in our action:
He showed them not the wonderful paradise of the publicity and every day when he had to pay everything of their expenses.
He also showed the happiness to learn other ways where the money wasn’t the most important thing in their lives.
People think that the clown always are a stupid idealistic and the dark power, a lot of times, work to indicate it; here, it is important the tale of the naked king whom nobody spoke him about this nakedness. Now, we are the little kings that we don’t know where it is our weak in this society; we only want to know that we are the king but this solution is a way without return when the powerful close our life toward their solutions than they have, of course.
The builders, the financial power and their slaves never let us to take our own decision.
Every morning when I watch TV or listened to the radio, I’m amazing the advertisement power. I don’t believe that nobody could fight against them.
Sometimes, I think if my actions are very stupid (I don't use my car after a month) but I also think if 100.000 persons token other habits, the economic power would change their arrogances.
I recognized that some days, it is difficult that I don't take the car because it will be more easy to return soon to my house. But it is a good time because I'm able to write and to read the English Book; I also walk that now it is better to me.
I also have the idea that I wouldn’t like to help these dictators that our society help because we need spend a lot of energy that they have.
Our reality looks for some crazy men because it is necessary don’t stop our world, unless the powerful said to us that.
He came out sad and silence. We thought that that man had lost to the clown. These days when, I have been watching TV, I recognized him because his name was the same and I also saw his sight but now he spoke English. In the first moment, it was very difficult understand him after I discovered that the linguistic was less important than his voice that he use to drive the rhythm in every moment.
He lived in Great Britain; today, he explains in his video that he has heard Mr. Cameron that he said that privatization will be the solution but immediately, I remembered that the financial bank and the insatiable private
Fortune had originated the last financial world crisis then we are stupid? Or, is it a liar over our thoughts?
Simplicius explains in his video his new performances
The clown had prepared the different performers and I would like to saw them. Really, I should recognize that his English level was better than before but he should practice some hours if he would like to show them in Britain.
The clown performed a water defense where he told about the dessert and the chaos after a wild environmental human action.
The clown played with the rhythm and the movement. The most important subject was that we were an important solutions in our problems. Maybe, the politician, the financial power, some people that use the Trade Union wouldn’t be so powerful if we take our own lives and our dreams were our own dreams. The clown used to say us with some visual action that our power was in our action:
He showed them not the wonderful paradise of the publicity and every day when he had to pay everything of their expenses.
He also showed the happiness to learn other ways where the money wasn’t the most important thing in their lives.
People think that the clown always are a stupid idealistic and the dark power, a lot of times, work to indicate it; here, it is important the tale of the naked king whom nobody spoke him about this nakedness. Now, we are the little kings that we don’t know where it is our weak in this society; we only want to know that we are the king but this solution is a way without return when the powerful close our life toward their solutions than they have, of course.
The builders, the financial power and their slaves never let us to take our own decision.
Every morning when I watch TV or listened to the radio, I’m amazing the advertisement power. I don’t believe that nobody could fight against them.
Sometimes, I think if my actions are very stupid (I don't use my car after a month) but I also think if 100.000 persons token other habits, the economic power would change their arrogances.
I recognized that some days, it is difficult that I don't take the car because it will be more easy to return soon to my house. But it is a good time because I'm able to write and to read the English Book; I also walk that now it is better to me.
I also have the idea that I wouldn’t like to help these dictators that our society help because we need spend a lot of energy that they have.
Our reality looks for some crazy men because it is necessary don’t stop our world, unless the powerful said to us that.
sábado, marzo 19, 2011
Josefina, tu que abres
Ahora que termina el trimestre
toca juzgar tareas a alumnos,
sintiendo la impotencia
por querer haber hecho, lo no explicado
Viendo que se escapan sus tiempos,
en un sistema acartonado,
imaginas aquí, entre whos e English
veredas que eludan francas autovias
He oido hablar de tu cole, de tu reto:
asumir el riesgo de educa,
evitando taras por siglos impuestas
lo acogen gentes de inquietudes, pudiendo
Desafiar 225 corazones, para, en la carretera vedada,
encuentren salidas a sus ritmos y sueños
Itacas, para no ser apartadas de juveniles inquietudes
primaveras no abocadas a hastiantes heladas
Besos lanzados desde trenes a eternos profesores
estaciones en una ida de variantes colores
canciones salidas en vagones vitales
arrebata el corazón el poder al plástico,
entre libros, músicas y sonrisas despertadoras
Postrado queda el cuerpo, huye la mente
fatigosa tarea, cuando luce el día
entre los saberes adquiridos;
compartir quisiera los hábitos que me muestran
toca juzgar tareas a alumnos,
sintiendo la impotencia
por querer haber hecho, lo no explicado
Viendo que se escapan sus tiempos,
en un sistema acartonado,
imaginas aquí, entre whos e English
veredas que eludan francas autovias
He oido hablar de tu cole, de tu reto:
asumir el riesgo de educa,
evitando taras por siglos impuestas
lo acogen gentes de inquietudes, pudiendo
Desafiar 225 corazones, para, en la carretera vedada,
encuentren salidas a sus ritmos y sueños
Itacas, para no ser apartadas de juveniles inquietudes
primaveras no abocadas a hastiantes heladas
Besos lanzados desde trenes a eternos profesores
estaciones en una ida de variantes colores
canciones salidas en vagones vitales
arrebata el corazón el poder al plástico,
entre libros, músicas y sonrisas despertadoras
Postrado queda el cuerpo, huye la mente
fatigosa tarea, cuando luce el día
entre los saberes adquiridos;
compartir quisiera los hábitos que me muestran
domingo, marzo 06, 2011
When I'm running
I'm dreaming my town, my dance, my friends.
When I'm running near my dear family,
I'm seeing the persons that would like change
a world enslave for the business
When I'm running near the Barcelona stadium
I'm dreaming a honest club
that he reconigze his real power
to performer the best football
When I'm running near CCCB
I'm hearing Josep, Joan, Pepe, Lliure Teatre
that analised the world
to look for other life without slaves under us
When I'm running near Olympic Stadium
I would dream the little room
where many "bitifoul" Bardem fight
to survive between relinquished lives
When I'm running near my dear family,
I'm seeing the persons that would like change
a world enslave for the business
When I'm running near the Barcelona stadium
I'm dreaming a honest club
that he reconigze his real power
to performer the best football
When I'm running near CCCB
I'm hearing Josep, Joan, Pepe, Lliure Teatre
that analised the world
to look for other life without slaves under us
When I'm running near Olympic Stadium
I would dream the little room
where many "bitifoul" Bardem fight
to survive between relinquished lives
sábado, marzo 05, 2011
Liberal world?, when I live between people.
Liberal world, when I live between people.
I want my freedom when I live in my neighborhood,
I want my freedom when they say me that I have the opportunity to buy a new apartment and they don’t say me where the problems will be in my future.
I would like my freedom when they say me about the possibility to spend oil, gas or energy but I haven’t information about our society. Our power slave other countries.
I would like my freedom when they open the door toward a crazy development where some persons earn a lot of money but I must pay the big problems that they have produced.
I want my freedom at the school but not to classified people for the money. What freedom is that?
I want my freedom because I know you, I’m sad because you could take “your power” that is very difficult snatch you
Why the society think that you can create job, money or a happy world?.
Why the society ask to the socialist party a wonderful world and not forgiven the mistakes?
Is not some liberal actions that have created the big crisis?. Are bigger the mistakes of socialist party than this liberal crisis?
I’m not politic, I’m a politic man that doesn’t accept this situation, I would like that my government say to me the true about our country and ask me fight from our reality that I know that is not the reality of the right party world .
Some people say to me that maybe it is better that they govern and then people will know their actions but not, I prefer that the left party govern with their mistakes that will be our mistakes, or:
Somebody knew the crash of the construction or somebody knew the crash of financial world?
We would like some slave countries if we had the oil cheaper?.
I don’t like your happy world. I would like knowledge to increase my freedom but I will take my own tools
I want my freedom when I live in my neighborhood,
I want my freedom when they say me that I have the opportunity to buy a new apartment and they don’t say me where the problems will be in my future.
I would like my freedom when they say me about the possibility to spend oil, gas or energy but I haven’t information about our society. Our power slave other countries.
I would like my freedom when they open the door toward a crazy development where some persons earn a lot of money but I must pay the big problems that they have produced.
I want my freedom at the school but not to classified people for the money. What freedom is that?
I want my freedom because I know you, I’m sad because you could take “your power” that is very difficult snatch you
Why the society think that you can create job, money or a happy world?.
Why the society ask to the socialist party a wonderful world and not forgiven the mistakes?
Is not some liberal actions that have created the big crisis?. Are bigger the mistakes of socialist party than this liberal crisis?
I’m not politic, I’m a politic man that doesn’t accept this situation, I would like that my government say to me the true about our country and ask me fight from our reality that I know that is not the reality of the right party world .
Some people say to me that maybe it is better that they govern and then people will know their actions but not, I prefer that the left party govern with their mistakes that will be our mistakes, or:
Somebody knew the crash of the construction or somebody knew the crash of financial world?
We would like some slave countries if we had the oil cheaper?.
I don’t like your happy world. I would like knowledge to increase my freedom but I will take my own tools
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